View Full Version : crapfest from Trump thread

08-18-2015, 07:02 PM
And yet they do, whether you do or not, or of others here do or not. I've seen it in the polls. I've seen conservative pundits support him. I've read conservative pundits supporting him. Not all of course, but plenty of them. And no, I don't wish to get into a debate about "what" or "who" a conservative is. :)

Er'm, but, Jim ... FJ really NEEDS this information !!! :rolleyes:

08-19-2015, 07:31 AM
Er'm, but, Jim ... FJ really NEEDS this information !!! :rolleyes:

I can understand why you like Trump; Neither of you understand that conservative means small government. Do you need the links or will you run away squealing again?

08-19-2015, 07:39 AM
I can understand why you like Trump; Neither of you understand that conservative means small government. Do you need the links or will you run away squealing again?

Neither, when it best suited her aims of the moment, did Margaret Thatcher !! Yet, you say you're 'The One True Thatcherite' .. h'mm .. ??

So then, FJ. Will you now abandon your 'One True Thatcherite' claim for yourself ? Or, will you rethink what you've just posted ?

Or perhaps .. you're really saying that Margaret Thatcher wasn't a Conservative ?? In which case .. as a 'One True Thatcherite' yourself, you are 'ADMITTING' (.. by that reckoning ..) that you are NOT a Conservative YOURSELF ?

FJ, are you beginning to realise just how deep a hole you've dug for yourself ? :laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

08-19-2015, 07:44 AM
... that you are NOT a Conservative YOURSELF ?

Point out my big government positions. Never mind, you'll run away and drag yet another thread off topic with your big government predilections. Besides, this thread is about Trump and not Thatcher.

08-19-2015, 07:55 AM

Point out my big government positions. Never mind, you'll run away and drag yet another thread off topic with your big government predilections. Besides, this thread is about Trump and not Thatcher.

What was that phrase of yours a little earlier ? Oh, yes ...

.... or will you run away squealing again?
You've just ducked the great challenge to your credibility (actually, I won't mince words .. I demolished it !) my previous post made. Of course you did. What else could you do ??

You want me to point out your 'Big Government position' ? OK, here's one ... I quote ...

'The One True Thatcherite'

.. there y'go !

Either that's 'true' or it's not. If 'true', then you're loyal to a Conservative who took some very memorable Big Government positions !!!

This thread IS about Trump, though. That is true. So, if you really do need to run away, you could do so in this thread.

Let's see you do so, then. 'Squealing', or not ... :laugh:

08-19-2015, 08:02 AM
.. I demolished it...

As I said before you imagine quite a lot, only you imagine failure as winning. Anything to say about Trump?

08-19-2015, 08:12 AM
I have noticed that Drummond and fj1200 enjoy arguing.

08-19-2015, 08:13 AM
As I said before you imagine quite a lot, only you imagine failure as winning. Anything to say about Trump?

... and yet, you've no argument to put, one countering the logic of what I've asserted. Naturally, since you can't do so.

Yes, since you need this timely diversion for yourself, I've something to say about Trump.

Trump isn't one to have any time for fraudulence (.. sorry, FJ ..). He's a plain speaker. He has an intolerance for political correctness. Lefties such as yourself prefer for him to fail, since Lefties as a whole NEED their political correctness. What they do NOT need is for their potential voter-base to see PC stuff as something to be rejected. So, they need to see Trump neutralised.

How many of your Leftie chums, FJ, did NOT like Megyn Kelly's personalised attack on Trump ? Be .. er'm .. HONEST in your - diversionary - answer !!

-- Do try.

08-19-2015, 08:13 AM
I have noticed that Drummond and fj1200 enjoy arguing.

What he does can hardly be called arguing. ;)

give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.

08-19-2015, 08:17 AM
Leftie! Leftie! Leftie!


Being a plain speaker doesn't make him a conservative. Neither does you whining about lefties make you a conservative.

08-19-2015, 08:18 AM
I have noticed that Drummond and fj1200 enjoy arguing.

Only 'true' to a point, Perianne. There's something I'd much prefer.

That is, for FJ to finally 'out' himself, and admit, candidly, what he REALLY believes in. Because, quite apart from anything else, he's boxed himself into an untenable position.

He could put an end to all the arguments by doing that, and I'd welcome it !! But, for as long as he continues with his Don Quixote nonsense, he's wasting time and effort to no good purpose.

08-19-2015, 08:20 AM
... no good purpose.

Outing a big government hack as yourself, not to mention you being a lying sack..., has its own purpose.

08-19-2015, 08:21 AM
Being a plain speaker doesn't make him a conservative. Neither does you whining about lefties make you a conservative.

I think Margaret Thatcher might've taken issue with you on that one. Which is curious, considering, er'm ...

'The One True Thatcherite'

08-19-2015, 08:21 AM
What he does can hardly be called arguing. ;)

Only 'true' to a point, Perianne. There's something I'd much prefer.

That is, for FJ to finally 'out' himself, and admit, candidly, what he REALLY believes in. Because, quite apart from anything else, he's boxed himself into an untenable position.

He could put an end to all the arguments by doing that, and I'd welcome it !! But, for as long as he continues with his Don Quixote nonsense, he's wasting time and effort to no good purpose.

I think you both enjoy it to some degree. :)

I wonder, in the end who will finally win this ongoing argument?

08-19-2015, 08:22 AM
I think you both enjoy it to some degree. :)

I wonder, in the end who will finally win this ongoing argument?

Me of course. :slap: I'm the only one speaking from truth, fact, and a sound basis in small government conservatism. :)

08-19-2015, 08:23 AM
I think Margaret Thatcher might've taken issue with you on that one. Which is curious, considering, er'm ...

This thread is about Trump. Try keeping it on topic for once.

08-19-2015, 08:23 AM
Outing a big government hack as yourself, not to mention you being a lying sack..., has its own purpose.

Are you limbering up to the revelation that you're NO form of 'Thatcherite', then ?

Why creep up on the issue ? Why not just plain ADMIT the TRUTH ?

08-19-2015, 08:24 AM
... 'Thatcherite'...


This thread is about Trump. Try keeping it on topic for once.

08-19-2015, 08:24 AM
This thread is about Trump. Try keeping it on topic for once.

Then put an end to the issue. Post ONE post, just ONE, admitting your TRUE beliefs. Once you've done that, the basis for my argumentation will have gone.

08-19-2015, 08:26 AM
Why don't you gentlemen just hit the men's room, measure, and shut up on the Thatcher thang?

08-19-2015, 08:26 AM
Then put an end to the issue. Post ONE post, just ONE, admitting your TRUE beliefs. Once you've done that, the basis for my argumentation will have gone.

Proof you ignore what you don't understand and that which proves you wrong.

I'm the only one speaking from truth, fact, and a sound basis in small government conservatism. :)

08-19-2015, 08:27 AM
... and shut up on the Thatcher thang?

Lordy I wish.

08-19-2015, 08:30 AM
Me of course. :slap: I'm the only speaking from truth, fact, and a sound basis in small government conservatism. :):laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I'm right, then. You ARE creeping up to an admission of fraudulence ...

Small Government Conservatism, FJ, is something Margaret advocated WHEN IT COULD BE AFFORDED. But when confronted with problems which required a Big Government approach, she TOOK THAT APPROACH, and never ONCE apologised for doing so.

Do you AGREE with her ? Or, DISAGREE with her ?

Getting ready to run again ? Or do you just feel a post rewrite coming on .. ?:laugh:

08-19-2015, 08:32 AM
... Big Government...

Oh geez. This thread is about Trump.

08-19-2015, 08:34 AM
Why don't you gentlemen just hit the men's room, measure, and shut up on the Thatcher thang?

Why doesn't FJ just post his one post, ending the entire argument in its tracks ? I'd welcome it. All I'm asking for is his one post committed to honesty from him, one that tells us of his true beliefs, one that digs him out of the hole he's currently in.

Why is this asking so much ?

08-19-2015, 08:35 AM

08-19-2015, 09:29 AM
Neither, when it best suited her aims of the moment, did Margaret Thatcher !! Yet, you say you're 'The One True Thatcherite' .. h'mm .. ??

So then, FJ. Will you now abandon your 'One True Thatcherite' claim for yourself ? Or, will you rethink what you've just posted ?

Or perhaps .. you're really saying that Margaret Thatcher wasn't a Conservative ?? In which case .. as a 'One True Thatcherite' yourself, you are 'ADMITTING' (.. by that reckoning ..) that you are NOT a Conservative YOURSELF ?

FJ, are you beginning to realise just how deep a hole you've dug for yourself ? :laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

Look out for a STRAWMAN...