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08-25-2015, 10:37 AM
Maybe this is not the right place to put this. If it is not, will a mod please move it?

Obviously some people love poetry. What is it about poetry that is so endearing to some people? (This is a serious question and please no one be hateful.)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2015, 04:51 PM
Maybe this is not the right place to put this. If it is not, will a mod please move it?

Obviously some people love poetry. What is it about poetry that is so endearing to some people? (This is a serious question and please no one be hateful.)

The expression of ideas, emotions, imagination , private thoughts, desires and dreams. Yet even more than that as its hard to convey even in multiple poems written.
Some poets spend a lifetime attempting to convey it and die knowing they never truly succeeded--at least not to the high level that they desired!

My Australian friend and great poet Peter Duggan has in his 60+ years of writing poetry has written close to 6,000
poems, yet he does not think he has adequately presented enough to satisfy his desire to convey that!
I, myself --have in total went over the 2700 poems mark. Most were destroyed.
And I do not think I even came close. Hope that helps.. Tyr

08-25-2015, 05:34 PM
The expression ideas, emotions, imagination , private thoughts, desires and dreams. Yet even more than that as its hard to covey even in multiple poems written.
Some poets spend a lifetime attempting to convey it and die knowing they never truly succeeded--at least not to the high level that they desired!

My Australian friend and great poet Peter Duggan has in his 60+ years of writing poetry written close to 6,000
poems, yet he does not think he has adequately presented enough to satisfy his desire to convey that!
I, myself --have in total went over the 2700 poems mark. Most were destroyed.
And I do not think I even came close. Hope that helps.. Tyr

Is it an art form of the written word? Otherwise, you could just write stuff down.

I know the poem you wrote for me was very special. I could never write anything like that.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2015, 06:15 PM
Is it an art form of the written word? Otherwise, you could just write stuff down.

I know the poem you wrote for me was very special. I could never write anything like that.

Poetry is the highest art form...it has elements that deal with message , rhyme, rhythm , flow, heart and form..

^^^^ Thats my humble definition..-Tyr

Here is one of the official ones --

literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
"he is chiefly famous for his love poetry"
synonyms: poems, verse, versification, metrical composition, rhymes, balladry; archaicpoesy
"Walt Whitman's poetry"
a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems.
"poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music"
something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty.
"the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2015, 06:38 PM
This may explain more , and back my opinion that poetry is the highest art form.
I presented it in religion and ethics forum rather than here because it deals with politics -which are not to be discussed in this forum. link below -- please read there my friend.. --Tyr


Conservatism, philosophy, politics and poetry

Off to indulge in that art form my friend. I failed to write my wife her daily love poem!
Dog house just ain't no good place to be.. this 'ole country boy got some sweet words to spin..:laugh:-Tyr