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View Full Version : 5 yr-old Son of Murdered TX Cop Wore Captain America Shirt to Funeral, Touching Reaso

09-06-2015, 07:01 AM
This 5 year old boy tried to be brave for his Mom as they buried his Dad, all because some POS decided it's open season on whites and cops. He wore a Captain America shirt to his Dad's funeral, him and Dad wore matching shirts, they had bought them and never got to wear them.

This sheot has got to be put to rest and real quick, these animal thugs thinks they can just attack whites and/or cops at will, I can't wait to see the line of good Ol Boys heading into Atlanta ( or any inner city ) to clean house, it's coming to a town near you sooner than you think.

Just incredibly sad. Goforth’s little boy wore his Captain America shirt to his dad’s funeral. They bought matching shirts and if I understand correctly, his dad had his on for his final journey home as well. A great officer and a wonderful father and husband was ripped away from his family senselessly (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3216068/Wife-slain-Houston-deputy-praises-ethical-fiercely-loyal-husband-career-criminal-charged-murder-cold-blooded-gas-station-ambush.html) just over a week ago by a black thug who walked up behind Goforth as he was filling his patrol car at a gas station. He shot the officer multiple times in the back of the head and back. As Goforth left this world, the murderous scum stood over him and emptied his 15 round clip into him. He then just walked away. Now, a family comes to say goodbye to someone they loved more than anything else in this world. A little boy says farewell to his dad… the super hero of his life (http://www.youngcons.com/son-of-murdered-texas-deputy-wears-captain-america-shirt-to-funeral-heres-the-touching-reason-why/).


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 08:02 AM
This 5 year old boy tried to be brave for his Mom as they buried his Dad, all because some POS decided it's open season on whites and cops. He wore a Captain America shirt to his Dad's funeral, him and Dad wore matching shirts, they had bought them and never got to wear them.

This sheot has got to be put to rest and real quick, these animal thugs thinks they can just attack whites and/or cops at will, I can't wait to see the line of good Ol Boys heading into Atlanta ( or any inner city ) to clean house, it's coming to a town near you sooner than you think.


obama promotes it, uses it and protects it.
It will not be properly addressed until his treasonous stinking ass is no longer in charge and only then if a piece of shit dem is not in the White house helping the globalists destroy this nation!!!-Tyr

Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 09:37 AM
Thank you MSM for promoting the false narrative that has led this nation into a ore violent future and greater racial division.

Thank you Obama for increasing the economic malaise in black Democratic controlled urban sewers and increasing racial division.

Thank you Democratic Party for once more using a race hustling message to divide the nation even further.

Yes people, elections DO matter and if Republicans, Christians and Conservatives continue to stay home and empower Democrats, they deserve the economic malaise and division that are sure to come as a result.

09-08-2015, 09:53 AM
This story makes Capt. America sad....
