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07-06-2007, 03:51 PM
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July 06, 2007

Our success must never be an option!

Kudos to the Philadelphia Inquirer for running this story:

BAGHDAD - The number-two leader of al-Qaeda called on Muslims in Iraq to unite against their enemies, in a lengthy video released yesterday, at a time when rifts have opened among some Sunni insurgent groups in Iraq and as the U.S. military has detained individuals it says are senior members of the organization.

The bearded, white-turbaned Ayman al-Zawahiri, the top deputy to Osama bin Laden, spoke for more than an hour and a half about the need to press on with the fight against the "Zionist Crusader project" and to coalesce around the efforts of the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq.

And more:

The speech is perhaps most significant for its admission that Sunni militants have grown divided over the usefulness of the alternative regime that the Islamic State of Iraq claims to offer.

In recent weeks, U.S. soldiers have formed partnerships with Sunni insurgents, in places such as western Baghdad and in Baqubah north of the capital, to track down al-Qaeda in Iraq members and find their weapons.

I think this reflects a major success in the war against al Qaeda, and while I was glad to see the report appear in the Inquirer, I don't think the MSM in general likes reporting success in the war against al Qaeda in Iraq, because there's a strong desire on the part of the anti-war crowd to characterize the enemy in Iraq as "insurgents." The MSM is not comfortable with al Qaeda, because they cannot easily be characterized as insurgents. I think this goes a long way towards explaining the seemingly inexplicable, stubborn failure to report the story of recent al Qaeda atrocities (including the beheading of children), despite the fact that it was documented by Michael Yon. The al Qaeda atrocity stories have been linked by countless bloggers (see Confederate Yankee and Pajamas Media; this morning Glenn called it a "blog swarm" as he linked Ron Coleman.)

I especially agree with Dean Esmay said:

This is what Al Qaeda in Iraq is all about.

And it's what the MSM don't want most Americans to know.

Because, the more the ignorant "little people" are allowed to read about al Qaeda's butchery, the more they'll tend to think entering Iraq might not have been a bad idea after all.

They might not be in as much of a hurry to pull out and leave the Iraqi children to the tender mercies of the beheaders.

07-06-2007, 06:26 PM
The surge is succeeding, we are winning and taking AQ apart and the libs scream we are losing and need to get out now with the media supporting them.

What we really need to do is take down the media.

07-06-2007, 07:50 PM
The surge is succeeding, we are winning and taking AQ apart and the libs scream we are losing and need to get out now with the media supporting them.

What we really need to do is take down the media.

Agreed---if they think that covering the war is simply to announce how many Americans were killed in one day or how many "bombs" went off they're crazy. I beginning to think they couldn't accurately cover it if they even tried.