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View Full Version : Preteens allegedly kidnap baby, demand ransom

07-06-2007, 11:32 AM
Story Highlights

Sisters -- 10 and 12 -- allegedly kidnapped baby, demanded $200,000 in ransom
Siblings took baby around 5:30 a.m.; left note
Sisters told mother they found the boy on the corner, police said
Girls have not been formally charged


Are you serious? I know they are young but damn. They could have really done some damage. What if that baby needed medication, what if they dropped it, what if it was on a special diet? there are a lot of what if's with a baby.

Then what were they gonna feed it? You have to be careful what to feed a baby or youll choke it, and im sure girls that age don't know what to do in that situation. What in their right mind would make them think they would even get the ransom? They must have been watching to much TV. Thank god their mom saw the baby and they neighbor found out before something really bad happened to the baby.