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View Full Version : What the GOP Could Be Addressing RE Immigration/US Jobs

08-18-2015, 08:18 AM
Real reform?


Republicans Could Win Votes by Opposing Guest-Worker Programs by FRED BAUER August 17, 2015 4:00 AM


This alchemy is particularly mysterious when you consider how many Beltwayers assume that expanded guest-worker programs are a key part of “comprehensive immigration reform.” Any GOP candidate hoping to strengthen the party’s demographic appeal and to reform our immigration system so that it encourages opportunity would be wise to confront the issue of guest-worker programs. These programs not only represent a betrayal of free-market, pro-civic conservative principles; they also offer a political trap for Republicans.


08-18-2015, 08:24 AM
Real reform?


There's no reform. Just business as usual. Nobody's going to do anything but maintain the status quo no matter how much crap they talk.