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Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 06:07 AM
Much of US Favors Bush Impeachment: poll

Jul 6 03:59 PM US/Eastern

Nearly half of the US public wants President George W. Bush to face impeachment, and even more favor that fate for Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a poll out Friday.
The survey by the American Research Group found that 45 percent support the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against Bush, with 46 percent opposed, and a 54-40 split in favor when it comes to Cheney.

The study by the private New Hampshire-based ARG canvassed 1,100 Americans by telephone July 3-5 and had an error margin of plus or minus three percentage points. The findings are available on ARG's Internet site.

The White House declined to comment on the poll, the latest bad news for a president who has seen his public opinion standings dragged to record lows by the unpopular war in Iraq.

The US Constitution says presidents and vice presidents can be impeached -- that is, formally charged by the House -- for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" by a simple majority vote.

Conviction by the Senate, which requires a two-thirds majority, means removal from office.

Just two US presidents have been impeached: Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 and acquitted in 1999; Andrew Johnson was impeached and acquitted in 1868. Disgraced president Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 when a House impeachment vote appeared likely.

In late April, left-wing Representative Dennis Kucinich, a long-shot Democratic presidential hopeful, introduced a resolution calling for Cheney's impeachment. To date, the measure has nine listed co-sponsors and a 10th set to sign on when the House returns to work next week.

But Democratic leaders appear unlikely to pursue such a course.


Joe Steel
07-07-2007, 06:12 AM
Much of US Favors Bush Impeachment: poll

But Democratic leaders appear unlikely to pursue such a course.


This may be the death of the Democratic Party. Unless they show some courage, many of their supporters will leave.

Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 06:16 AM
This may be the death of the Democratic Party. Unless they show some courage, many of their supporters will leave.

Considering the strangle hold the extreme lunatic left has on the democratic party, you may be right.

07-07-2007, 06:42 AM
I just saw this poll on FOX.

IF there are serious, legitimate reasons to Impeach Cheney or President Bush, Congress is abdicating their Duty, not to.

Do you know what the polling of the Public was the months prior to Clinton's Impeachment by the House?

I don't. I was just wondering whether we could get a better "feel" on what these polls really mean, I am NOT just trying to turn this in to a, "......so what? Clinton did it too thread! :) )

Joe Steel
07-07-2007, 07:08 AM
I just saw this poll on FOX.

IF there are serious, legitimate reasons to Impeach Cheney or President Bush, Congress is abdicating their Duty, not to.

Do you know what the polling of the Public was the months prior to Clinton's Impeachment by the House?

I don't. I was just wondering whether we could get a better "feel" on what these polls really mean, I am NOT just trying to turn this in to a, "......so what? Clinton did it too thread! :) )

The American people never supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton. His poll numbers were high during and after the impeachment.

07-07-2007, 07:33 AM
Will the childish 'payback' mentality never cease ? Impeachment procedings against Bush AND Cheney would take forever and even if they were impeached it would result in a female democrat being the incumbent President only months before an election and Bushs' inevitable departure anyway. The Clintons would never allow this to happen.

Mr. P
07-07-2007, 07:56 AM
Will the childish 'payback' mentality never cease ? Impeachment procedings against Bush AND Cheney would take forever and even if they were impeached it would result in a female democrat being the incumbent President only months before an election and Bushs' inevitable departure anyway. The Clintons would never allow this to happen.

Afraid not.

Mr. P
07-07-2007, 08:02 AM
This may be the death of the Democratic Party. Unless they show some courage, many of their supporters will leave.

Good news if true! It's time for the extremist to fade back into the shadows of their compounds and grow fruits and vegetables with the rest of the nuts again.

07-07-2007, 09:04 AM
How about a poll on impeaching congress?

Polls are bullshit. They are just liberal propaganda tools.

07-07-2007, 09:54 AM
The American people never supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton. His poll numbers were high during and after the impeachment.

I was uncertain...not too involved in Politics back then. And this is even more interesting of a poll with this knowledge. ty.

And based on some of the other comments like Dillo's that to me imply I could have been trying to "invoke" Clinton as an excuse, I was NOT.

Although a "John Doe", I am a confessed serial Democrat. :D

And this would be suicide for the Democratic Party, perhaps.

But Perhaps NOT, with the polls and public view, looking the way it is on the subject compared to Clinton's Impeachment Procedings.

The Democrats in office or leadership have made it clear that Impeachment is out, and personally, as I have stated, I think if there is due cause to impeach, they would be abdicating their Constitutional Duty, to Impeach.

And abdicating their Duty, for purely political reasons, like they want to keep their own damn seats in the next election, is NOT taking the high ground, by any means, imho.

Republicans Impeached Bush in the House, knoewing it would hurt them and knowing that they WOULD NOT get the 2/3's vote in the Senate that it would take to find him guilty of his crimes, to Impeach him from office in the Senate.

They did it anyway.

And if you read the comments of the House Republican Leaderships on this and other Republican Representatives, they believe that they still did the right thing, by indicting him, because it was their duty to stand up for the truth and the rule of Law, and the Constitutional responsibility.

I wonder how they stand on the Libby pardon? :poke:

07-07-2007, 09:55 AM
How about a poll on impeaching congress?

Polls are bullshit. They are just liberal propaganda tools.


07-07-2007, 09:57 AM
How about a poll on impeaching congress?

Polls are bullshit. They are just liberal propaganda tools.

Unfortunately, only the voter can remove anyone in Congress, and a felony of which they were convicted for...

Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 12:00 PM
I think they could impeach bush for his absolute total neglect of the mexican, American border, and looking the other way wanting to reward an invasion the scale of this world has never seen before with amnesty alone. He's a down right traitorous piece of shit for this, and if they tried to impeach him for it, I'd support it. Filthy cock suckin' traitor bitch. Tries to hand over our port security to a foreign company, and then wants to hand over instant citizenship to twenty million illegal alien invaders. Yeah, they can impeach the mother fucker as far as I'm concerned.

And yes, I'm a Republican, but you can add Iraq to the list of things I don't like about bush too. I'm not 100% convinced we needed to go in there the way we did. I remember watching the build up saying to myself, "are we really going to go in there? What for?" And this never ending, open ended commitment, I'm getting real sick of that. It's costing HUGE amounts of money, and our soldiers just walk around out in the open getting their asses shot off by these filthy, hiding, terrorist dogs, while Iraq's government sits back and doesn't seem to DO SHIT! IT'S BEEN FIVE MOTHER FUCKING YEARS!!! Well I'm getting tired of it! It's been long enough. Who the fuck ever said we were in the business of country building? I'm beginning to think like Ron Paul. Unless this country is attacked, then what the fuck business do we have being there?

07-07-2007, 01:52 PM
I don't see how this is logical. If they impeach cheney/bush, they would also have to impeach 80% of the senate...

Fact is, Bush/Cheney have done nothing impeachable. It shows once again how the Dems are willing to engage in smear politics by spouting how bad Bush is and demanding/discussing this thing which will never, ever see the light of day. However they have succeeded in getting their hate agenda out again. I hope they pursue this, it will cost them the election.

07-07-2007, 02:00 PM
I don't see how this is logical. If they impeach cheney/bush, they would also have to impeach 80% of the senate...

Fact is, Bush/Cheney have done nothing impeachable. It shows once again how the Dems are willing to engage in smear politics by spouting how bad Bush is and demanding/discussing this thing which will never, ever see the light of day. However they have succeeded in getting their hate agenda out again. I hope they pursue this, it will cost them the election.

Agreed. All the talk of impeachment is way off. We have to live with our choices for 4 years.

07-07-2007, 02:05 PM
Agreed. All the talk of impeachment is way off. We have to live with our choices for 4 years.

I think people have gotten the "removal" bug after the wonderfully consertative :D state of california ousted its governor and put in the terminator.

It is not something that should be used lightly. Even talk about it very harmful and it will come back and bite the dems in the ass.

07-07-2007, 02:10 PM
I think people have gotten the "removal" bug after the wonderfully consertative :D state of california ousted its governor and put in the terminator.

It is not something that should be used lightly. Even talk about it very harmful and it will come back and bite the dems in the ass.

Yep. Much like using the word 'divorce' in a normal fight, you are opening doors that should stay closed, unless you really mean it.

Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 02:38 PM
They won't impeach the dirty little prick. It's not politically advantageous. To anyone.

07-07-2007, 04:12 PM
Im willing to bet the Democrat Internals are telling them otherwise or they would eagerly be impeaching the President.

And it doesnt matter whether a President is well liked. If he has done something that warrants impeachment he needs to be impeached. Its not a matter of opinion polls. its a matter of justice.

So President Bush and Vice President Cheney have nothing to worry about. They havent committed any crimes.

Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 04:15 PM
Im willing to bet the Democrat Internals are telling them otherwise or they would eagerly be impeaching the President.

And it doesnt matter whether a President is well liked. If he has done something that warrants impeachment he needs to be impeached. Its not a matter of opinion polls. its a matter of justice.

So President Bush and Vice President Cheney have nothing to worry about. They havent committed any crimes.

I call his neglect of the border a crime. But I guess that's just my opinion.

07-07-2007, 07:01 PM
I call his neglect of the border a crime. But I guess that's just my opinion.

A high crime?

Excuse the pun, but I am on the fence as to whether it is a crime. Sure the illegals are breaking the law and arguably not good for our economy, but I am not sure they are a clear and present danger at this time in terms of "hard" violence versus "soft" harm. E.g., our very lives are imminently threatened.

I do however, see our way of life threatened. Though I may live and continue to thrive, the future with this illegals here is a very different future than what America stands for. During the depression, plenty of people (gasp, white folk) did the same work. So this talk that only mexicans will do the work is utter BS. Farm wages are different than minimum wage, so arguing that if white people did the work it would cost more is garbage. In fact, illegals are paid so well here, they will do anything to come across the border just to make these wages. This is what the stupid socialists fail to grasp.

I consider the danger grave. But at this point, I am not sure that it is an impeachable offense. Afterall, this started long before Bush entered office. And I agree with you on his stance with this shamshitty bill, but I don't want him removed.


Pale Rider
07-07-2007, 07:15 PM
A high crime?

Excuse the pun, but I am on the fence as to whether it is a crime. Sure the illegals are breaking the law and arguably not good for our economy, but I am not sure they are a clear and present danger at this time in terms of "hard" violence versus "soft" harm. E.g., our very lives are imminently threatened.

I do however, see our way of life threatened. Though I may live and continue to thrive, the future with this illegals here is a very different future than what America stands for. During the depression, plenty of people (gasp, white folk) did the same work. So this talk that only mexicans will do the work is utter BS. Farm wages are different than minimum wage, so arguing that if white people did the work it would cost more is garbage. In fact, illegals are paid so well here, they will do anything to come across the border just to make these wages. This is what the stupid socialists fail to grasp.

I consider the danger grave. But at this point, I am not sure that it is an impeachable offense. Afterall, this started long before Bush entered office. And I agree with you on his stance with this shamshitty bill, but I don't want him removed.


It's just how pissed I am at the whole stinking mess Yurt. I get mad enough to do something about it. And I did do my share of calling and emailing during this last bought with the shamnesty bill. But that just doesn't seem to be enough for me. I get so frustrated with the son of a bitches in congress I could just SHIT, and it comes out here as pure furry in print.

07-07-2007, 10:14 PM
Agreed. All the talk of impeachment is way off. We have to live with our choices for 4 years.

So you don't think they will try to impeach the President or Vice President?

07-07-2007, 11:07 PM
Much of US Favors Bush Impeachment: poll


On the topic of immigration, so do I.

07-08-2007, 01:14 AM
Yep. Much like using the word 'divorce' in a normal fight, you are opening doors that should stay closed, unless you really mean it.


07-08-2007, 01:17 AM
On the topic of immigration, so do I.

I don't think he should be impeached over the immigration issue. He is entitled to mess up In a round about way. I think he really believed it would be better for American Citizens.

07-08-2007, 02:14 PM
It's just how pissed I am at the whole stinking mess Yurt. I get mad enough to do something about it. And I did do my share of calling and emailing during this last bought with the shamnesty bill. But that just doesn't seem to be enough for me. I get so frustrated with the son of a bitches in congress I could just SHIT, and it comes out here as pure furry in print.

I understand. It is frustrating.

07-08-2007, 02:25 PM
So you don't think they will try to impeach the President or Vice President?

I didn't say that. I never underestimate the ability of the Democratic party to overtake the GOP in self-destruction.

07-08-2007, 02:28 PM
Do you realize what happens if they go after Bush and Cheney? Pelsoi becomes President, and that is one bitch we don't want at the White House, even as a visitor.

07-08-2007, 04:13 PM
I call his neglect of the border a crime. But I guess that's just my opinion.

Every president from Kennedy on has neglected the border because its economically prudent for America. What are we gonna do? Convict Reagan posthumously?

Bush didn't do anymore or any less than any other president, it simply became a big issue because we as conservatives have been getting the hell kicked out of us on most issues and needed a winner desperately.