View Full Version : Caging Dissension

08-11-2015, 10:13 AM
I don't think this should be caged, but I'm acquiescing to those that feel disagreement with Trump=hate. I do think by the same token, any pro-Trump opinion cartoons, videos, commentaries should also be in the cage. Wouldn't want any guests to think we have only one viewpoint, right?

From the far left editor of RCP:


The Contradictions of TrumpBy Tom Bevan (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/authors/tom_bevan/) - August 11, 2015

Donald Trump is a tough guy who assures his countrymen that when he’s in the Oval Office he will bully Russia, China and Mexico into doing exactly what he wants, thereby Making America Great Again – his official campaign slogan – just as soon as he gets over having his feelings hurt by Megyn Kelly.

Trump continues to make news in his ongoing vendetta against the Fox News host and co-moderator of last Thursday’s Republican primary debate in Cleveland. Kelly, who is known for asking tough questions, queried Trump about his past unflattering utterances toward women. He responded with … more unflattering utterances toward the woman with the temerity to ask him the question.

The four-day-long harangue from a media personality highlights one of the great contradictions of Trump: He’s the macho, brash, ball-busting New Yorker who says he can turn the country around by the force of sheer toughness. He also has paper-thin skin, transparent insecurities, and the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old.

For years his response to any criticism or uncomfortable inquiry, no matter how mild, is to lash out at the offender with a barrage of insults questioning the person’s intellect and talent. Since his entry into the Republican race for the White House he has demanded the GOP be "nice" to him or he will take his ball, go home, and run as a third party candidate.

But he’s not nice to anyone else. More importantly, a massive ego and tendency toward petulance aren’t characteristics that spring to mind as conducive to successful global diplomacy. Just how will President Trump respond when Vladimir Putin deliberately pokes a finger in his eye on the world stage? Will Trump hold a press conference in the East Room to denounce Putin as an overrated, no-talent “loser” who’s suffering from PMS?

If he spins into a rage over a single question from Megyn Kelly, what will President Trump do when he orders Mexico to pay $100,000 for every illegal who crosses the border and they laugh in his face? This is not an academic question. That $100,000 fee, or whatever you want to call it, is actually one of Trump’s few specific policy proposals. And the Mexicans are already laughing at him, judging by the sale of Trump piñatas south of the border. Would President Trump usher in the era of "Pendejo Diplomacy?"

Trump’s supporters counter (http://www.nationaljournal.com/2016-elections/trump-is-a-buffoon-his-backers-are-not-20150810) that, he is a TRUTH TELLER, which is exactly what the country needs. Except that’s another major contradiction of Trump: He’s not a real truth teller. Yes, he blurts out whatever comes to mind, but that’s self-indulgence, not political courage. In the arena Trump has entered, a “truth teller” is someone with a core set of beliefs he or she is willing to articulate honestly no matter what the political cost. It’s certainly true that this quality is in short supply in American politics. But this is not what Donald Trump does. It’s not even clear that he could, because he doesn’t seem to have a coherent set of political principles.

Trump has changed his position over the years on health care, taxes, trade, and abortion (to name just a few issues) to suit his needs at the time. That’s not “truth telling,” it’s political expedience, though it appears many of Trump’s supporters can’t tell the difference. This group also appears confused about his attack on Megyn Kelly: complaining about her question by suggesting it was her time of the month is not speaking truth to power. It’s petty, pathetic and sexist.

Over the years, however, there is one issue about which Trump has been completely, unfailingly and utterly consistent: He’s always been in it for himself. This time is no different.

Obviously Bevan isn't 'far left,' anymore than myself or Gunny or FJ, (though that last one is up for discussion).

I have said that I believe the sincerity of Trump supporters, I do wish they would say the same for those (who are many), that see disaster ahead and are concerned for the country.

08-11-2015, 03:42 PM
I don't think this should be caged, but I'm acquiescing to those that feel disagreement with Trump=hate. I do think by the same token, any pro-Trump opinion cartoons, videos, commentaries should also be in the cage. Wouldn't want any guests to think we have only one viewpoint, right?

From the far left editor of RCP:


Obviously Bevan isn't 'far left,' anymore than myself or Gunny or FJ, (though that last one is up for discussion).

I have said that I believe the sincerity of Trump supporters, I do wish they would say the same for those (who are many), that see disaster ahead and are concerned for the country.

Yes Megyn love's to ask the tough questions or rather answer them such as, how big is her Husbands penis, what she calls her breast, how big are they and what she called them while pregnant along with talking about sex while being pregnant. Let's not make this woman out to be a saint, when she was on the Howard Stern show she whored herself out for publicity just like many do. As far as Trump being pissed at Fox, I don't blame him, they supposedly support the republicans, do you really believe when CNN or another Democratic media outlet has a debate for the Dems they are going to attack, hell ever time you see Hillary asked anything you can easily see it has been approved and she has her answer ready, she screws it up but none the less it is all rehearsed. Might of been nice to hear Megyn ask question that had to do with the Country instead of a personal attack against Trump is all I am saying, hell I still don't believe he will even be around in a year, but fair is fair.


08-11-2015, 03:46 PM
Yes Megyn love's to ask the tough questions or rather answer them such as, how big is her Husbands penis, what she calls her breast, how big are they and what she called them while pregnant along with talking about sex while being pregnant. Let's not make this woman out to be a saint, when she was on the Howard Stern show she whored herself out for publicity just like many do. As far as Trump being pissed at Fox, I don't blame him, they supposedly support the republicans, do you really believe when CNN or another Democratic media outlet has a debate for the Dems they are going to attack, hell ever time you see Hillary asked anything you can easily see it has been approved and she has her answer ready, she screws it up but none the less it is all rehearsed. Might of been nice to hear Megyn ask question that had to do with the Country instead of a personal attack against Trump is all I am saying, hell I still don't believe he will even be around in a year, but fair is fair.


Good commentary on Megyn, though she's not running this time.

08-11-2015, 06:52 PM
Good commentary on Megyn, though she's not running this time.

Nope she isn't but your article goes on about Trump and her and knocks Trump for being pissed, I just felt lets call a spade a spade and tell the truth, yes he has every right to be pissed, Megyn is no angel, nor was she fair in the debate. Y'all keep saying how important what the candidates will do is but then speak so highly of her attack, that's BS. She tried to make a name for herself and she did, now the Country needs to see the real her, plain and simple. You know if ya don't like Trump that is cool, different stroke for different folks but to praise this media whore is getting really old, Trump has every right to be pissed, as I said Fox is suppose to be the one media outlet that would of done a fair debate, but she didn't she attacked, so how about if she tells us on national TV how big her husbands penis is, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And the article you posted was nothing much more of a commercial for her and a knock at Trump, so it was answered, call it what you wish.

08-11-2015, 07:54 PM
Nope she isn't but your article goes on about Trump and her and knocks Trump for being pissed, I just felt lets call a spade a spade and tell the truth, yes he has every right to be pissed, Megyn is no angel, nor was she fair in the debate. Y'all keep saying how important what the candidates will do is but then speak so highly of her attack, that's BS. She tried to make a name for herself and she did, now the Country needs to see the real her, plain and simple. You know if ya don't like Trump that is cool, different stroke for different folks but to praise this media whore is getting really old, Trump has every right to be pissed, as I said Fox is suppose to be the one media outlet that would of done a fair debate, but she didn't she attacked, so how about if she tells us on national TV how big her husbands penis is, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And the article you posted was nothing much more of a commercial for her and a knock at Trump, so it was answered, call it what you wish.

It's tough for fans when their celebrity is nothing more than a whining little boy. I understand.

You all should be happy, Trump has made FOX put him on again.

08-11-2015, 08:19 PM
I've been up front with my regard for Trump. He's not my candidate. And, my dislike for the man goes back to 2010 when he was involved in a multi-marketing company called ACN and another one called The Trump Network (Bioceutica). Read lots of literature from him and went to see him speak on a couple of occasions. He gives a good speech ... but he is not one to "walk the talk". So, I had no regard for him way before he announced and has nothing to do with the debate.

For those of you that I've loved and admired in all the years we've been posting here who will most likely disagree with my thoughts .... I will still love and admire you (unless you engage in personal attacks ... then we will have to reevaluate .. :slap:) as we agree to disagree.

You have a right to believe what you want.....as do I.

However, I thought the whole purpose of this board was to debate issues. What is the purpose of debate? To discuss issues ... hopefully with facts that will influence your debate partner to change their stance.

The unfortunate part is that we are not "professional" debaters here. Professional debaters don't use personal attacks to make their point ... well, unless they are involved in politics or media in some capacity.

My point ... let's tear down or support the candidates. Focus on those who want to lead this country and dissect them ... not each other.

08-11-2015, 08:22 PM
I've been up front with my regard for Trump. He's not my candidate. And, my dislike for the man goes back to 2010 when he was involved in a multi-marketing company called ACN and another one called The Trump Network (Bioceutica). Read lots of literature from him and went to see him speak on a couple of occasions. He gives a good speech ... but he is not one to "walk the talk". So, I had no regard for him way before he announced and has nothing to do with the debate.

For those of you that I've loved and admired in all the years we've been posting here who will most likely disagree with my thoughts .... I will still love and admire you (unless you engage in personal attacks ... then we will have to reevaluate .. :slap:) as we agree to disagree.

You have a right to believe what you want.....as do I.

However, I thought the whole purpose of this board was to debate issues. What is the purpose of debate? To discuss issues ... hopefully with facts that will influence your debate partner to change their stance.

The unfortunate part is that we are not "professional" debaters here. Professional debaters don't use personal attacks to make their point ... well, unless they are involved in politics or media in some capacity.

My point ... let's tear down or support the candidates. Focus on those who want to lead this country and dissect them ... not each other.

It's the way it's always been done, but seems with the celebrity candidate all need to treat him as a messiah, or else.

I feel the same about everyone here, though will say have never been called so many names or had so anyone question my patriotism. With Trump, seems some of his 'fans' are using his tactics.

08-11-2015, 08:24 PM
It's the way it's always been done, but seems with the celebrity candidate all need to treat him as a messiah, or else.

I feel the same about everyone here, though will say have never been called so many names or had so anyone question my patriotism. With Trump, seems some of his 'fans' are using his tactics.

"Research and experience in this field overwhelming maintains that you do not engage the bullying because fundamentally the bully is looking for that reinforcement for their tactics,” he says.

According to Mayer, bullies are often created because people and society “feed into” or reinforce their behavior by responding to their tactics.


08-12-2015, 07:03 AM
Found on the Net...

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. Trump gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Hillary was very impressed, so when they came to another homeless person, she decided to help. She walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. She then reached into Trump ‘s pocket and got out $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless person $5.00

08-12-2015, 07:06 AM
Found on the Net...

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. Trump gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Hillary was very impressed, so when they came to another homeless person, she decided to help. She walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. She then reached into Trump ‘s pocket and got out $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless person $5.00
Not the right forum, but was funny!

08-12-2015, 08:00 AM
Good commentary on Megyn, though she's not running this time.

Yes Megyn love's to ask the tough questions or rather answer them such as, how big is her Husbands penis, what she calls her breast, how big are they and what she called them while pregnant along with talking about sex while being pregnant. Let's not make this woman out to be a saint, when she was on the Howard Stern show she whored herself out for publicity just like many do. As far as Trump being pissed at Fox, I don't blame him, they supposedly support the republicans, do you really believe when CNN or another Democratic media outlet has a debate for the Dems they are going to attack, hell ever time you see Hillary asked anything you can easily see it has been approved and she has her answer ready, she screws it up but none the less it is all rehearsed. Might of been nice to hear Megyn ask question that had to do with the Country instead of a personal attack against Trump is all I am saying, hell I still don't believe he will even be around in a year, but fair is fair.


It's tough for fans when their celebrity is nothing more than a whining little boy. I understand.

You all should be happy, Trump has made FOX put him on again.

First off I am shocked that you have turned to Gabbie's style of posting, I clearly stated I didn't believe he would even be around in a year, but you chose to throw stones and not even bother to read what I posted apparently, LET ME TRY THIS ONE MORE TIME, I HAVE NOT DECIDED WHO I WILL VOTE FOR, HELL I WANTED TO HEAR WHAT ALL THE CANDIDATES HAD ON THEIR AGENDAS GOING INTO THIS BUT INSTEAD I GOT TO HEAR SOME WOMAN THROW PERSONAL INSULTS, AND AS I HAVE STATED NUMEROUS TIMES, I DON'T BELIEVE TRUMP WILL EVEN BE IN THE BIG SHOW.

I watched Jim and Tyr bow out of these threads and was surprised, but when I see folks that I truly respect taking pop shots like this I understand 100%

08-12-2015, 08:04 AM
First off I am shocked that you have turned to Gabbie's style of posting, I clearly stated I didn't believe he would even be around in a year, but you chose to throw stones and not even bother to read what I posted apparently, LET ME TRY THIS ONE MORE TIME, I HAVE NOT DECIDED WHO I WILL VOTE FOR, HELL I WANTED TO HEAR WHAT ALL THE CANDIDATES HAD ON THEIR AGENDAS GOING INTO THIS BUT INSTEAD I GOT TO HEAR SOME WOMAN THROW PERSONAL INSULTS, AND AS I HAVE STATED NUMEROUS TIMES, I DON'T BELIEVE TRUMP WILL EVEN BE IN THE BIG SHOW.

I watched Jim and Tyr bow out of these threads and was surprised, but when I see folks that I truly respect taking pop shots like this I understand 100%

That 'image' was not from me. It was picked up in quotes. I don't do images as a rule. (Of course this morning I did use one on progressives-Chock full o nuts. )

For the record, I've resorted in a few threads to basically repeating a couple lines, mostly in a response to the same from his fans.