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View Full Version : Ah The Democrats Picks Make Me Feel Young!

08-25-2015, 11:40 AM
Probably not the best reason for them:


Every Day Is Old-Timers’ Day in the Democratic Party


By the way, how do Democrats feel that the party allegedly in touch with young people is selecting among a menu of 73-year-old Bernie Sanders, 67-year-old Hillary, 72-year-old Biden and 66-year-old Warren? Sure, the party has other leaders, like 75-year-old Nancy Pelosi, 64-year-old Chuck Schumer, and 77-year-old Jerry Brown…

Has any party ever had a top tier so aged? Anyway, this morning, there are signs the Obama team is lining up behind Biden:

“Sources tell CBS News that President Obama has given Vice President Joe Biden the green light to mull a White House run.”

The AP:

Some White House officials were irked by revelations that Clinton sidestepped administration guidelines by using a private email account on her own computer server to do State Department business. Privately, some Obama allies also say they’re miffed at Clinton’s handling of the email controversy, which continues to dog her campaign.

“Biden, as the president’s partner, would be closely identified with the Obama legacy,” said David Axelrod, a longtime Obama political adviser. However, he added that “any Democrat will carry the benefits and burdens of Obama into this election.”

Three weeks ago, Axelrod was saying he would urge Biden NOT to run in 2016.
