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View Full Version : If Obama ran could he win again?!!?

08-28-2015, 07:49 AM
You know, sad as it may be, with this crop of R candidates ..and Hillary... as his competition. I bet he could.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. But just a practical matter of fact. I bet this crazy country would vote him in again.
-But as a the fox commentary mentioned, if Obama really wanted a 3rd term he should just get a family member to do it ... you know like the Bushes and Clintons.


08-28-2015, 07:50 AM
You know, sad as it may be, with this crop of R candidates ..and Hillary... as his competition. I bet he could.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. But just a practical matter of fact. I bet this crazy country would vote him in again.
-But as a the fox commentary mentioned, if Obama really wanted a 3rd term he should just get a family member to do it ... you know like the Bushes and Clintons.



08-28-2015, 08:04 AM
This is total hubris on Obama's part to even bring this up. I don't think he could win - his unfavorable numbers are pretty high.
I personally think it would be a sad commentary on Americans if they would elect him again, and that any voter that would still vote for him either doesn't understand or doesn't care about the fate of this country.

08-28-2015, 08:08 AM
This is total hubris on Obama's part to even bring this up. I don't think he could win - his unfavorable numbers are pretty high.
I personally think it would be a sad commentary on Americans if they would elect him again, and that any voter that would still vote for him either doesn't understand or doesn't care about the fate of this country.

did they understand the 1st or 2nd time?

c'mon now just being realistic here

08-28-2015, 08:10 AM
You know, sad as it may be, with this crop of R candidates ..and Hillary... as his competition. I bet he could.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. But just a practical matter of fact. I bet this crazy country would vote him in again.
-But as a the fox commentary mentioned, if Obama really wanted a 3rd term he should just get a family member to do it ... you know like the Bushes and Clintons.


Never underestimate the power of free stuff. Obama could win again, even if he ran illegally. I wonder if opening the embassy in Havana is a payoff for secret training from the PCC.

08-28-2015, 08:25 AM
He couldn't win again. I've seen folks from ALL sides of his support slowly starting to drop support for him. His most ardent of supporters, black folks, I've even seen MANY more complaining about his Presidency as time erodes on. They thought he would accomplish something "for them". They realize 7 years later that they were mistaken.

08-28-2015, 08:54 AM
if he does there goes the tax base. everyone's leaving. including me

08-28-2015, 09:07 AM
Never underestimate the power of free stuff.

Ain't THAT the truth


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2015, 09:26 AM
You know, sad as it may be, with this crop of R candidates ..and Hillary... as his competition. I bet he could.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. But just a practical matter of fact. I bet this crazy country would vote him in again.
-But as a the fox commentary mentioned, if Obama really wanted a 3rd term he should just get a family member to do it ... you know like the Bushes and Clintons.


Giving freebies has massive power yet by 2016, his 8 long years of nation destroying will have finally awaken enough people, even some dumbass dems to likely cause his defeat.
A defeat if---, if the voting process was not so damn corrupted.
Myself, I think it just may be true that its no longer a valid process and outside power(globalists) are actually choosing our President-- confirmed for me by the obama's second win!
There is just no damn way , that bastard should have won IMHO.
Example of cheating are several cases where he got 100% of the vote in certain voting districts- a mathematical impossibility!-Tyr

red state
08-28-2015, 11:38 AM
"If not for that DAMN, pesky piece of toilet paper called the Constitution....I could have gotten a LOT MORE done and could run indefinitely."
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............~BOREack Obummer

I truly believe, given the stupidity of those who voted for him the first time....let alone TWICE and the corruption (both at the booths and within our "immigration" policies, that he could very well win. In fact, given our so-called Supreme justices, weak/sorry@$$ rhino-republicans and the traitorous Dim-0-Crap lawmakers......he could, quite possibly, change our normal election system so that he could run again. The next year will probably be FULL of interesting things. Sit back and see.

red state
08-28-2015, 11:43 AM
As Tailfins and Tyr reminded us.....FREE STUFF goes a long way.

Also keep in mind that as HELLary's corruption surfaces, the Dim-0-Craps get more and more desperate. They have probably held secret meetings already on how they can pull a third term off. THEY passed a 3,000 page law without ever reading the "secret" crappy agenda's that pregnate's Obama Careless so what makes anyone think they can't pull this off. If you think that or think that we can't be an un-armed society.....you need to review history (including our recent history that our not-so-supreme justices have made).

08-28-2015, 12:45 PM
Giving freebies has massive power yet by 2016, his 8 long years of nation destroying will have finally awaken enough people, even some dumbass dems to likely cause his defeat.
A defeat if---, if the voting process was not so damn corrupted.
Myself, I think it just may be true that its no longer a valid process and outside power(globalists) are actually choosing our President-- confirmed for me by the obama's second win!
There is just no damn way , that bastard should have won IMHO.
Example of cheating are several cases where he got 100% of the vote in certain voting districts- a mathematical impossibility!-Tyr
Excellent post. I agree completely. :clap:

08-28-2015, 08:23 PM
did they understand the 1st or 2nd time?

c'mon now just being realistic here

I agree Rev and wouldn't be surprised at all, but I think the country is just tired of him, I believe that is why Trump's over the top idea's are intriguing people, I think Obama had his day in the spot light.