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View Full Version : Here’s What Cities are Planning to do for Muslims on 9/11

08-27-2015, 07:08 AM
OK this deserved it's own thread. These Democratic mayors could of picked any other day but they have decided to choose 9/11 to have their “9th Annual Ramadan Unity Dinner.” OOO yea Ramadan ended in July but they just thought it fitting to celebrate it in September, on the 11th no less.

Then ya have a dinner going on called Hope, not Hunger, The event will feature an Islamic crescent and a skyline of mosque- styled buildings. The Tax payers will pay for a essay contest , the winner receiving $500.

I know there are those that say we must let 9/11 go, personally I say BS, it will never be forgotten in my eyes. But why would these POS decide to have these celebrations on this day other than to rub our faces in it, please someone tell me quick how it is only one small percent of Muslims that are bad. :rolleyes:

Muslims love to rub their victories in your face.
Check it out:
The Democratic mayors of two Michigan cities plan to celebrate September 11th this year by honoring Sharia and hosting their “9th Annual Ramadan Unity Dinner.”
Ramadan ended in July, but the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing has scheduled its dinner at the city-owned convention center on the very day when 19 Muslim terrorists killed 2,977 innocent victims at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and three crashed airliners, 14 years ago.


08-27-2015, 07:18 AM
The date of the dinner has been changed.

08-27-2015, 07:19 AM
The date of the dinner has been changed.

That is a good deal, no I am not all for it, but any other day besides 9/11 and I am sure I wouldn't even of heard of it. Thanks for the info Noir.