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View Full Version : SHAME ON YOU, MICHELLE: Marine Tells First Lady Where to Stick It

08-19-2015, 09:46 PM
This marine is spot on, as the Mooch goes on and on about the poor black folks ( while her and her husband are living the life of Riley ) and how bad they have it he tells of how folks of all colors have fought and died so she can spread her lies, yes soldiers of all colors have fought for all of us and yes even the Obama's. The Mooch would have you believe how white America hasn't done anything but use the blacks as slaves and that simply isn't true and her and her husband are perfect example of how anyone can succeed if they wish to. This Marine is spot on, Congrats to him and all that think like him.

Michelle Obama just couldn’t resist the opportunity to throw some kerosene on the racial tension fire, but not everyone is so willing to simply let her get away with it.
At the beginning of the summer, Mrs. Obama was asked to give the commencement speech at Tuskegee University, and to no one’s surprise, she used the platform to prepare the gathered graduates for the onslaught of racism she is certain they will endure. What an uplifting message!
And you know Michelle didn’t shy away from an opportunity to also lament the pointed comments she and her husband have endured, simply because of the color of their skin (as opposed to, say, their far left ideology).
How do you respond to a woman who is so bent on preserving racial tension rather than combatting it?
As conservative pundit Michelle Malkin put it, “She’s trying to identify with the struggle. It’s very calculated, the statements that the First Lady makes…. She’s a master of this kind of social agitation.”
I couldn’t have said it any better myself. However, one bold Marine certainly did when he sent Mrs. Obama a letter she never expected to receive.


08-19-2015, 10:42 PM
This marine is spot on, as the Mooch goes on and on about the poor black folks ( while her and her husband are living the life of Riley ) and how bad they have it he tells of how folks of all colors have fought and died so she can spread her lies, yes soldiers of all colors have fought for all of us and yes even the Obama's. The Mooch would have you believe how white America hasn't done anything but use the blacks as slaves and that simply isn't true and her and her husband are perfect example of how anyone can succeed if they wish to. This Marine is spot on, Congrats to him and all that think like him.


She needs to go to Hell and take that moron race-baiter she's married to with her. I take SERIOUS offense to this.

ALL fucking Marines bleed green. Doesn't matter where you came from nor what your suntan is. Get stuck in the desert for a month and the tan's pretty much the same damned color.

To suggest military people treat colors differently? Well, they do. Affirmative action took care of that. You got quotas by race and gender, regardless lack of qualifications. Why doesn't she address THAT shit?

My best friend was black and the worst officer I ever worked for was too. I didn't care what color that Marine was humping my ammo.

The idiots on the left are trying to turn the 2016 race into being about race with their "Black Lies Matter" bullshit. Maybe they ough to talk to Sheriff David Clarke. THAT is a man.