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View Full Version : Shopping too distracting for "mother" - leaves her baby in the buggy

08-31-2015, 07:11 AM

"As I was pulling into the garage, my 3-year-old-goes, 'Where is baby Huxton?' I turned around and looked and realized he was gone," Peterson said.

First off - look at her words. "He was gone". That's her mind's attempt to remove responsibility from her actions. "He was gone" has no fault. If she were responsible and honest she would not try to protect herself through words. She would have said "I turned around and realized I left him".

Essentially, people (the internets and some "reporters") are saying 'oooh! Raising FOUR KIDS! What a TOUGH JOB! That Poor Woman!"

WHEN folks. WHEN do grown-ups become adults? This lady does NOT have a tough job - its only tough to the extent she makes it tough.

I know a woman who REALLY STRUGGLES with two kids. I mean the kids sap the woman's will to wake up...to move...maybe to live. The reason? The woman didn't beat her brats when the kids were littler. The woman asked them what they wanted for dinner and made what they wanted. The woman created her own monsters.

Look - being a parent is easy as shit IF you do a LITTLE work up front to keep your kids from becoming assholes. Like this guy jokes about - but he's right:


I'll grant you -being a mom to assholes can be pretty difficult - but it's a case of "I let my kids devolve into assholes and now my life sucks".

08-31-2015, 07:28 AM
will say this, when our daughter was 6months or so i had to stay home for 2 weeks and do it all while my wife was out of the country. I found a routine after a week that i could handle the 2nd week. i really had to have a strict schedule to make it work for me.
Going back to office work was a break.
4 to 14 year old not as much.

red state
08-31-2015, 07:58 AM
will say this, when our daughter was 6months or so i had to stay home for 2 weeks and do it all while my wife was out of the country. I found a routine after a week that i could handle the 2nd week. i really had to have a strict schedule to make it work for me.
Going back to office work was a break.
4 to 14 year old not as much.

Thanks a lot, DMP.....now I may as well be in the coal mine myself after playing that for my wife. I thought it was funny and assumed she would think it was also a bit hilarious......but NO. She hand me my coffee, rolls her eyes and says; "yeah, all those home school days were simply peachy with a 2, 4 & 8 year old (all at once).

I still say he was funny in talking about many of those he was referencing......he just wasn't talking about my FANTASTIC wifey!!!! I'm gonna see if I can tag her on this within her FB. HA!!!!!

08-31-2015, 08:16 AM
Your kids should come first, no matter what. I don't care what is happening in your life, or your day - none of that should overrule or make you forget you have a child in tow. And people are supporting her? "So many rallied behind Cherish" Or it's an "exhaustive" journey. Well then shit, if you can't handle the exhaustion, don't effing have kids then!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2015, 08:51 AM
Your kids should come first, no matter what. I don't care what is happening in your life, or your day - none of that should overrule or make you forget you have a child in tow. And people are supporting her? "So many rallied behind Cherish" Or it's an "exhaustive" journey. Well then shit, if you can't handle the exhaustion, don't effing have kids then!

I did more caring for my daughter(now an adult) than my ex-wife did. We both had jobs but I worked longer hours by far and still did far more for my daughter than my ex-wife and that includes right up until my daughter moved out into her first apartment on her own. She readily talks about and admits this in family discussions about her mother. So its not me -blowing my own horn.
I do just as much now for my son Justin as does my wife and she will admit it and likely say I even do more than her, since she has been taking college courses in med field for 5 solid years now, just graduating in June..

Trust me, dmp WAS DEAD ON RIGHT, take firm control- dont let the kids become little monsters and over half of the hardship involved in these other cases never even appears.
Yet even then with that , its not a damn picnic but the reward and better life your children have being
"raised right " makes it well worth the sacrifice. -Tyr

08-31-2015, 09:16 AM
Get Cats..... they are easier to deal with and independent in about 6 months....

Abbey Marie
08-31-2015, 10:26 AM

Peterson returned to the grocery store to look for her baby after about 40 minutes, but she didn't notice he was missing until she had finished her errands and driven all the way home.

40 minutes? I doubt there is an animal in the wild who would do this pathetic a job of parenting. Bet you dollars to donuts this woman was on her phone the whole time.

08-31-2015, 11:12 AM
Let's see. Someone named Cherish has a baby named Huxton. lol. There really is something to be said about names.

08-31-2015, 02:51 PM

40 minutes? I doubt there is an animal in the wild who would do this pathetic a job of parenting. Bet you dollars to donuts this woman was on her phone the whole time.

It's not a child... it's a WIC Check and food stamps

08-31-2015, 02:55 PM
Thanks a lot, DMP.....now I may as well be in the coal mine myself after playing that for my wife. I thought it was funny and assumed she would think it was also a bit hilarious......but NO. She hand me my coffee, rolls her eyes and says; "yeah, all those home school days were simply peachy with a 2, 4 & 8 year old (all at once).

I still say he was funny in talking about many of those he was referencing......he just wasn't talking about my FANTASTIC wifey!!!! I'm gonna see if I can tag her on this within her FB. HA!!!!!

Sometimes it's better just to be quiet. :laugh:

One thing I figured out with this current 2 months old, is I never really babysat for a living. I was on active duty and could go to work and escape. I usually could get everything I need to done while she was at the babysitter. It ain't the same as having a Rosemary's baby 24-7.

Kudos on the home schooling BTW.

red state
08-31-2015, 10:13 PM
Sometimes it's better just to be quiet. :laugh:

One thing I figured out with this current 2 months old, is I never really babysat for a living. I was on active duty and could go to work and escape. I usually could get everything I need to done while she was at the babysitter. It ain't the same as having a Rosemary's baby 24-7.

Kudos on the home schooling BTW.

Thanks, Gunny.

Yeah....I've been there and done that and was always treated as if I was lucky enough to escape to a high pressure, exhausting job when she had to stay home and do some extremely exasperating tasks at home. Bad thing is....when I got home, I my job wasn't over cuz there was still lawn duty and I always got stuck with Principal duties and homework tutorship. HA!

That was many moons ago, however, my son will be 22 on Wed., my wife & I recently celebrated our SILVER and my middle child is off to a private college on FULL 30k scholarship at a private college that in no way could we have afforded (especially with the new business ventures we're taking on right now). BTW, we stopped home schooling when they all wanted to play sports. Heck, my youngest (also a daughter) is still in high school and had TWO practices this evening (basketball & softball). Her grades are OK but I doubt she's scholarship material. HA!!!

I still think what that comedian said about (SOME stay-at-home-moms) was funny....till he started joking about the racism of the SOUTH in the other video. I simply do not see it and believe the yankees *and libs in general, are far more racist.

08-31-2015, 11:27 PM
It's not a child... it's a WIC Check and food stamps

These young white women make such terrible moms... :cool:
