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View Full Version : A thought about gun violence

08-29-2015, 05:42 PM
Okay, so we've been having a lot of 2nd Amendment and Gun violence related threads, and I think I've stumbled on a core point of the problem in arresting: We're looking for one thing.

You ever asked a divorcing couple why they're getting divorced, and they go, "It's a lot of little things"? This is the same thing here I think. So why so much different in Europe:

1. Most people aren't allowed to own firearms, really. Hard to have gun violence, when the majority of the populace doesn't have the things to begin with. They're a lot more used to not owning firearms.

2. Population counts: All of Great Britain is equal to the NY, CA, and Mass.. Then there' the other 47 states, plus the territories.

3. Wide open spaces: I laid out before that you could physically fit all of Europe inside of the United States, with more than enough room to spare. This makes a lot of attempts at gun regulation simply implausible, as the vectors for illegal weapons is just too great given the distances. It's simpler in England, a small Island that can easily maintain constant patrols. Here? God, I couldn't even imagine try to maintain a patrol in New England, let along sweeping the whole east coast. Then you've got all the carribean isles, and the gulf of mexico.

4. Unity: Half of England is not dead set against the other half of England. The same holds true for France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. They are each their own independent country/culture. Here, we have all of those cultures, and a dozen more that are prevalent. We have cultural regions on top of immigrant cultures, hence terms like Masshole, New Yorker, Southerner, etc. We're very, very divided right now, and guess what? That tends to lead to an uptick in confrontation.

5. Stress: Areas where gun violence is most prevalent are also the most economically stressed areas, with systemic poverty getting everyone's nerves on edge, as well as contributing to increased criminal activity. You can't expect ecnomies in these areas to improve when the roads are trash, the streets aren't safe, and the people are on the government's dime. It just doesn't work that way. It has helped to establish a I'm a get mine" culture that isn't help.

6. A little conversation, a little more action please: Our politician talk a good game about helping these areas, whether liberal or conservative.... and then promptly forget about them once the election cycle is done. They'll come back to it, maybe, when the next election is coming up.