View Full Version : E-mail I got from an "Army Captain"

08-12-2015, 06:09 PM
E-mail I got from an "Army Captain" today


My name is Gary Mann; I’m currently a captain in the Army currently
deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan on a covert operation. I am placing my 16
years military career at your mercy contacting you. My unit recently
conducted a black-ops search and seize mission at the residence of a known
Taliban chieftain and notorious drug lord. We came across a little over
$50,000,000.00 in cash.

The four of us debated what to do with the funds and decided to split it
between ourselves. I have so far contacted an investment lawyer who has
advised me to get a contingent beneficiary. My request is simple, act as
my contingent beneficiary and we shall split my share ($12.5M)
accordingly. Please this information is for your eyes only as I stand
untold risks should a third party learn of this.

Please get back to me if you are willing to help me.

Gary Mann.

Anyone interested in helping this fella out?

08-12-2015, 06:13 PM
e-mail i got from an "army captain" today

anyone interested in helping this fella out?


08-12-2015, 07:15 PM
Wow, you're passing on this, Rev?

I would have already given my Soc, birthday, credit cards and bank numbers. What are you waiting for??

08-12-2015, 07:28 PM
E-mail I got from an "Army Captain" today

Anyone interested in helping this fella out?

Tell him to contact:

Mark Herring
900 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219

08-12-2015, 08:31 PM
The Nigerians have all moved to Afghanistan and are impersonating our military. Send it to the 419 Eaters.

08-12-2015, 08:40 PM
The Nigerians have all moved to Afghanistan and are impersonating our military. Send it to the 419 Eaters.

LOL, some of those guys are my heroes. Big Worm in particular.

08-12-2015, 08:42 PM
The Nigerians have all moved to Afghanistan and are impersonating our military. Send it to the 419 Eaters.

WHAT A COOL SITE!!!! I did this kind of stuff for a couple of years but got tired of it.

Question.OK. I have the scammer on board, but now he's asking me for my bank details. What do I do?!
Don't panic! Just send him any old rubbish. Make up a bank name of your own (my personal favourite is Plunder & Flee Incorporated, feel free to use it yourself and make P&F world famous!). Random account numbers and bank addresses are fine also. You could use a real address if you prefer (not your own of course). I did a scam posing as Dr. Frasier Crane, and the address I gave was the real address for the Seattle Tower in Washington! Remember to cross check the details you have sent if you have to send multiple forms. You don't want a scammer coming back to you asking why your bank account number doesn't match up on the forms you sent to him!
What usually happens is that your account and personal details will be used to make up phoney documents to send back to you. The usual procedure being that a gullible person would believe these documents to be the real thing, and then you would be so taken in that when the scammer asks you for money to help facilitate the release of the funds, you will part with your cash without too much hesitation.

The name and address I gave in the post above is the name and address of the Virginia state Attorney General.

08-12-2015, 10:41 PM
Some of my best friends are rich Nigerian princes. :cool:

red state
08-13-2015, 06:30 AM
Wow, you're passing on this, Rev?

I would have already given my Soc, birthday, credit cards and bank numbers. What are you waiting for??

That's exactly what my wife said last night when I showed her this thread. She also asked why Rev posted it and I told her that the board gets BORED from time to time and posts this sort of thing. HA!!!

Rev. for years, I've received such messages from Christians saying that their funds were going to be seized by muSLUMS and they need a way to get their money that hadn't been seized out of the country and I was needed to do that very thing....if only I would.........WELL, YOU KNOW. ha!!!

08-13-2015, 07:24 AM
Some of my best friends are rich Nigerian princes. :cool:

Next, you'll be telling us that they've cured you of your Leftieness !! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::rolleyes:;)

08-13-2015, 08:47 AM
Some of my best friends are rich Nigerian princes. :cool:

I always figured you were the type to have imaginary friends.