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08-13-2015, 07:27 AM
Lots of truth in this, at this point in time:


Outsiders take over GOP By Jonathan Easley (http://thehill.com/author/jonathan-easley) - 08/12/15 03:42 PM EDT

Outsiders who have never before held political office are dominating the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Donald Trump is the GOP front-runner, while businesswoman Carly Fiorina is surging after a strong performance in last week’s debate. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is also showing strength, and is a candidate to watch in the Iowa caucuses, where he is outperforming former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Conservatives are thrilled with the developments.

“This is a paradigm shift,” conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace told The Hill. “The base of the party is in open revolt. We’re watching a political party dissolve. It’s a civil war and the GOP as it’s constructed may not survive.”

Others think Republican voters will eventually coalesce around a more traditional GOP candidate — perhaps Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker or Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

They believe Trump’s rise is a product of his celebrity and a media frenzy that will ultimately fizzle. They doubt that Carson and Fiorina will be able to compete in the fundraising fight, or pull together the political operation to make a deep run through the primaries.

But for now, the anti-establishment wing of the GOP is on the upswing.


08-13-2015, 07:40 AM
Well, Kathianne, when it comes to ...

They doubt that Carson and Fiorina will be able to compete in the fundraising fight,

.. whether or not that's true, in Fiorina's case, does it matter ? According to all the stats produced by that comparison site I sent a link to yesterday, Fiorina is 'stinking rich'. What campaign shortfalls she experiences, she can make up for out of her own resources. Fiorina is one of those least likely to 'crash and burn' from that cause !

If Fiorina has a weakness, it's that her comparative lack of overall Conservatism (especially on security and international issues .. I worry about people who refuse to learn the sharp lesson of 9/11 !) will ultimately blight her attractiveness to the voting Public .. unless, of course, she has a hope of swaying enough disaffected otherwise 'natural' Obama supporters ??

08-13-2015, 09:00 AM
Well, Kathianne, when it comes to ...

.. whether or not that's true, in Fiorina's case, does it matter ? According to all the stats produced by that comparison site I sent a link to yesterday, Fiorina is 'stinking rich'. What campaign shortfalls she experiences, she can make up for out of her own resources. Fiorina is one of those least likely to 'crash and burn' from that cause !

If Fiorina has a weakness, it's that her comparative lack of overall Conservatism (especially on security and international issues .. I worry about people who refuse to learn the sharp lesson of 9/11 !) will ultimately blight her attractiveness to the voting Public .. unless, of course, she has a hope of swaying enough disaffected otherwise 'natural' Obama supporters ??

I have a shocking revelation: Politicians lie! Unless they have a track record, don't believe them. I still hang my hat on how Walker and Kasich have improved their states. Ted Cruz has a bulletproof record. If Cruz can show that he can "take a punch" and doesn't have a "glass jaw", I will support him.