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08-18-2015, 12:55 PM
Some folks throughout the nation thought that Trump's stance just given out was not a good stance, a bit tough perhaps, and hard to accomplish. I think Ted Cruz isn't far off. I believe against the dream act, and also against amnesty. He even commended Trump on his stance on immigration.

I'm having difficulty finding his specific stance on this issue, which is an important one to me. But mostly, he's well against illegal immigration. "Legal:good - illegal:bad"


Ted Cruz: ‘When It Comes to Immigration: Legal, Good; Illegal, Bad’

In a Sunday interview with a website called Shark-Tank, GOP contender Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 96% that he believes President Obama’s unlawful executive amnesty shielding millions of illegal aliens from deportation would “change who we are as a country,” and said that legal immigration is “good,” stressing his support for the rule of law.

“I actually think the amnesty issue is broader than just another policy issue on which people can disagree,” Cruz said. “President Obama famously said his goal was to fundamentally transform the United States of America. And one of the critical tools he is using to try to do that is to allow millions of people to come here illegally.”

“There’s seven billion people on the face of the planet, and an awful lot of them would like to come here. Now if they want to come here legally and follow the law, great,” he added. “You and I both come from immigrant families who followed the law.”


Cruz’s complete remarks are as follows:

There should be no pathway to citizenship for those who are here illegally. I don’t support amnesty. And I find it really striking at the Cleveland debate, that divide was evident for all to see. Let me step back for a second. Let me talk about the amnesty issue. Because I actually think the amnesty issue is broader than just another policy issue on which people can disagree. President Obama famously said his goal was to fundamentally transform the United States of America. And one of the critical tools he is using to try to do that is to allow millions of people to come here illegally. There’s seven billion people on the face of the planet, and an awful lot of them would like to come here. Now if they want to come here legally and follow the law, great. You and I both come from immigrant families who followed the law.

But the Obama plan is to allow millions to come in illegally and try to grant them amnesty, grant them a pathway to citizenship, and they believe they’ll vote Democrat in perpetuity to keep the big-government Democrats in power. It is a transformational policy, if amnesty goes through. It changes who we are as a country, if Obama and the Democrats succeed in this. And what’s striking in Cleveland, is a majority of the candidates on that stage have advocated amnesty, and not just advocated amnesty, but advocated it for years. Many of them vocally, vigorously, publicly. As you mentioned, you heard my friend Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
join Chuck Schumer in authoring the Chuck Schumer amnesty plan. In doing so, he was enthusiastically supported by Jeb Bush. In doing so, he was enthusiastically supported by Scott Walker. And President Obama.

Both CNN and Politifact did fact-checks of my statement that a majority of candidates on that stage have supported amnesty, and both of them concluded, yep, it’s true. They went through the records of one after the other after the other. And let me tell you why that matters so much. We remember back in 2012, where we nominated a candidate, Mitt Romney, a good man. But someone who had proposed Romneycare. And the problem was, when it came to the general election, when you have a candidate who’s been an advocate for health insurance plan almost exactly like Obamacare, our nominee wasn’t able to make the election about Obamacare. He wasn’t able to challenge Barack Obama effectively on Obamacare, because he had written a proposal just like it.

The same thing is true in this instance. If we nominate a candidate who’s been a vigorous, vocal, and aggressive advocate of amnesty, then the Republican candidate won’t stand up and challenge Hillary Clinton on amnesty, and certainly won’t do so effectively. Because anyone who tries to do so, the response will be: Gosh, just a couple of years ago, before you were running for president, you agreed with me [that] we should grant amnesty.

I have never supported amnesty and never will support amnesty. I believe in the rule of law. You know, at the end of the day, these principles aren’t complicated. When it comes to immigration: Legal, good; illegal, bad.


08-18-2015, 02:19 PM
As Cruz says, illegal immigration is everything.

08-18-2015, 02:44 PM
As Cruz says, illegal immigration is everything.

I'm just curious to see how others and the MSM handle him, and if the same as Trump. While Trump is rough around the edges, they have similar stances.

08-20-2015, 07:05 AM
It's amazing to me that Immigration is now somehow the most important thing every in the world.

most important thing?

"Bush, a self-described “compassionate conservative,” went on to win the presidency and champion a law that would have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to earn citizenship. "

and Ted Cruz was an advisor

Ted Cruz's Path From George W. Bush Adviser to Immigration Reform Opponent - NationalJournal.com (http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/ted-cruz-s-path-from-george-w-bush-adviser-to-immigration-reform-opponent-20130523)

Why'd Bush get elected the 1st time round when the MOST important thing clearly in his plan was kinda wrong, WAY wrong ... going to DESTROY the COUNTRY!

08-20-2015, 07:20 AM
It's amazing to me that Immigration is now somehow the most important thing every in the world.

most important thing?

"Bush, a self-described “compassionate conservative,” went on to win the presidency and champion a law that would have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to earn citizenship. "

and Ted Cruz was an advisor

Ted Cruz's Path From George W. Bush Adviser to Immigration Reform Opponent - NationalJournal.com (http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/ted-cruz-s-path-from-george-w-bush-adviser-to-immigration-reform-opponent-20130523)

Why'd Bush get elected the 1st time round when the MOST important thing clearly in his plan was kinda wrong, WAY wrong ... going to DESTROY the COUNTRY!

What you don't quote from the article is that Cruz was never an advocate of Bush's policy, but he did his job and wrote what Bush wanted.

I also don't understand how you don't see that importing millions of new Democratic voters is NOT gonna help the conservatives.

Perhaps you want more dark people here. Tell me how any country has ever been served by importing more dark people?

Look inside yourself, Rev. Are you tired of white people being the majority and think the country would be soooo much better if that were not the case?

08-20-2015, 07:22 AM
What you don't quote from the article is that Cruz was never an advocate of Bush's policy, but he did his job and wrote what Bush wanted.

I also don't understand how you don't see that importing millions of new Democratic voters is NOT gonna help the conservatives.

Perhaps you want more dark people here. Tell me how any country has ever been served by importing more dark people?

Look inside yourself, Rev. Are you tired of white people being the majority and think the country would be soooo much better if that were not the case?

Perianne , um i think you should look inside yourself.

08-20-2015, 07:34 AM
I also don't understand how you don't see that importing millions of new Democratic voters is NOT gonna help the conservatives.

Perianne , um i think you should look inside yourself.

I look at myself every day and am quite pleased. :)

Please answer how you think importing millions of new Democratic voters is gonna help the conservative cause?

08-20-2015, 08:31 AM
Job-locked H1B Visas, Bad.

08-20-2015, 08:33 AM
Job-locked H1B Visas, Bad.

tailfins, I profess ignorance on these matters. Are the H1B visas the reason why there are so many Indian people on the other end of the phone when calling for help (Obamacare software, AKA electronics medical records)?

08-20-2015, 08:35 AM
tailfins, I profess ignorance on these matters. Are the H1B visas the reason why there are so many Indian people on the other end of the phone when calling for help (Obamacare software, AKA electronics medical records)?

Yes, not just Indians, but inexperienced Indians. The ones that obtain full Visa or Citizenship status move on to better offers.