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08-18-2015, 08:27 AM
Marine had a bit of help from dog. Both survived, though they're hunting for the bear:


Former Marine, 66, survives bloody hand-to-claw combat with black bear

08-18-2015, 08:39 AM
Pretty good fight! Glad he's okay, and it's a hell of a story.

This is total bullshit and these knuckleheads need to stop spreading this myth :

Despite several recent incidents, black bears are considered more docile than grizzlies. According to the National Park Service: “Black bears may show dominance by bluff charging, especially when guarding food or cubs. Attacks are rare, and no one has been killed or seriously injured by a black bear in Yosemite.”

Black bears have less respect for humans than Grizzlies do, and therefore are more dangerous. A Grizzly will typically give a human a wide berth where a Blackie is less likely to.

Yes, a Griz is much more powerful in comparison, but a Blackie will easily kill you. Every one of my encounters with a dangerous bear have always been with a Black bear coming into close proximity to humans that it knew were there.

And both species bluff charge. It's trying to get you to turn tail and run, which is a big mistake because it triggers the Cat vs. Mouse pursuit mode.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 08:39 AM
Marine had a bit of help from dog. Both survived, though they're hunting for the bear:


Awe inspiring story. Dude is a true decorated Marine bad-ass and apparently a Native American too.
Use not just his training but his head too. Escape was the best move since he had no good weapon to use.
What amazes me is apparently he had no gun in his home.
I step in my house, can grab any of a number of guns with ammo right at hand. I only keep one gun loaded there and it never leaves my person.
45 CAL. Kimber would kill a black bear easily, -- no bears around here just lots of ---
government sponsored criminals ... ;)-Tyr

08-18-2015, 08:44 AM
Awe inspiring story. Dude is a true decorated Marine bad-ass and apparently a Native American too.
Use not just his training but his head too. Escape was the best move since he had no good weapon to use.
What amazes me is apparently he had no gun in his home.
I step in my house, can grab any of a number of guns with ammo right at hand. I only keep one gun loaded there and it never leaves my person.
45 CAL. Kimber would kill a black bear easily, -- no bears around here just lots of ---
government sponsored criminals ... ;)-Tyr

What did you expect the outcome to be? Hard Corps.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 08:53 AM
What did you expect the outcome to be? Hard Corps.

I expected when reading that he was a Marine , a very high chance of his survival..

My old Marine buddy , always said-"the goal is to LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY,
a DEAD soldier can no longer perform his duty!"
He was a decorated Marine-Korean war vet----- other than my father and grandfather -the best man I ever knew! I owe him much, he straightened my ass out a lot, back in my wild days.

Tough as nails and bad-ass to the bone.... --Tyr

08-18-2015, 08:54 AM
Here's a really epic story about Gene Moe, a 68 year old man going hand-to-hand armed only with a skinning knife with a Kodiak - and winning!

He was interviewed on the radio in Anchorage after it happened, I remember driving and listening to it completely in awe of the old guy.

Anyone that can knock out a bear with a punch is a badass in my book!

She did. And as she ran, Gene could see blood still gushing from the cut nearest the jaw. He also noticed that her head was cocked oddly sideways, suggesting that the last stab had probably gone deep enough to injure a vertebra. Terribly battered with loose skin and flesh hanging from his arm, claw gashes in his shoulders, and painfully dragging his right leg, 6-foot 3-inch Gene tried to stand tall and move toward her looking as menacing as possible. He would not allow her the added confidence of thinking the fight had gone out of him.

Whatever she thought, it did not stop her from charging-though not with the speed demonstrated earlier.
All Gene had left now was a little prayer and the advice of a dog-musher friend who said a blow to the nose from a light club he carried would stop nearly any animal. Gene drew back his left fist, and as the bear leaped at him, he threw the hardest punch of his life. He missed the nose, but struck her cocked head just under the eye. The impact of the punch combined with the momentum of the 750-pound brown was so powerful that his arm and hand went white and he had no feeling left in the knuckles. The sow's head twitched, and she bared two front teeth that were still covered with Gene's "meat," as he tells it, before suddenly dropping with her paws under her body. Her cocked head straightened with the blow, and her nose pulled downward during her fall, ramming it into the moss. She lay motionless.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 09:00 AM
Here's a really epic story about Gene Moe, a 68 year old man going hand-to-hand armed only with a skinning knife with a Kodiak - and winning!

He was interviewed on the radio in Anchorage after it happened, I remember driving and listening to it completely in awe of the old guy.

Anyone that can knock out a bear with a punch is a badass in my book!

Kodiaks are the biggest, baddest, meanest grizzlies around. To survive fight armed only with a knife is a miracle.
I doubt one in a million could do that!!!
Myself, wouldn't want to fight one even with a 30'06 rifle... but would with a bigger caliber-- :laugh:
Especially if I get the first shot off. ;)

Best survival story between man and beast that I have ever read...--Tyr

08-18-2015, 09:06 AM
Kodiaks are the biggest, baddest, meanest grizzlies around. To survive fight armed only with a knife is a miracle.
I doubt one in a million could do that!!!
Myself, wouldn't want to fight one even with a 30'06 rifle... but would with a bigger caliber-- :laugh:
Especially if I get the first shot off. ;)--Tyr

Miracle my ass. One Marine, one insurrection. He was probably just out for some exercise with that bear.

08-18-2015, 09:12 AM
Kodiaks are the biggest, baddest, meanest grizzlies around. To survive fight armed only with a knife is a miracle.
I doubt one in a million could do that!!!
Myself, wouldn't want to fight one even with a 30'06 rifle... but would with a bigger caliber-- :laugh:
Especially if I get the first shot off. ;)--Tyr

Yeah, the problem with Kodiaks is that they live with a bunch of deer on the island, which naturally is their favorite meal. Lots of hunters go after the deer, and the Kodiaks have learned that when there's a gunshot, there's dinner served... so any time someone downs a deer, he's got several hungry Kodiaks inbound so they work fast to get the meat and get the hell out of there. Hunters will sensibly retreat when the Kodiak is coming for their deer, and the bears know that, so they're even more aggressive after years of learning our behavior.

I've been invited many times to go deer hunting on Kodiak... but it's just not something that appeals to me. I've got way too much respect for the terrible ass-kicking they can deliver in short order and I know what's coming after the rifle announces "Dinner!", and I've seen some unbelievably monstrous Kodiaks from helicopters on different jobs out there... one of them looked like a '48 Packard coming down the hill. I'll stick with moose hunting in my neck of the woods.

08-18-2015, 09:23 AM
Pretty good fight! Glad he's okay, and it's a hell of a story.

This is total bullshit and these knuckleheads need to stop spreading this myth :

Black bears have less respect for humans than Grizzlies do, and therefore are more dangerous. A Grizzly will typically give a human a wide berth where a Blackie is less likely to.

Yes, a Griz is much more powerful in comparison, but a Blackie will easily kill you. Every one of my encounters with a dangerous bear have always been with a Black bear coming into close proximity to humans that it knew were there.

And both species bluff charge. It's trying to get you to turn tail and run, which is a big mistake because it triggers the Cat vs. Mouse pursuit mode.

The British Columbia Visitor Centre saved me in this matter. I enjoyed one of their free Provincial campsites in Northern BC, including bear instructions. A bear visited my tent at night. I froze and the stupid bear peed on my tent just above where I was sleeping then left.

08-18-2015, 09:27 AM
The British Columbia Visitor Centre saved me in this matter. I enjoyed one of their free Provincial campsites in Northern BC, including bear instructions. A bear visited my tent at night. I froze and the stupid bear peed on my tent just above where I was sleeping then left.

Bears don't piss on tents. That was a dog.

08-18-2015, 09:29 AM
Bears don't piss on tents. That was a dog.

Don't you remember that they eat motor oil too! LOL :beer: Can't remember who it was that wrote that one.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 09:29 AM
Yeah, the problem with Kodiaks is that they live with a bunch of deer on the island, which naturally is their favorite meal. Lots of hunters go after the deer, and the Kodiaks have learned that when there's a gunshot, there's dinner served... so any time someone downs a deer, he's got several hungry Kodiaks inbound so they work fast to get the meat and get the hell out of there. Hunters will sensibly retreat when the Kodiak is coming for their deer, and the bears know that, so they're even more aggressive after years of learning our behavior.

I've been invited many times to go deer hunting on Kodiak... but it's just not something that appeals to me. I've got way too much respect for the terrible ass-kicking they can deliver in short order and I know what's coming after the rifle announces "Dinner!", and I've seen some unbelievably monstrous Kodiaks from helicopters on different jobs out there... one of them looked like a '48 Packard coming down the hill. I'll stick with moose hunting in my neck of the woods.

Who would want to hunt on an island full of fur-clad T-Rex's with no fear of man nor beast!
I value my life too much to thus tempt Fate. I can easily get venison without such insane risks,
and my survival has always been first and foremost. Which is why I am still above ground at 61 , when most of my friends of my wild younger days are not.
Wisdom says, thrills are fine
living to be old and enjoy women and wine,
tis all the better... ;) --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 09:30 AM
Bears don't piss on tents. That was a dog.

:laugh:, or a very pissed off raccoon.... --Tyr

08-18-2015, 09:34 AM
Don't you remember that they eat motor oil too! LOL :beer: Can't remember who it was that wrote that one.

And tires! Damn, that was funny.

Loosecannon, wasn't it?

08-18-2015, 09:38 AM
And tires! Damn, that was funny.

Loosecannon, wasn't it?

I think you nailed it. Motor oil. LOL He thought the bears wandered around looking for junkyards all day long!

08-18-2015, 09:43 AM
how can y'all turn a Marine kicking a bear's ass into motor oil? Sicko's.

08-18-2015, 09:50 AM
how can y'all turn a Marine kicking a bear's ass into motor oil? Sicko's.

No... a few years back there was a dipshit that joined the board and started running his mouth about how bears eat motor oil and tires. I saw the thread after he'd been claiming some really wild stuff and it turned out he was a cannery worker who had been in AK for one summer, but that made him an expert.

His claim that there are villages with guards on alert with .50s at the ready was really very funny. Oh, and they didn't eat salmon meat, either. They just skinned them and ate that, but they really preferred motor oil and tires.

I called him on his ridiculous bullshit and he bailed from the board. Yeah, he was from California.

08-18-2015, 10:01 AM
No... a few years back there was a dipshit that joined the board and started running his mouth about how bears eat motor oil and tires. I saw the thread after he'd been claiming some really wild stuff and it turned out he was a cannery worker who had been in AK for one summer, but that made him an expert.

His claim that there are villages with guards on alert with .50s at the ready was really very funny. Oh, and they didn't eat salmon meat, either. They just skinned them and ate that, but they really preferred motor oil and tires.

I called him on his ridiculous bullshit and he bailed from the board. Yeah, he was from California.

I will take your word for it that it might have been a big dog. All I know is that it wasn't very fun reading all this warning literature about bears and being awakened from a sound sleep from a grunting animal. The bear literature from the BC Visitor Centre doesn't describe any bear as safe.

08-19-2015, 03:42 AM
Related? :laugh2:


Bear Sticks Head Through Cat Door, Is Derpy As Hell

Katrin Higher (http://www.thefrisky.com/author/katrin-higher/) @KatraHigher (http://twitter.com/KatraHigher) / August 16, 2015


Doug Harder of Sandpoint, Idaho can’t bear it anymore! (I am so sorry.)
The condo owner has had a bear problem since May, and in the latest attempted break-in the bears have tried to come through the darn cat doors.
You guys: http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/HT_bear_2_jt_150815_4x3_992.jpg
Obviously the bear was too big to get through the cat door, but he was poking in there like a derp just long enough for Doug to get a pic.
[ABC (http://abcnews.go.com/US/bear-pokes-head-cat-door-latest-break-idaho/story?id=33103434)]

08-19-2015, 07:06 AM
Here's a really epic story about Gene Moe, a 68 year old man going hand-to-hand armed only with a skinning knife with a Kodiak - and winning!

He was interviewed on the radio in Anchorage after it happened, I remember driving and listening to it completely in awe of the old guy.

Anyone that can knock out a bear with a punch is a badass in my book!


NT not sure if you have ever seen the show, or heck who knows you may of shopped at the store. But the show was called Wild Wild West (that is the name of the gun store) and it was about a gun shop. In one episode I believe they had this same guy on it asking the guys that work at the store to do a Elk hunt for him, seems he wanted the meat but felt he was getting a bit to old and tired for the hunt, anyway they told the story on that episode and if it wasn't the same guy it sure was close.

08-19-2015, 07:18 AM
No... a few years back there was a dipshit that joined the board and started running his mouth about how bears eat motor oil and tires. I saw the thread after he'd been claiming some really wild stuff and it turned out he was a cannery worker who had been in AK for one summer, but that made him an expert.

His claim that there are villages with guards on alert with .50s at the ready was really very funny. Oh, and they didn't eat salmon meat, either. They just skinned them and ate that, but they really preferred motor oil and tires.

I called him on his ridiculous bullshit and he bailed from the board. Yeah, he was from California.

Now you got me curious as to who this is. I probably know every a-hole from the net you do.

I actually like bears and I hate killing things. Probably just offer him part of an MRE. And if you want to see something funny, give a bear an MRE and watch them try to figure out how to open it.:laugh:

We mostly had brown bears where I'm from. I never really considered them a threat. They're actually goofballs if you watch them. :laugh:

08-27-2015, 03:05 PM
My bear stories... I am by no means a bad ass, I will just talk to them until they leave though.

SO when I moved to Ak I was 18... I started working at the family cabin as a "Nature Guide" teaching teenagers about Alaska plants and medicinal uses, which cracked me up since I knew about a thimble full about plants. My first week in the state and I am sent to this island 20 minutes by boat from "town" (Sitka) with Mark the only other human to occupy the island with me for a week while we set up camp.

Okay I can do this no big deal, that I have NEVER lived with out running water before did present some issues for me but my concerns were dismissed and I was told the water runs right to the ocean just go get it.

Poor Mark had to teach me how to build a fire to make coffee and well pretty much everything about living off the grid, but he kept his humor.

At the end of a long day I was sitting on the deck with my first cup of coffee it was about 2 am watching the sun rise, I was very pleased with myself for making coffee. I saw this little deer, I grew up in a hunting family I know a baby deer, Awe how cute! No Shar that s full size... No way my dog is bigger ... yes it is... this debate went on until Mark got bored.

So I go back to watching this cute tiny deer and thinking to my self this is sooooooo awesome I totally made the right move to come here and live in the wilds of Alaska! What a cute baby...OMG WHAT THE HELL was that, the baby deer was just ripped in to the bushes screaming, not for long but, blood gore OMG I start having a panic attack, that sweet baby deer was shredded before my eyes by the biggest bear I had ever seen, and it happened in seconds.

I will not live here any more, I just can not do it! I will not go into the woods with things like that!

My 18 year old city girl came back in a hurry, so much for the wilds of AK! NOT for me send me home!

Mark finally calmed me down but there was no way I was going to be more than 5 feet from him outside of the cabin. I would not use the out house since it was in the WOODS. He thought that was very funny but I went 3 days with out going because I was afraid to ask him to take me.

Finally he told me all about "Cin" the lovely bear that ruled the island thinking it would help, she really is pretty mellow Shar, she has triplets every other year she has new ones this year. She is a favorite of the Bio team that is studying the bear movements. She is a good mother and often all of her cubs make it. She was a real bad ass. BLAH BLAH BLAH

This does not help me.

The day before our first round of people come out Mark says lets go for a walk. Okay I guess, we go for about 2 hours hiking up the mountain he wants to show me the view from the top its awesome! He kept telling me not to worry because I make more noise than any one he has ever seem so no wild life will come with in 500 yards and "remind me if I want to go hunting not to take you."

I am finally thinking this may be okay again.

So we are on our way down and yes the view was incredible, but he took the wrong turn and we are on a shale face so we can walk down the hill side into the trees and follow the river down or we can go down the shale face and walk around the island and hope we hit the tide right to make it back to the cabin before dark. Yup into the trees we go.

About half way down the creek is in sight and Mark stops. He starts pulling guns out of every pocket, he has a lot of pockets, checks each one and puts them back in easy reach.. I am just a bit concerned again.. What are you doing!???! Making sure each one has a round ready... Shar this may not have been a good idea... see in the clearing? OMG that is a fresh dead deer... we walked right into Cin's house. I asked him if he was going to give me a gun, too? I am a pretty good shot, he said I don't think so you might kill me.

He is trying to shush me I am not so quietly telling him I will shoot him when I get HOME! He finally gives me the 44 and we go forward to our fate.

Thankfully Cin was fat and sassy that day and did not mind so much that we came for a visit because she never came out to welcome us and we hurried our selves back to the cabin ASAP!

I finally got over my thing with Cin, it took a month but I was able to go into the woods and not freak out.

I really did get to know her she came by the cabin every day.
We agreed your space my space and I was okay with that.

I found out I like living in the wild and well Mark built me a sauna with a shower and gravity feed water do I did not have to haul it any more. Some things a girl can do with out a shower is not one for me.

Some years later I was working on and archaeology dig on Afognak Island, off Kodiak, again with a large number of teens and elders. I ran into literally, a 2 year old Kodiak brown.
He would walk through camp at night just to check out our house keeping I think.

I was the last one up, shutting down camp for the night after a sauna. Walked back to my tent put the gun away and lit up one more cigarette before bed when I turned around he was about 10 feet from me. I found out later he had been with me the whole time from the sauna back to camp.

Good thing for me I had my cigarettes handy I spent the better part of pack asking him nicely to go home.

He would just look at me sideways like chick you are not all there.

He wandered to the kitchen tent and leaned on the door, I told him I don't think so my gun is not THAT far.

He wandered to the boys tent, then the kids tent and back to the kitchen.

I told him really I do not want to have to shoot off a round at 2 am starting WW3 bush style because he wanted to be a jerk. So he came back over to my tent and stared at me for what felt like forever.

I talked.. he shook his head.. I talked some more and well I finally asked him one more time to please carry on and he wandered off down the trail.

In the morning our camp foreman freaked out at me because I told him what had happened. He thought I should have shot the bear. Lots people in Kodiak are not fond of bears I learned. But I could not see how waking the whole camp of really old and really young people at 2 am would have been a benefit to any one. We would have had cross fire and hurt kids, they are bad shots.

I like bears now that I have gotten to know some and well I leave the grumpy ones alone or to people who want more action then I do.

08-27-2015, 06:09 PM
Speaking of bears...
