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08-07-2015, 03:01 AM

Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid By Robert Costa and Anne Gearan August 5

Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape.

Clinton’s personal office in New York confirmed that the call occurred in late May, but an aide to Clinton said the 2016 race was never specifically discussed and that it was only a casual chat.

The talk with Clinton — the spouse of the Democratic presidential front-runner and one of his party’s preeminent political strategists — came just weeks before Trump jumped into the GOP race and surged to the front of the crowded Republican field.

The revelation of the call comes as many Republicans have begun criticizing Trump for his ties to Democrats, including past financial donations to the Clintons and their charitable foundation.


08-07-2015, 05:02 AM

08-07-2015, 05:02 AM
I hope this means nothing other than two old men talking.

I read tonight the Post's synopsis of the debate. I think they must have listened to a different debate than that which I listened to, so I tend to take what they say with a grain of salt. Also, I read some disturbing stuff this week about Bob Woodward's journalistic ethics that made me think twice about him and the whole sordid Washington Post crew.

08-07-2015, 08:09 AM

What I posted? I looked for another, couldn't find one. :dunno:

08-07-2015, 05:12 PM
What I posted? I looked for another, couldn't find one. :dunno:

No, lol, not yours! I edited my first post and it came out with another one. The "duplicate" was mine, though I can see how you think I meant it to be about yours.

08-07-2015, 06:07 PM

"Here are the politicians Donald Trump has 'bought'

Love these hit pieces which only improves his ratings..

More Power to him `as a Businessman`....Trumps weak stupid rivals (except Cruz for the weak part) all "want a job" and are controlled by donors...and must do as THEY (donors) say...

Trump Pulls the strings and gets things done...we all Evolve in Life and so does Trump...He has his own money and does not Depend on anyone....No matter how little or how great the donations are...again... Trump pulls the strings and gets things done...


Scott Walker. Trump gave the Wisconsin governor $10,000 last year, when Walker was running for a second term. It seems to have helped, since Walker won. Still, it’s a tiny fraction of the $70 million or so Walker has raised (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-walker-is-a-campaign-fund-raising-dynamo-142141963.html) during his five years as governor.
Mike Huckabee. In 2012, Trump gave $2,500 to the former Arkansas governor’s political-action committee, known as Huck PAC. As donations go, that’s a fairly small one.
Jeb Bush. Trump gave a mere $500 to Bush’s campaign in 2002, when Bush was governor of Florida. That’s not the kind of sum that gets you invited to the governor’s mansion.

George Pataki. The former New York governor wasn’t included in the main GOP debate, so Trump wasn’t referring to him when he said he’s given to most of the people on stage. But he did give at least $43,500 to Pataki during his years as governor, from 1996 to 2006.
Hillary Clinton. It’s certainly unusual that a presidential candidate of one party has donated money to a leading candidate of the other party. But Trump’s contributions to Clinton only total a modest $8,500. All of those donations came during Clinton’s tenure as senator from Trump’s home state of New York, from 2000 to 2009. Clinton has drawn close to $400 million in campaign contributions during her 16 years as an active politician, so if she attended Trump’s wedding solely because of the $8,500 he kicked in -- as Trump suggested during the debate -- "she comes cheap"

More....more...more... :laugh:


08-07-2015, 06:13 PM
"Here are the politicians Donald Trump has 'bought'

Love these hit pieces which only improves his ratings..

More Power to him `as a Businessman`....Trumps weak stupid rivals (except Cruz for the weak part) all "want a job" and are controlled by donors...and must do as THEY (donors) say...

Trump Pulls the strings and gets things done...we all Evolve in Life and so does Trump...He has his own money and does not Depend on anyone....No matter how little or how great the donations are...again... Trump pulls the strings and gets things done...


Scott Walker. Trump gave the Wisconsin governor $10,000 last year, when Walker was running for a second term. It seems to have helped, since Walker won. Still, it’s a tiny fraction of the $70 million or so Walker has raised (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-walker-is-a-campaign-fund-raising-dynamo-142141963.html) during his five years as governor.
Mike Huckabee. In 2012, Trump gave $2,500 to the former Arkansas governor’s political-action committee, known as Huck PAC. As donations go, that’s a fairly small one.
Jeb Bush. Trump gave a mere $500 to Bush’s campaign in 2002, when Bush was governor of Florida. That’s not the kind of sum that gets you invited to the governor’s mansion.

George Pataki. The former New York governor wasn’t included in the main GOP debate, so Trump wasn’t referring to him when he said he’s given to most of the people on stage. But he did give at least $43,500 to Pataki during his years as governor, from 1996 to 2006.
Hillary Clinton. It’s certainly unusual that a presidential candidate of one party has donated money to a leading candidate of the other party. But Trump’s contributions to Clinton only total a modest $8,500. All of those donations came during Clinton’s tenure as senator from Trump’s home state of New York, from 2000 to 2009. Clinton has drawn close to $400 million in campaign contributions during her 16 years as an active politician, so if she attended Trump’s wedding solely because of the $8,500 he kicked in -- as Trump suggested during the debate -- "she comes cheap"

More....more...more... :laugh:


So they wouldn't 'come to his wedding?' LOL! He put his money with those he agreed. Democrats.