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08-09-2015, 02:37 AM
<header class="post2 super_format bf_dom c" id="post-3923116"><hgroup>This 110-Year-Old Woman Says The Secret To Her Long Life Is Drinking Three Miller High Lifes Every Day

For 70 years she drank three Miller High Lifes and a shot of Johnnie Walker every day.
posted on Aug. 4, 2015, at 10:33 p.m.</hgroup>http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2014-09/11/6/user_images/webdr04/sallytamarkin-9082-1410430271-12_large.jpg (http://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin) Sally Tamarkin (http://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin) BuzzFeed Staff

</header>1. Meet Agnes Fenton of Englewood, New Jersey. She just turned 110 years old.

View this image › (http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-08/4/13/enhanced/webdr08/enhanced-20971-1438709367-7.jpg)

Amy Newman / North Jersey /Landov
And that makes her pretty special. The Record reported (http://www.northjersey.com/news/at-110-agnes-fenton-of-englewood-has-nothing-to-complain-about-1.1383853) that of the earth’s seven billion people, only about 600 (that’s one in every 10 million) are 110 or older.

2. Fenton hears and sees well, she reads the paper and listens to the radio, and hangs out with friends.

She likes chicken wings, green beans, and sweet potatoes. She sleeps a lot and she prays. By all accounts she’s doing great with no serious health problems.

3. Also, every single day for 70 years she drank three beers and a shot of whiskey.


Brian Wilkins


i.imgur.com (http://i.imgur.com/f1V9oHV.gifv)

She said that after her only serious health problem (a benign tumor) several decades ago, her doctor told her to drink three beers a day. And that (plus a shot of whiskey) is what she did for the next seven decades.
Recently, though, Fenton has quit drinking on the advice of her caregivers, who wanted her to watch her alcohol intake now that she’s not eating as much as she used to.

4. Fenton is a participant in the New England Centenarian Study, which has been collecting data about her for five years.

<img style="display: none;">
instagram.com (http://instagram.com/p/55ibKjOUaU/)
“Each of our centenarians has their different secrets,” Stacy Andersen, PhD, the principal investigator in the genetic study, told the Record. adding that if Fenton felt hers is alcohol, “maybe it is.” (Though she added alcohol doesn’t seem to promote longevity among other study participants.)

5. And if you’re wondering if you should follow Fenton’s lead in an effort to live longer, the answer is sadly probably not.

Though there does seem to be some association between cardiovascular health and moderate consumption of wine and beer, medical professionals don’t generally recommend it you take up drinking for health reasons.
A 2012 review of (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3407993/) of clinical and epidemiological studies of the health effects of alcohol explains that it’s not really that alcohol replaces a healthy lifestyle but more that light to moderate consumption of wine and beer (less so hard liquor) can be considered, for most people, a healthy habit.
That said, moderate consumption is two drinks per day for men and one for women. So, basically, a smaller-than-Fentonlike-serving. Also worth noting that experts qualify binge drinking for women as four or more drinks in one sitting. And binge drinking can have a range of negative health effects (http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/alcohols-effects-body), both in the short-term and long-term. So… there’s that.

6. Then again…if it worked for Agnes Fenton…?

<img style="display: none;">

Happy birthday, Agnes! We’re toasting you with our finest champagne (of beers)!

BuzzFeed Life spoke via email with Stacy L. Andersen, PhD, project manager for the New England Centenarian Study (http://www.bumc.bu.edu/centenarian/overview/) that Agnes Fenton participates in. Andersen was unable to comment on whether or not alcohol might be responsible for Fenton’s longevity but she did have this to say:
“I have found that centenarians have a wide array of reasons to explain how they have succeeded in living such long lives from eating health foods, to staying engaged with life, to strong spiritual ties, to abstaining from alcohol, and even occasionally there are those who attribute it, in part, to drinking alcohol in moderate amounts… In terms of personality, we have found that centenarians on average tend to be agreeable and low in neuroticism and that they don’t dwell on the hardships that they have lived through. For supercentenarians (those age 110 and older), genes appear to play an increasingly vital role to reaching these extreme old ages and perhaps even in the presence of less than ideal health habits.” <time id="update_article_update_time_6508171" datetime="2015-08-09T07:22:02Z">Aug. 4, 2015, at 11:42 p.m.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2015, 09:13 AM
<header class="post2 super_format bf_dom c" id="post-3923116"><hgroup>This 110-Year-Old Woman Says The Secret To Her Long Life Is Drinking Three Miller High Lifes Every Day

For 70 years she drank three Miller High Lifes and a shot of Johnnie Walker every day.
posted on Aug. 4, 2015, at 10:33 p.m.</hgroup>http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2014-09/11/6/user_images/webdr04/sallytamarkin-9082-1410430271-12_large.jpg (http://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin) Sally Tamarkin (http://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin) BuzzFeed Staff

</header>1. Meet Agnes Fenton of Englewood, New Jersey. She just turned 110 years old.

View this image › (http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-08/4/13/enhanced/webdr08/enhanced-20971-1438709367-7.jpg)

Amy Newman / North Jersey /Landov
And that makes her pretty special. The Record reported (http://www.northjersey.com/news/at-110-agnes-fenton-of-englewood-has-nothing-to-complain-about-1.1383853) that of the earth’s seven billion people, only about 600 (that’s one in every 10 million) are 110 or older.

2. Fenton hears and sees well, she reads the paper and listens to the radio, and hangs out with friends.

She likes chicken wings, green beans, and sweet potatoes. She sleeps a lot and she prays. By all accounts she’s doing great with no serious health problems.

3. Also, every single day for 70 years she drank three beers and a shot of whiskey.


Brian Wilkins


i.imgur.com (http://i.imgur.com/f1V9oHV.gifv)

She said that after her only serious health problem (a benign tumor) several decades ago, her doctor told her to drink three beers a day. And that (plus a shot of whiskey) is what she did for the next seven decades.
Recently, though, Fenton has quit drinking on the advice of her caregivers, who wanted her to watch her alcohol intake now that she’s not eating as much as she used to.

4. Fenton is a participant in the New England Centenarian Study, which has been collecting data about her for five years.

<img style="display: none;">
instagram.com (http://instagram.com/p/55ibKjOUaU/)
“Each of our centenarians has their different secrets,” Stacy Andersen, PhD, the principal investigator in the genetic study, told the Record. adding that if Fenton felt hers is alcohol, “maybe it is.” (Though she added alcohol doesn’t seem to promote longevity among other study participants.)

5. And if you’re wondering if you should follow Fenton’s lead in an effort to live longer, the answer is sadly probably not.

Though there does seem to be some association between cardiovascular health and moderate consumption of wine and beer, medical professionals don’t generally recommend it you take up drinking for health reasons.
A 2012 review of (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3407993/) of clinical and epidemiological studies of the health effects of alcohol explains that it’s not really that alcohol replaces a healthy lifestyle but more that light to moderate consumption of wine and beer (less so hard liquor) can be considered, for most people, a healthy habit.
That said, moderate consumption is two drinks per day for men and one for women. So, basically, a smaller-than-Fentonlike-serving. Also worth noting that experts qualify binge drinking for women as four or more drinks in one sitting. And binge drinking can have a range of negative health effects (http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/alcohols-effects-body), both in the short-term and long-term. So… there’s that.

6. Then again…if it worked for Agnes Fenton…?

<img style="display: none;">

Happy birthday, Agnes! We’re toasting you with our finest champagne (of beers)!

BuzzFeed Life spoke via email with Stacy L. Andersen, PhD, project manager for the New England Centenarian Study (http://www.bumc.bu.edu/centenarian/overview/) that Agnes Fenton participates in. Andersen was unable to comment on whether or not alcohol might be responsible for Fenton’s longevity but she did have this to say:
“I have found that centenarians have a wide array of reasons to explain how they have succeeded in living such long lives from eating health foods, to staying engaged with life, to strong spiritual ties, to abstaining from alcohol, and even occasionally there are those who attribute it, in part, to drinking alcohol in moderate amounts… In terms of personality, we have found that centenarians on average tend to be agreeable and low in neuroticism and that they don’t dwell on the hardships that they have lived through. For supercentenarians (those age 110 and older), genes appear to play an increasingly vital role to reaching these extreme old ages and perhaps even in the presence of less than ideal health habits.” <time id="update_article_update_time_6508171" datetime="2015-08-09T07:22:02Z">Aug. 4, 2015, at 11:42 p.m.

Great post, thanks....

She likes chicken wings, green beans, and sweet potatoes. She sleeps a lot and she prays. By all accounts she’s doing great with no serious health problems.

She sleeps a lot and she prays.

^^^^^ Found the answer ^^^ = Rest and PRAYER.......-Tyr

08-09-2015, 10:47 AM
Great post, thanks....

Thank you, Robert, for your understanding my trying to learn a bit more about YOUR life in YOUR country.
I am curious all my life not to seem as a 'funny-gunny'. And I am able to learn, thanks to the Soviet educational system, which enables me to have and gave an opportunity to study foreign languages to have additional sources of information. :slap:

08-09-2015, 10:49 AM
Sorry for misprint in the title of a thread. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif