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View Full Version : Trump wants to raise taxes

08-31-2015, 07:08 PM

While Trump's position on taxing hedge fund managers at a higher rate is similar to the views expressed by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, his stance on whether Congressional Republicans should battle President Obama over raising the nation's debt ceiling is anything but.

08-31-2015, 07:13 PM
I'm more interested in his desire to lower taxes for the middle class. While I don't like "targeting" the rich, just because some think they CAN pay more... IF they are paying less than they should be, I don't have an issue with things being fixed.

And I think, unfortunately, whoever goes into office, D or R - will have to make cuts and raise some things here and there, at least if they're HONEST and plan on reducing our debt and fixing our economy.

08-31-2015, 07:24 PM
I'm more interested in his desire to lower taxes for the middle class. While I don't like "targeting" the rich, just because some think they CAN pay more... IF they are paying less than they should be, I don't have an issue with things being fixed.

And I think, unfortunately, whoever goes into office, D or R - will have to make cuts and raise some things here and there, at least if they're HONEST and plan on reducing our debt and fixing our economy.

How many decades have we heard that promise? They want to raise minimum wage to bring the middle class down, but they haven't given us one break yet, no matter their promises.

08-31-2015, 07:33 PM
How many decades have we heard that promise? They want to raise minimum wage to bring the middle class down, but they haven't given us one break yet, no matter their promises.

Oh, I don't disagree. But it's better than someone claiming they are going to lower them all the way around, increase jobs, increase this and that and also expect us to believe they'll balance a budget and lower the national debt. Hopefully we'll find the broken clock this time!

Black Diamond
08-31-2015, 07:35 PM
Read my hair....

08-31-2015, 07:48 PM
Read my hair....

You have hair? You are OUT of the club.:laugh:

08-31-2015, 08:37 PM
You have hair? You are OUT of the club.:laugh:

I am guessing you have hair. You just have to remember to put it on every morning. :p

09-01-2015, 05:46 AM
Trump wants to raise taxes

Well, he can "wants to" all he wants to, it's not within his purview. It is a legislative thing...

09-01-2015, 07:07 AM
I am guessing you have hair. You just have to remember to put it on every morning. :p

Naaa I think they use glue, it only needs to be re glued every 2000 miles. :laugh:

09-01-2015, 07:50 AM

Is he still good with his wealth tax proposal?

09-01-2015, 08:18 AM
Is he still good with his wealth tax proposal?

I don't think it's that easy, to say it's the wealthy. For example:

"I would change it. I would simplify it," Trump told hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann from the lobby of Trump Tower on New York's 5th Ave. Specifically, Trump targeted hedge fund profits, which are currently taxed at a lower rate than regular income.

If the idea is to "fix" taxes on the rich in this manner, to where they pay a FAIR tax on such gains, I have no issues with stuff like that. While I don't want to blindly target the rich solely to make money, I do think we should make sure things are fair.

With that said, as we all know, the rich already pay the lions share of taxes in America.

09-01-2015, 12:14 PM
I don't think it's that easy, to say it's the wealthy. For example:

If the idea is to "fix" taxes on the rich in this manner, to where they pay a FAIR tax on such gains, I have no issues with stuff like that. While I don't want to blindly target the rich solely to make money, I do think we should make sure things are fair.

With that said, as we all know, the rich already pay the lions share of taxes in America.

Actually he proposed a one-time wealth tax in a previous book IIRC. He's also proposing to change the rules on carried interest that allows hedge fund managers to be taxed at capital gains rates which was the gist of the OP.

But I'm shocked at the insertion of "fair" into the discussion, that's Dem speak. :poke: He's also proposed previously to eliminate the corporate income tax.

09-01-2015, 12:24 PM
Actually he proposed a one-time wealth tax in a previous book IIRC. He's also proposing to change the rules on carried interest that allows hedge fund managers to be taxed at capital gains rates which was the gist of the OP.

But I'm shocked at the insertion of "fair" into the discussion, that's Dem speak. :poke: He's also proposed previously to eliminate the corporate income tax.

I've always been FOR creating a fair and equal tax across the board. I don't think the rich should be "forced" to pay more just to help the "less fortunate".

But what the rich DO profit from, should be equal to what the peons should profit from. In other words, I own a business and make 200k per year. Trump owns a business and makes 50 million per year. He shouldn't be getting better advantages than me, IMO.

But I also do believe as far as corporations are concerned, that we need to retain them and keep them from going to India and Mexico and other places. I'm no tax expert, so I could be talking out my ass - but we do need to be fair there too, and do what's necessary to keep them here, keep the money, keep the employees.

09-01-2015, 12:38 PM
I've always been FOR creating a fair and equal tax across the board. I don't think the rich should be "forced" to pay more just to help the "less fortunate".

But what the rich DO profit from, should be equal to what the peons should profit from. In other words, I own a business and make 200k per year. Trump owns a business and makes 50 million per year. He shouldn't be getting better advantages than me, IMO.

But I also do believe as far as corporations are concerned, that we need to retain them and keep them from going to India and Mexico and other places. I'm no tax expert, so I could be talking out my ass - but we do need to be fair there too, and do what's necessary to keep them here, keep the money, keep the employees.

Fair to one is not fair to another. What if a 0% capital gain rate is far superior for all involved and those who most "benefit" are rich? It might be considered fair to tax capital gains (on mostly the rich) and keep a working Joe from getting a job or a better one.

And regarding corporate income taxes, there's a thread on that. Rev started it and I defended the zero corporate rate. :) You can't "keep" them here, you can only make it more advantageous to stay.

09-01-2015, 12:43 PM
Fair to one is not fair to another. What if a 0% capital gain rate is far superior for all involved and those who most "benefit" are rich? It might be considered fair to tax capital gains (on mostly the rich) and keep a working Joe from getting a job or a better one.

And regarding corporate income taxes, there's a thread on that. Rev started it and I defended the zero corporate rate. :) You can't "keep" them here, you can only make it more advantageous to stay.

Don't ask me questions, fucker, I don't know shit about how to run the economy. My knowledge and expertise is very minimum, I just think Americans should be taxed equally, no one should be "better" than another, and those that are better off as far as how much they have in the bank, they shouldn't be treated differently either.

09-04-2015, 11:23 AM
For every £1 of petrol (gas), we pay 60p in tax.

A litre of petrol costs, say, £1.10 per litre. There are 3.78541178 litres to one US gallon. So that's £1.10 x 3.78541178 = £4.16 per US gallon. At the moment £1 = $1.52 so if you paid UK prices for 1 US gallon of gas, that would cost you $6.33 and $3.80 of that would go in taxation. How much is 1 US gallon of petrol (gas)?

09-04-2015, 12:35 PM

What is Trump's position or stance on reversing the Obamanation? Defunding PP? Repealing Obamacare? Rolling back tax increases on the middle class and instead, giving the middle class tax breaks. Bringing jobs back to the USA by tax incentives to companies that keep jobs here. Rolling back the legally passed via Congress stipulation that the welfare recipients all must seek work in order to keep drawing taxpayer $$$. Eliminating the EOs Barry has made. Taking Barry's nuke deal and shoving it where it belongs (or where the sun don't shine re: Barry).

I could go on and on, but seriously.....Trump taxing hedge fund managers is the very LEAST of America's problems and issues.

09-04-2015, 12:37 PM
How much is 1 US gallon of petrol (gas)?

It varies around the nation. I filled up a few days ago and paid I believe it was like $3.19 per gallon? Last time I was in New Jersey (only like 60 miles away), I had filled up for like $2.79 a gallon.

Black Diamond
09-04-2015, 12:38 PM
Re Iran deal, he said he believes in honoring deals. So that wouldn't go anywhere.

Black Diamond
09-04-2015, 12:39 PM
It varies around the nation. I filled up a few days ago and paid I believe it was like $3.19 per gallon? Last time I was in New Jersey (only like 60 miles away), I had filled up for like $2.79 a gallon.

Yup. $2.65 in Tucson. $3.99 in Los Angeles last weekend.

09-04-2015, 12:41 PM
Re Iran deal, he said he believes in honoring deals. So that wouldn't go anywhere.

Then obviously....Trump isn't the man for the job.

(but I knew that)

09-04-2015, 01:13 PM
I don't think anyone except the buffoons making the deal and their minions think that the Iran deal is a good one.

But what do you want him to do? Unilaterally scrap it? Is that legal once signed with other countries? Isn't everyone concerned with having a President that respects the rule of law? I know I am.

The problem is that as bad as the deal is, there are other secret agreements involved. Obviously, these little nuggets are sure to be chock full of bad news for us, and that's why they are being kept secret. It's pretty hard to make statements about something that you don't fully understand - and making statements without having the full picture is a sure way to getting bitten in the ass.

I'm sure that there will be a stance elaborated on once all the details are public. And at that point, corrective measures can be announced and put into play.

There is no end to the amount of disastrous policies enacted by this administration and it's going to take a hell of a lot of work to correct them and get the country back on track.

Black Diamond
09-04-2015, 01:21 PM
I don't think anyone except the buffoons making the deal and their minions think that the Iran deal is a good one.

But what do you want him to do? Unilaterally scrap it? Is that legal once signed with other countries? Isn't everyone concerned with having a President that respects the rule of law? I know I am.

The problem is that as bad as the deal is, there are other secret agreements involved. Obviously, these little nuggets are sure to be chock full of bad news for us, and that's why they are being kept secret. It's pretty hard to make statements about something that you don't fully understand - and making statements without having the full picture is a sure way to getting bitten in the ass.

I'm sure that there will be a stance elaborated on once all the details are public. And at that point, corrective measures can be announced and put into play.

There is no end to the amount of disastrous policies enacted by this administration and it's going to take a hell of a lot of work to correct them and get the country back on track.

Not sure of the legality of violating whatever this turd is. It's not a treaty. I have heard ( I think it was William Cohen) that it would be difficult to go back on because we have to "go it alone"...
The price of oil should come down considerably so countries are not going to be in a hurry to renege. In a screwed up way, we have to hope Iran violates the deal without serious repercussions.

09-04-2015, 01:23 PM
For every £1 of petrol (gas), we pay 60p in tax.

A litre of petrol costs, say, £1.10 per litre. There are 3.78541178 litres to one US gallon. So that's £1.10 x 3.78541178 = £4.16 per US gallon. At the moment £1 = $1.52 so if you paid UK prices for 1 US gallon of gas, that would cost you $6.33 and $3.80 of that would go in taxation. How much is 1 US gallon of petrol (gas)?

I filled up last night for $1.999 per gallon.

10-18-2017, 07:52 PM
Your taxes pay for illegal immigrants, debt, war, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm.

10-18-2017, 08:17 PM
Your taxes pay for illegal immigrants, debt, war, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm.Another thread from 2015 checks in .... Your taxes apparently pay so you can be a couple of years behind up to speed.

10-18-2017, 08:35 PM
Another thread from 2015 checks in .... Your taxes apparently pay so you can be a couple of years behind up to speed.
This fucker ain't in his right mind, Gunny.

10-18-2017, 08:37 PM
This fucker ain't in his right mind, Gunny.Y'think? One thread to another with some stupid propaganda he stole from a 50s Cold War B flick.

10-18-2017, 09:36 PM
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible.

Black Diamond
10-18-2017, 09:37 PM
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible.
i expect to see you crushed like a gnat.

10-18-2017, 11:27 PM
The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms or other types of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues, and tends to permit uprising.