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View Full Version : Three things that would convince me Obama is the AntiChrist...

08-05-2015, 09:07 PM
If Obama does any of these three things, he's the AntiChrist:

1. Starts pushing to be allowed a third term as US President
2. Starts pushing to become Secretary-General of the UN
3. Negotiates some kind of peace treaty between the Arab states and Israel

If he doesn't do any of them, then I guess he's not the AntiChrist - he's then just a clueless (but somehow egotistical) bad President. Let's hope that's all he is.

01-10-2016, 03:57 PM
I'm replying to a dead thread I created 5 months ago because of a new article I just saw.

The original thread was that there were 3 things that, if they happened, would make me worry that Obama might actually be the Antichrist.

The three things were:
1. He starts pushing for a 3rd term as US President
2. He starts pushing to be Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency
3. He negotiates a treaty between Israel and Arab states.

Well, apparently, item #2 in my list might be coming true. Here the news article:

Obama is reportedly pushing to become Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency. If you read the article, this is also prompting Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu to negotiate with some Arab states to prevent this, which isn't quite the same as item #3, but is kind of close. And, of course, who know what kind of treaty Obama might try to push through involving Iran during the next year.

Despite the fact that there's a lot of things about the Antichrist that Obama does not match up with, I find it kind of eerie.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2016, 04:10 PM
I'm replying to a dead thread I created 5 months ago because of a new article I just saw.

The original thread was that there were 3 things that, if they happened, would make me worry that Obama might actually be the Antichrist.

The three things were:
1. He starts pushing for a 3rd term as US President
2. He starts pushing to be Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency
3. He negotiates a treaty between Israel and Arab states.

Well, apparently, item #2 in my list might be coming true. Here the news article:

Obama is reportedly pushing to become Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency. If you read the article, this is also prompting Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu to negotiate with some Arab states to prevent this, which isn't quite the same as item #3, but is kind of close. And, of course, who know what kind of treaty Obama might try to push through involving Iran during the next year.

Despite the fact that there's a lot of things about the Antichrist that Obama does not match up with, I find it kind of eerie.
I previously missed this thread. The obama is a globalist puppet and the globalists are the entity(ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT) that the Anti-Christ takes over.

I may post more on this later but my poetry comes first today.
Have three more poem requests to write for and send to people asking for such for a charitable cause... -TYR

Abbey Marie
01-11-2016, 12:11 AM
It is getting more weird all the time.

01-11-2016, 07:23 AM
I believe that Obama is a narcissist who loves power, and won't ever give it up willingly. Added to that is his desire to do all he can to further a One World government goal.

Obama said in a BBC interview that he's liked more outside the US than he is within it. I believe that to be true, at least, if my own country is any indicator. So he may well be taken on board as a favoured candidate for the Secretary General position.

And, yes. If he ever gets it, I believe it'll be a dark day for Israel.

01-11-2016, 10:05 AM
If Obama does any of these three things, he's the AntiChrist:

1. Starts pushing to be allowed a third term as US President
2. Starts pushing to become Secretary-General of the UN
3. Negotiates some kind of peace treaty between the Arab states and Israel

If he doesn't do any of them, then I guess he's not the AntiChrist - he's then just a clueless (but somehow egotistical) bad President. Let's hope that's all he is.

He's all about his "legacy" and pushing every REAL decision off on the next President. Fact is, his legacy will be: The President that was actually worse than Jimmy Carter. Hell, he's worse than William Henry Harrison who died 30 days into office.

He's trampled the Constitution as much or more than Lincoln.

01-11-2016, 10:16 AM
I'm replying to a dead thread I created 5 months ago because of a new article I just saw.

The original thread was that there were 3 things that, if they happened, would make me worry that Obama might actually be the Antichrist.

The three things were:
1. He starts pushing for a 3rd term as US President
2. He starts pushing to be Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency
3. He negotiates a treaty between Israel and Arab states.

Well, apparently, item #2 in my list might be coming true. Here the news article:

Obama is reportedly pushing to become Secretary-General of the UN right after his Presidency. If you read the article, this is also prompting Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu to negotiate with some Arab states to prevent this, which isn't quite the same as item #3, but is kind of close. And, of course, who know what kind of treaty Obama might try to push through involving Iran during the next year.

Despite the fact that there's a lot of things about the Antichrist that Obama does not match up with, I find it kind of eerie.

I think if he wants to hold public office again he should go for Mayor of Chicago and put his money where his crocodile tears are. AND his Secret Service protection should be stripped of their firearms.

01-11-2016, 08:58 PM
Obama is worse than that. He's so worried about his legacy, the ANTICHRIST is a sweetheart, compared to Obummer-in-Crap.

01-11-2016, 09:23 PM
I think if he wants to hold public office again he should go for Mayor of Chicago and put his money where his crocodile tears are. AND his Secret Service protection should be stripped of their firearms.

"Report: Obama Wants to Become UN Secretary General"

"It seems President Obama has no intention of stepping out of the White <nobr>House (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/01/10/report-obama-wants-to-become-un-secretary-general-netanyahu-doing-everything-he-can-to-stop-him-n2102416#)</nobr>and fading from the limelight. No, he’s got his sights set on the world stage—this time as secretary general of the United Nations, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.
But not all world leaders are keen to see this come to fruition...."


Seems he was thinking about this for awhile...

May 25, 2013


01-11-2016, 10:16 PM
"Report: Obama Wants to Become UN Secretary General"

"It seems President Obama has no intention of stepping out of the White <nobr>House (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/01/10/report-obama-wants-to-become-un-secretary-general-netanyahu-doing-everything-he-can-to-stop-him-n2102416#)</nobr>and fading from the limelight. No, he’s got his sights set on the world stage—this time as secretary general of the United Nations, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.
But not all world leaders are keen to see this come to fruition...."


Seems he was thinking about this for awhile...

May 25, 2013


I'd appoint him defendant in US v Obama for usurping the Constitution.

Abbey Marie
01-12-2016, 03:17 AM

Black Diamond
01-12-2016, 03:24 AM
He's been used by Satan for sure. But I don't think he is popular enough to be the Antichrist.

Black Diamond
01-12-2016, 03:45 AM
"Report: Obama Wants to Become UN Secretary General"

"It seems President Obama has no intention of stepping out of the White <nobr>House (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/01/10/report-obama-wants-to-become-un-secretary-general-netanyahu-doing-everything-he-can-to-stop-him-n2102416#)</nobr>and fading from the limelight. No, he’s got his sights set on the world stage—this time as secretary general of the United Nations, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.
But not all world leaders are keen to see this come to fruition...."


Seems he was thinking about this for awhile...

May 25, 2013


Hasn't he wrecked the world enough?

01-12-2016, 07:05 AM
My avatar says he is but honestly he is just a stupid ass yard ape turned community organizer, turned Jr. Senator and then elected by folks as idiotic as him. His legacy will not only be that of the worst American president ever but he will also be know as the ghetto scum that got into office and tried to burn the bitch down, the Bitch being America. Only difference between him and the rioters is he is a better liar.

01-12-2016, 07:16 AM
He's been used by Satan for sure. But I don't think he is popular enough to be the Antichrist.

Perhaps not in America. But you should see this from our side of the Pond.

The BBC treated Obama's having given them an exclusive interview as a major news event !! And I mean that literally. Their 'BBC News' domestic channel spent several hours, quite literally billing the fact of that interview as their number one news item in news bulletins, ahead of everything else they were due to report on .. almost as if they'd managed to get an interview from Jesus Christ !!

So, OK, the BBC is a Leftie outfit. But what made them think that they could get away from treating it as a major bona fide 'news item', in the minds of the British public, unless they were confident of their receptiveness and welcoming attitude to anything he had to say ??

01-12-2016, 09:54 AM
He's been used by Satan for sure. But I don't think he is popular enough to be the Antichrist.

He isn't smart enough to be the Antichrist.

01-12-2016, 10:14 AM
Perhaps not in America. But you should see this from our side of the Pond.

The BBC treated Obama's having given them an exclusive interview as a major news event !! And I mean that literally. Their 'BBC News' domestic channel spent several hours, quite literally billing the fact of that interview as their number one news item in news bulletins, ahead of everything else they were due to report on .. almost as if they'd managed to get an interview from Jesus Christ !!

So, OK, the BBC is a Leftie outfit. But what made them think that they could get away from treating it as a major bona fide 'news item', in the minds of the British public, unless they were confident of their receptiveness and welcoming attitude to anything he had to say ??

They do that here too. It's like, "Who cares?" He'll babble on about something or another for an hour and say absolutely nothing. He's been on TV more than ANY other President in my lifetime and had less substance than ANY President we've ever had. Yet the media acts like it's some big deal and I'll be busting out my 1930s DVDs tonight.

THEN, they'll drag it out and all the pundits will :deadhorse: for the next week until he can figure out a new deflection they can :deadhorse: about.

And Fox News is the worst. They have the same talking heads on night after night, and just rotate them around their top 4 shows. And each show will cover the exact same stories. If Trump farts, Hannity can tell you what he had for dinner.

And they need to get rid of Geraldo and that idiot Juan Williams. Number One rated news show my ass.

01-12-2016, 10:23 AM
Hasn't he wrecked the world enough?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2016, 10:45 AM
He's all about his "legacy" and pushing every REAL decision off on the next President. Fact is, his legacy will be: The President that was actually worse than Jimmy Carter. Hell, he's worse than William Henry Harrison who died 30 days into office.

He's trampled the Constitution as much or more than Lincoln.

Far, far more than Lincoln and with far far , far greater contempt .
Lincoln was fighting to reunite us, whereas, the obama traitor is fighting to utterly destroy us
in favor of his muslim brothers, mohamboy the pervert and a murdering cult called Islam. . -Tyr

01-12-2016, 11:06 AM
Far, far more than Lincoln and with far far , far greater contempt .
Lincoln was fighting to reunite us, whereas, the obama traitor is fighting to utterly destroy us
in favor of his muslim brothers, mohamboy the pervert and a murdering cult called Islam. . -Tyr

Not sure. Lincoln's actions took away people's Rights -- freedom of speech, imposed martial law, instituted the draft, and trampled the 10th Amendment. What we are seeing now are the fruits of his labors -- a monarchy by any other name in DC.

Abbey Marie
01-12-2016, 11:35 AM
Perhaps not in America. But you should see this from our side of the Pond.

The BBC treated Obama's having given them an exclusive interview as a major news event !! And I mean that literally. Their 'BBC News' domestic channel spent several hours, quite literally billing the fact of that interview as their number one news item in news bulletins, ahead of everything else they were due to report on .. almost as if they'd managed to get an interview from Jesus Christ !!

So, OK, the BBC is a Leftie outfit. But what made them think that they could get away from treating it as a major bona fide 'news item', in the minds of the British public, unless they were confident of their receptiveness and welcoming attitude to anything he had to say ??

That is disturbing.

01-12-2016, 11:45 AM
That is disturbing.

The same is done here, Abs, just on a larger scale. If you want actual news you can stay up until about 12 or 1 your time and watch the British CNN broadcast. While no big fan of CNN's pundits, the news shows DO report actual news.

Otherwise, and as in everything else politico, you're going to get prearranged questions and prearranged answers to them and depending on which channel you are on will depend on who watches. I'd rather be a POW than sit through even one hour of Rachel Maddow. Or that other idiot Chris Farley. And the sheeple will pray. Reminds me of the Simon and Garfunkel song Sounds of Silence.

01-12-2016, 03:57 PM
The same is done here, Abs, just on a larger scale. If you want actual news you can stay up until about 12 or 1 your time and watch the British CNN broadcast. While no big fan of CNN's pundits, the news shows DO report actual news.

Otherwise, and as in everything else politico, you're going to get prearranged questions and prearranged answers to them and depending on which channel you are on will depend on who watches. I'd rather be a POW than sit through even one hour of Rachel Maddow. Or that other idiot Chris Farley. And the sheeple will pray. Reminds me of the Simon and Garfunkel song Sounds of Silence.

Actual news, maybe. But tell me. Their coverage of the 'refugee crisis', as we know it to be in Europe .. are their reports unceasingly sympathetic to the 'refugees' plight', concentrating on how 'needy' they all are, even to the exclusion of any consideration of who - or WHAT - some of them may be ? The BBC seem blind to any possibility (and want us to be, too ..) that a proportion of them could be ISIS terrorists.

Certainly in domestic broadcasts, the BBC keeps showing us coverage talking about the great need there is for countries to allow them to settle. In fact, in the past day or 2 they've shifted emphasis over to Calais, a location that some will now have had a chance to reach (over & above those already there) .. and talked about conditions there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-14-2016, 06:40 PM
Actual news, maybe. But tell me. Their coverage of the 'refugee crisis', as we know it to be in Europe .. are their reports unceasingly sympathetic to the 'refugees' plight', concentrating on how 'needy' they all are, even to the exclusion of any consideration of who - or WHAT - some of them may be ? The BBC seem blind to any possibility (and want us to be, too ..) that a proportion of them could be ISIS terrorists.

Certainly in domestic broadcasts, the BBC keeps showing us coverage talking about the great need there is for countries to allow them to settle. In fact, in the past day or 2 they've shifted emphasis over to Calais, a location that some will now have had a chance to reach (over & above those already there) .. and talked about conditions there.

Where was all that "let them in" shouting, when the Christians were being slaughtered by the ffing muslim scum???
Thats right these suddenly concerned and sympathetic bastards uttered not a damn word!-- :mad::mad:--Tyr

01-15-2016, 01:44 AM
Simply foolish to give a shit about the AntiChrist.

01-15-2016, 09:19 AM
Actual news, maybe. But tell me. Their coverage of the 'refugee crisis', as we know it to be in Europe .. are their reports unceasingly sympathetic to the 'refugees' plight', concentrating on how 'needy' they all are, even to the exclusion of any consideration of who - or WHAT - some of them may be ? The BBC seem blind to any possibility (and want us to be, too ..) that a proportion of them could be ISIS terrorists.

Certainly in domestic broadcasts, the BBC keeps showing us coverage talking about the great need there is for countries to allow them to settle. In fact, in the past day or 2 they've shifted emphasis over to Calais, a location that some will now have had a chance to reach (over & above those already there) .. and talked about conditions there.

Depends on who you listen to. The right wants no part of them. Obama and his army of do-gooders are using passive-aggressive guilt trip crap and he can't get enough of being in front of the camera on a daily basis, and the media covers his every word.

Crap, why do these jihadists think they have to invade militarily when the West is just holding the for open for them to saunter right on in? U also don't feel much sympathy for people who expect others to do their fighting for them.