View Full Version : Hurrican Katrina 10th Anniversary

08-25-2015, 11:05 PM
It's time for the tenth anniversary of hurricane Katrina. I watched this on C-SPAN. This ol' witch is just horrible. Start at 1:36:42 of the hearing to hear some of the most hateful and smart-alecked testimony ever before congress. It lasts about five minutes. This video renews my faith that I have been right the whole time.


08-26-2015, 12:10 AM
I was working at a apartment complex when this took place ( it was right after I had a heart attack and the ol lady wanted me to quit running the road ) but anyway after Katrina many states opened up everything they could to the survivors, and GA did as well. The company I worked for decided we would move folks in that where effected by Katrina with no money down, no proof of income or employment and they could live for free for ( I think ) it was like 6 months, that gave them time to get their identities back ( hell they lost everything in the storm ) Well we did have a few families come and want to move in and they all acted as though the world owed them something, hell they where the dopes that stayed even after being warned. But one in particular called in the morning and said she would be there right after lunch to check the place out, hell it was a mad dash to get the apartment ready, by the time she got there it had a fresh coat of paint, new blinds and was clean as a whistle, but out in the walk way I had left a washer ( one of those old fashion heavy as sheot ones, the apartment was on the 3 rd floor ) I left it there waiting to get help moving it, now this woman was able to move into a beautiful apartment ( swimming pool, weight room, laundry room and so on ) but she decided to bitch about the washer, which she was told would be gone way before she was ready to move in ( this washer wasn't in her apartment or on her balcony it was in a walkway ) well she acted like she should be living on Park Ave in NYC, she was the nastiest POS I have ever met in my life. The other families that came where just as nasty but after I made such a hit with the first one, well i wasn't allowed to show apartments any longer. But yea talk about nasty pieces of trash, when people try to reach out and help a smile ( at least ) would be nice.

Then I went back on the road and had to pick up in N.O. I was picking up coffee and when I got to the warehouse at around 11:30 am I couldn't find anyone there, it was wide open and cars there but no one was around, so I walked next door to a little truck stop to ask them if they knew anything about the place, and the black woman said yea those Nig**** are hiding, there lunch starts at noon so they are hiding so they didn't have to load me until after lunch ( which hey that was cool, a lot of folks don't want to start something at the last second ) so I sat and had lunch and was the only white person in the place, well the N word was used more in the first 5 mins than I had ever heard it used ( mostly by the waitress ) so I asked why she was calling everyone the N word, she told me, seems during Katrina she was raped, right in the super Dome, she said those animals went crazy down there and she wished they all would of drowned, she told me yea there where folks that wanted to help, but hell it was a war zone down there, this poor woman told me stories that would make your toes curl, so after sitting outside N.O. right after the storm with a load of water ( we couldn't get in because they couldn't guarantee our safety ) and hearing her stories, well hell I don't feel sorry for the folks down there at all, with that said I am talking of the majority, not all.

08-26-2015, 05:17 AM
they made their own cesspool... let em swim in it.

New Orleans is the welfare capital of the deep south. A real shit hole.

It should have been leveled and never rebuilt.

08-26-2015, 10:38 AM
It's time for the tenth anniversary of hurricane Katrina. I watched this on C-SPAN. This ol' witch is just horrible. Start at 1:36:42 of the hearing to hear some of the most hateful and smart-alecked testimony ever before congress. It lasts about five minutes. This video renews my faith that I have been right the whole time.

This one?
