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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 10:57 AM

Colleges brainwash students into believing 9/11 was our fault
By Paul Sperry September 6, 2015 | 6:00am

Not all of us will be mourning 9/11 victims and their families this Friday on the 14th anniversary of the attacks. Hundreds of college kids across the country will instead be taught to sympathize with the terrorists.
That’s because their America-hating leftist professors are systematically indoctrinating them into believing it’s all our fault, that the US deserved punishment for “imperialism” — and the kids are too young to remember or understand what really happened that horrific day.
Case in point is a freshman-level English class taught at several major universities across the country called “The Literature of 9/11” — which focuses almost entirely on writings from the perspective of the Islamic terrorists, rather than the nearly 3,000 Americans who were slaughtered by them.
The syllabus, which includes books like “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” and “Poems from Guantanamo: Detainees Speak,” portray terrorists as “freedom fighters” driven by oppressive US foreign policies.
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Even highly ranked University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has adopted the curriculum. The 9/11 seminar is taught by UNC associate English professor Neel Ahuja, who specializes in “post-colonial studies.”
In Ahuja’s twisted worldview, al Qaeda terrorists are the real victims. “Abu Zubaydah’s torture may be interpreted as simply one more example of the necropower of US imperialism, the power to coerce and kill targeted populations,” Ahuja recently wrote in an academic paper criticizing the war on terror.
He says America’s depiction of the 9/11 terrorists as “monsters” is merely an attempt to “animalize” them as insects and justify “squashing” them in “a fantasy of justice.”
This colonialist “construct” of an “animalized enemy,” he added, “dovetails with the work of mourning the nation after 9/11 (which in the logic of security must be made perpetual, melancholic).” To him, it’s all cynically designed to justify more “imperial violence” against “Muslim, Arab and South Asian men.”
Ahuja goes on to decry the US “colonization” of Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan, along with “aerial bombing (and) indefinite detention” of al Qaeda terrorists at Gitmo. In other writings, the professor bashes Israel and sides with Palestinian terrorists, further revealing his agenda.
He clearly has an ax to grind, which critics say the university gives him license to exercise through “The Literature of 9/11” curriculum.
A group of concerned UNC students has complained to administrators that the 9/11 course, also taught at the University of Maryland and other campuses, is being used to brainwash impressionable underclassmen.
“These readings offer points of view that justify terrorism, paint the United States and its government as wholly evil and immoral and desecrate the memory of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,” the UNC College Republicans said in a recent letter to Chancellor Carol Folt.

“There is not a single reading required that focuses on the lives of the victims, the victim’s [sic] families, American soldiers (or) families of American soldiers,” they added. “Nor is there a perspective that portrays the United States as acting in good faith before, during and after the Sept. 11 attacks.”
The course, moreover, “does not teach students how to think, it teaches them what to think,” the letter continued. “And the material it presents is an apologetic for the violence and murder against the United States.”
The university replied that freshmen should be exposed to differing points of view, even radical ones.
“Part of the college experience is the opportunity to learn from those who have differing points of view. Carolina’s first-year seminar program is part of that growth,” the administration said in a press statement, while insisting “the university isn’t forcing a set of beliefs on students.”
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Photo: AP
But several students who have taken the course warned in a professor review blog that Ahuja, who earns $72,100 a year spewing his unAmerican propaganda, does not tolerate dissent.
“He favors kids who share his views, so learn to do that,” said one reviewer. “A very interesting guy, just don’t disagree with him.”
Added another student, in a January 2014 post: “I would avoid contradicting him openly.”
“AGREE WITH HIS STANCE IN YOUR PAPERS!!!!!” advised another in November.
What’s happening in Chapel Hill is not isolated. Presenting terrorists in a sympathetic light and the US as an imperialist nation is standard fare. This is what, in varying degrees, most college kids are learning today, all over the country.
Paul Sperry, a visiting media fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 11:04 AM
Colleges brainwash students into believing 9/11 was our fault
By Paul Sperry September 6, 2015 | 6:00am

Not all of us will be mourning 9/11 victims and their families this Friday on the 14th anniversary of the attacks. Hundreds of college kids across the country will instead be taught to sympathize with the terrorists.
That’s because their America-hating leftist professors are systematically indoctrinating them into believing it’s all our fault, that the US deserved punishment for “imperialism” — and the kids are too young to remember or understand what really happened that horrific day.
Case in point is a freshman-level English class taught at several major universities across the country called “The Literature of 9/11” — which focuses almost entirely on writings from the perspective of the Islamic terrorists, rather than the nearly 3,000 Americans who were slaughtered by them.
The syllabus, which includes books like “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” and “Poems from Guantanamo: Detainees Speak,” portray terrorists as “freedom fighters” driven by oppressive US foreign policies.
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Even highly ranked University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has adopted the curriculum. The 9/11 seminar is taught by UNC associate English professor Neel Ahuja, who specializes in “post-colonial studies.”
In Ahuja’s twisted worldview, al Qaeda terrorists are the real victims. “Abu Zubaydah’s torture may be interpreted as simply one more example of the necropower of US imperialism, the power to coerce and kill targeted populations,” Ahuja recently wrote in an academic paper criticizing the war on terror.
He says America’s depiction of the 9/11 terrorists as “monsters” is merely an attempt to “animalize” them as insects and justify “squashing” them in “a fantasy of justice.”
This colonialist “construct” of an “animalized enemy,” he added, “dovetails with the work of mourning the nation after 9/11 (which in the logic of security must be made perpetual, melancholic).” To him, it’s all cynically designed to justify more “imperial violence” against “Muslim, Arab and South Asian men.”
Ahuja goes on to decry the US “colonization” of Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan, along with “aerial bombing (and) indefinite detention” of al Qaeda terrorists at Gitmo. In other writings, the professor bashes Israel and sides with Palestinian terrorists, further revealing his agenda.
He clearly has an ax to grind, which critics say the university gives him license to exercise through “The Literature of 9/11” curriculum.
A group of concerned UNC students has complained to administrators that the 9/11 course, also taught at the University of Maryland and other campuses, is being used to brainwash impressionable underclassmen.
“These readings offer points of view that justify terrorism, paint the United States and its government as wholly evil and immoral and desecrate the memory of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,” the UNC College Republicans said in a recent letter to Chancellor Carol Folt.

“There is not a single reading required that focuses on the lives of the victims, the victim’s [sic] families, American soldiers (or) families of American soldiers,” they added. “Nor is there a perspective that portrays the United States as acting in good faith before, during and after the Sept. 11 attacks.”
The course, moreover, “does not teach students how to think, it teaches them what to think,” the letter continued. “And the material it presents is an apologetic for the violence and murder against the United States.”
The university replied that freshmen should be exposed to differing points of view, even radical ones.
“Part of the college experience is the opportunity to learn from those who have differing points of view. Carolina’s first-year seminar program is part of that growth,” the administration said in a press statement, while insisting “the university isn’t forcing a set of beliefs on students.”
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Photo: AP
But several students who have taken the course warned in a professor review blog that Ahuja, who earns $72,100 a year spewing his unAmerican propaganda, does not tolerate dissent.
“He favors kids who share his views, so learn to do that,” said one reviewer. “A very interesting guy, just don’t disagree with him.”
Added another student, in a January 2014 post: “I would avoid contradicting him openly.”
“AGREE WITH HIS STANCE IN YOUR PAPERS!!!!!” advised another in November.
What’s happening in Chapel Hill is not isolated. Presenting terrorists in a sympathetic light and the US as an imperialist nation is standard fare. This is what, in varying degrees, most college kids are learning today, all over the country.
Paul Sperry, a visiting media fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”

The university replied that freshmen should be exposed to differing points of view, even radical ones.

exposed? or indoctrinated into? The authority and presumed truth maintain by the prestige of the university and its teachers
will naturally give greater credit/credence to the ideas and propaganda espoused by the leftist, socialists, terrorists and other anti-american scum!
This is nothing but further liberal "hate America first' indoctrination and these lying university bastards all know it.
They just depend on the ignorant masses falling for their insanely defensive lies about such activities.
IMHO they all should be fired and many of them actually jailed for pure and deliberate treason(as in their deliberately aiding of our enemies muslim terrorists).. --Tyr

09-06-2015, 11:57 AM
It was our fault: God hates blasphemy. REPENT, America. Jesus will save and protect you.

09-06-2015, 12:23 PM
It was our fault: God hates blasphemy. REPENT, America. Jesus will save and protect you.

D'aw, was your poor gods ego bruised

As for the OP, discussions over 'how we got here' are never ending regressions, because no one side is to "blame", however, to overlook the impact of the religion involved is folly.

09-06-2015, 12:45 PM
D'aw, was your poor gods ego bruised

As for the OP, discussions over 'how we got here' are never ending regressions, because no one side is to "blame", however, to overlook the impact of the religion involved is folly.

Leftie revisionist pap.

We 'got here' because Islamic terrorists launched a totally unprovoked attack against the US. That is the fact of the matter, Noir, and you're only pushing your case of making things seem 'fuzzy' in the hope that, over a decade later, you can make dimmed memories of those days work in your favour.

I'm now waiting for comparable pap which suggests that Hitler was kind to Jews.

09-06-2015, 12:54 PM
So at some point in history, some Middle Eastern people decided, "We're going to be terrorists and attack America.


So what in history caused these people to do this?

09-06-2015, 01:07 PM
It was our fault: God hates blasphemy. REPENT, America. Jesus will save and protect you.

That's pretty awesome that God told you that.

What else did he say? And how do I get a direct line to God like you have?

You further discredit yourself and everyone else who happens to be a Christian with that bullshit.

09-06-2015, 01:08 PM
Colleges and universities are, imho, supposed to teach students to think for themselves. Yes they should be exposed to multiple views. I went to a hugely liberal school. Campus student groups embraced all sorts of nationalities, religions and gender issues. And this was back in the late 70's. HOWEVER, this is dead wrong. Not because it teaches a warped view of history. It does. Wrong because at some point, we as a nation, need to stand up and say what we stand for. Yes we have done some things wrong on a cultural and historical level as measured against our current understanding. But this constant apologizing for every action is self defeating. The people who attacked us - and it was an attack - felt wronged but they had a choice in how they acted. We are NOT responsible for their hurt feelings or their actions. And I don't care what some professor thinks. If we want to create leadership among our young people, we need to teach them the lessons of history in a way that will allow them to build up rather than tear down their country. American history is not all glorious accomplishments but neither is it all rank imperialist greed. Despite our flaws, I still think we are the best country in the world. Anyone doesn't like that opinion, I really don't care.

09-06-2015, 01:31 PM
So at some point in history, some Middle Eastern people decided, "We're going to be terrorists and attack America.


So what in history caused these people to do this?

So what are you saying ? That the US was at fault for being attacked ?

The Mujahiddeen DID change direction, and DID decide to convert from freedom-fighting activities to all-out terrorism. Yes - this is fact. It happened in the late Eighties, I think .. 1987 or 1988.

America played no part in that decision. Yes, terrorists DID decide it.

And, yes, they did attack America, this is documented fact (and rather more than that for a great many Americans !).

As for what caused it .. well, what does cause so-called 'people' to become murderous scum ?

I know that Al Qaeda hates the fact of any involvement at all of any Western powers in the Middle East, and they launch attacks on other Nation States there for being 'traitorous' enough to deal with countries such as America. Saudi Arabia has itself been attacked for precisely that reason.

They regard countries subscribing to values different to their own as automatic enemies. They want a worldwide Caliphate, and until that can be brought about, they will continue to act as enemies of anyone daring to have differing values and a different worldview to their own.

09-06-2015, 01:36 PM
OK, so if my neighbor does something that I don't like I should just blow his house up, kill his entire family ( even the kids, hell they are innocent but hey I am mad ) ya makes lots of sense. :rolleyes:

09-06-2015, 01:41 PM
Leftie revisionist pap.

I guess, as our resident leftie, you would know ;D

09-06-2015, 01:41 PM
That's pretty awesome that God told you that.

What else did he say? And how do I get a direct line to God like you have?

You further discredit yourself and everyone else who happens to be a Christian with that bullshit.

Tailfins, can you obtain next Tuesday's EuroMillions winning numbers for me ? The current jackpot stands at £22m ...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 01:42 PM
Colleges and universities are, imho, supposed to teach students to think for themselves. Yes they should be exposed to multiple views. I went to a hugely liberal school. Campus student groups embraced all sorts of nationalities, religions and gender issues. And this was back in the late 70's. HOWEVER, this is dead wrong. Not because it teaches a warped view of history. It does. Wrong because at some point, we as a nation, need to stand up and say what we stand for. Yes we have done some things wrong on a cultural and historical level as measured against our current understanding. But this constant apologizing for every action is self defeating. The people who attacked us - and it was an attack - felt wronged but they had a choice in how they acted. We are NOT responsible for their hurt feelings or their actions. And I don't care what some professor thinks. If we want to create leadership among our young people, we need to teach them the lessons of history in a way that will allow them to build up rather than tear down their country. American history is not all glorious accomplishments but neither is it all rank imperialist greed. Despite our flaws, I still think we are the best country in the world. Anyone doesn't like that opinion, I really don't care.

This deliberate hiding of that TRUTH is far worse than how they slant, lie about , and twist the blame while aiding this nation's enemies.-Tyr

09-06-2015, 01:43 PM
I guess, as our resident leftie, you would know ;D

Sorry to see you believe in libel, Noir (though, should that really be a surprise ?).

I suppose asking you for an apology would be a waste of time ?

09-06-2015, 01:57 PM
So at some point in history, some Middle Eastern people decided, "We're going to be terrorists and attack America.


So what in history caused these people to do this?

The Quran, years and years of radicalism.

What causes them to behead folks for petty crimes? Or kill people for simply wanting to leave the religion? Or kill the women for "dishonoring" the family? Or stoning women for crimes that wouldn't even be a "crime" in other places. Or their leaders chanting with the people "Death to America/Israel". Not exactly normal for leaders to do so. I could go on and on - but suffice to say, IMO only, these folks haven't really caught up with the rest of the world when it comes to being civil.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 01:57 PM
I guess, as our resident leftie, you would know ;D

Yes, he is every damn bit as much a leftie as I am.
Perhaps next time you could come up with something more believable than that crock..
or maybe not, not sure exactly how smart you are ... admittedly , you are no dummy but you surely
insane liberalism methinks. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 02:06 PM
Sorry to see you believe in libel, Noir (though, should that really be a surprise ?).

I suppose asking you for an apology would be a waste of time ?

Don't waste your time replying to such crap.
Libs are taught to get those they oppose to waste time defending against such lies ...
Myself , can not ever recall asking for anybody to apologize to me.
However , I did on many occasions force such out by way of direct face to face action --back in my wild days and "don't give a damn" youthful years.
Only in real life, face to face can any form of apology be forced .
Here , its just wasting your time. -Tyr

09-06-2015, 02:16 PM
That's pretty awesome that God told you that.

What else did he say? And how do I get a direct line to God like you have?

You further discredit yourself and everyone else who happens to be a Christian with that bullshit.

I get it that some things are not meant for public consumption: the "in the world, but not of the world" thing. However, our indulgent society has even short-circuited our nation's ability to rationally contain the damage wreaked by militant Islam. The left wants to kiss their rear end and the right wants to exterminate one billion people. It seems a rational approach would be a decisive military response based on evidence. Target the response to the seriousness of the threat. Locally, the best way to eradicate Islam is to evangelize your neighborhood Muslims. Being nasty to Mohammed who manages the corner convenience store accomplishes nothing.

09-06-2015, 03:18 PM
Don't waste your time replying to such crap.
Libs are taught to get those they oppose to waste time defending against such lies ...
Myself , can not ever recall asking for anybody to apologize to me.
However , I did on many occasions force such out by way of direct face to face action --back in my wild days and "don't give a damn" youthful years.
Only in real life, face to face can any form of apology be forced .
Here , its just wasting your time. -Tyr:clap::clap::clap:

Your point is very well made, and taken, Tyr.

Asking for an apology reminds the transgressor of their duty. Of crossing a line. It should stimulate an awareness of culpability and responsibility for one's actions.

But exactly as you say .. here, that sort of thing is a waste of time. Unfortunate, but true.

Thanks for the reminder - point well taken.

09-06-2015, 03:29 PM
I guess, as our resident leftie, you would know ;D

Why do people get obsessed with left, right and middle?

And what's the advantage that they gain?

09-06-2015, 04:01 PM
Sorry to see you believe in libel, Noir (though, should that really be a surprise ?).

I suppose asking you for an apology would be a waste of time ?

Did that 24 hour deadline clock just start, again? ;)

09-06-2015, 04:06 PM
Sorry to see you believe in libel, Noir (though, should that really be a surprise ?).

I suppose asking you for an apology would be a waste of time ?

All's fair in love, war and message boards, you Jihadist! :laugh: Upping the ante is so much fun!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 04:18 PM
All's fair in love, war and message boards, you Jihadist! :laugh: Upping the ante is so much fun!

Now that was funny!!! :laugh:--Tyr
I have long suspected that big D had a secret prayer rug and a camel hidden in his closet. :laugh:-Tyr

09-06-2015, 08:05 PM
So what are you saying ? That the US was at fault for being attacked ?

Of course not. What is unfortunate is that the U.S. did respond to who attacked us. Or their supporters. Instead, we attacked a country that had zero to do with the attack. And absolved the real culprit of blame.
The U.S. government responded to terrorism with incredible amounts of stupidity that led to the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers.

09-06-2015, 08:09 PM
Of course not. What is unfortunate is that the U.S. did respond to who attacked us. Or their supporters. Instead, we attacked a country that had zero to do with the attack. And absolved the real culprit of blame.
The U.S. government responded to terrorism with incredible amounts of stupidity that led to the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers.

That was caused by nation building. Those American lives would not have been lost had we just burned them to a cinder and communicated that state sponsors of terror will be tuned into cinders.

09-06-2015, 08:12 PM
That was caused by nation building. Those American lives would not have been lost had we just burned them to a cinder and communicated that state sponsors of terror will be tuned into cinders.

Burned who to a cinder? The citizens of Iraq/Afghanistan?

09-06-2015, 08:13 PM
That was caused by nation building. Those American lives would not have been lost had we just burned them to a cinder and communicated that state sponsors of terror will be tuned into cinders.

Not to mention, we DID go after the appropriate people. In 2001, we invaded Afghanistan, which is where the people were that were responsible for attacking us. in 2003 we invaded Iraq, which was a result of years and years of refusal to follow UN sanctions. One had nothing to do with the other. We should have done much more in both places and it would prevent the growth of the Taliban bastards and ISIS.

09-06-2015, 08:14 PM
Invading sovereign countries is not normally known as "nation building."

09-06-2015, 09:42 PM
Did that 24 hour deadline clock just start, again? ;)

Should it ?

09-06-2015, 09:44 PM
Of course not. What is unfortunate is that the U.S. did respond to who attacked us. Who else but a Leftie could ever say such a thing ???

Or their supporters. Instead, we attacked a country that had zero to do with the attack. And absolved the real culprit of blame.
The U.S. government responded to terrorism with incredible amounts of stupidity that led to the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers.

Truly astonishing.

I remember it well. Afghanistan was bombed, because of all the Al Q terrorist training camps within it !!

You want to rewrite history ?

As for Iraq, see post #27.

09-06-2015, 10:26 PM
Burned who to a cinder? The citizens of Iraq/Afghanistan?

It's a message that needs to be sent: Sponsor terrorism and be burnt to a crisp.

09-06-2015, 11:28 PM
Not to mention, we DID go after the appropriate people.

Actually, we didn't. Saudi Arabia funded the 9-11 attacks and housed/trained the terrorists.

In 2001, we invaded Afghanistan, which is where the people were that were responsible for attacking us.

Actually, bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. Which the Bushies knew.

in 2003 we invaded Iraq, which was a result of years and years of refusal to follow UN sanctions.

If that is the case, why didn't we invade Libya? Or Somalia? Or North Korea? It had to be Iraq because Bush wanted to avenge the slights against his daddy.

09-07-2015, 04:47 AM
D'aw, was your poor gods ego bruised

As for the OP, discussions over 'how we got here' are never ending regressions, because no one side is to "blame", however, to overlook the impact of the religion involved is folly.

Sure one side is to blame. I didn't see any Christin white folk crashing planes into buildings. Matter of fact, only Christian white folk I heard about involved said something like "Let's roll" and they took that plane down in PA.

I'm sick of you people making excuses for bad guys and/or doing the wrong thing. You, and the leftwingers in this country have more excuses than Carter has little liver pills. I don't give a flying f*ck what your problem is. There's no right way to do the wrong thing.

Bad guys are bad guys. They tend to be wimpy ass little cowards. Look what happened on that train in France. When men quit allowing themselves to be shamed for being men, you lose your weapons, all your ammo, and you get delivered hogtied like a goat.

You know what would have happened to you had you been on that train? You'd be dead. In Europe, and as usual, it took some American servicemen to step to the plate and kick some ass. They did what you ain't got the balls too anymore. You'd be so busy trying to decipher and psychoanalyze what was going on that you can't see "bad guy with a fucking gun". I don't care why he's doing it. He can take his political crap and shove it up his ass. Just like you can.

These guys are actual heroes. So why is you Monday morning quarterbacks have to second guess them? They did the right thing. I'd have killed him. I'll tell you that straight up. Then we have little faggots Monday morning quarterbacking our action. While wimps like you sit on the sidelines, don't do shit and just criticize us.

So why don't you quit making excuses for bad guys? I don't give a shit about any medal I got, but I'd have been honored to be part of that. And I don't need a fucking medal. They're in my mom's garage. Somewhere.

You know who I really feel bad for? British Royal Marines. Those are the baddest dudes I ever met and they're stuck with your dumbass rules. You turn them loose, I can sit back,.have a Coke and enjoy a football game.

So why don't you try doing something instead of running your mouth?

These are MY heroes. Hard Corps.

09-07-2015, 04:49 AM
It's a message that needs to be sent: Sponsor terrorism and be burnt to a crisp.

So we find out after all this time that you sponsor the gay rights movement. Surprising.

09-07-2015, 04:57 AM
So we find out after all this time that you sponsor the gay rights movement. Surprising.

Want to try again? Nobody cares about fags but the PC willing to let the tyranny of the minority rule.

09-07-2015, 06:03 AM
Actually, we didn't. Saudi Arabia funded the 9-11 attacks and housed/trained the terrorists.

You deny that Taliban-controlled territory in Afghanistan had many Al Q terrorist training camps within it ? Really ?

Actually, bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. Which the Bushies knew.

Correction. He FLED there, after America bombed the guts out of the aforestated training camps. Before that bombing, Al Qaeda was concentrated in Afghanistan. Afterwards - and after being decimated - they spread out, became less centralised. Only at the time Afghanistan was attacked did he feel any need to flee from there himself !

If that is the case, why didn't we invade Libya? Or Somalia? Or North Korea? It had to be Iraq because Bush wanted to avenge the slights against his daddy.

North Korea's difficult, because of its nuke capability. You want to see nukes flying around .. invade N Korea !

Libya had WMD's, but Gaddafi had the intelligence to disarm in time.

Somalia .. don't know. Still, maybe IF the War on Terror's momentum had been kept going, other countries would've been included in it. Sad to say - your Leftie-in-Chief has made sure it's ground to a halt, instead. And done a dodgy deal with the leading sponsors of world terrorism, today .. Iran.

A record to be proud of ? I'm sure the Left think so !!!

09-07-2015, 06:53 AM
Of course not. What is unfortunate is that the U.S. did respond to who attacked us. Or their supporters. Instead, we attacked a country that had zero to do with the attack. And absolved the real culprit of blame.
The U.S. government responded to terrorism with incredible amounts of stupidity that led to the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers.

I love that it is the Bushies fault. :rolleyes:

You do realize GW didn't fly in and attack all by his lonesome, there was a vote, and those that voted had all the same intel that GW had . Put this together with the fact that the USA had given Iraq WMD ( to keep Iran in check for us ) and the fact that they found all kinds of sheot in hospitals in case of poison bombs, that and the fact that we know he poisoned his own people and I would say we did the right thing. Where we messed up was putting your boy in office that tried to make a name for himself by pulling the troops out ASAP ( and even that he couldn't do ;like he promised, that should of been his clue that rushing them out was only going to make matters worse. ) Back when the Senate ( the Country really ) was discussing going into Iraq the talk was that it would be a long drawn out war, but I guess Obama missed that. :laugh:

If you want to blame GW for something ( and I would agree ) was giving these cockroaches 6 months to hide what ever they had, we should of went in with no warning what so ever, they didn't follow the rules told to them so we had that right, but giving them 6 months to hide sheot in the worlds biggest kitty litter box, well I believe that was just plain stupid.

And lets not forget that Saddam was financing the attacks on American troops, he was carrying out attacks with kids ( IUD's strapped to them ) and if you where like everyone else in this country on 9/12 then you believed as well as the rest of us, if you harbor terrorist, if you finance terrorist, or if you are a terrorist you are our enemy.

09-07-2015, 07:11 AM
Sure one side is to blame. I didn't see any Christin white folk crashing planes into buildings. Matter of fact, only Christian white folk I heard about involved said something like "Let's roll" and they took that plane down in PA.

I'm sick of you people making excuses for bad guys and/or doing the wrong thing. You, and the leftwingers in this country have more excuses than Carter has little liver pills. I don't give a flying f*ck what your problem is. There's no right way to do the wrong thing.

Bad guys are bad guys. They tend to be wimpy ass little cowards. Look what happened on that train in France. When men quit allowing themselves to be shamed for being men, you lose your weapons, all your ammo, and you get delivered hogtied like a goat.

You know what would have happened to you had you been on that train? You'd be dead. In Europe, and as usual, it took some American servicemen to step to the plate and kick some ass. They did what you ain't got the balls too anymore. You'd be so busy trying to decipher and psychoanalyze what was going on that you can't see "bad guy with a fucking gun". I don't care why he's doing it. He can take his political crap and shove it up his ass. Just like you can.

These guys are actual heroes. So why is you Monday morning quarterbacks have to second guess them? They did the right thing. I'd have killed him. I'll tell you that straight up. Then we have little faggots Monday morning quarterbacking our action. While wimps like you sit on the sidelines, don't do shit and just criticize us.

So why don't you quit making excuses for bad guys? I don't give a shit about any medal I got, but I'd have been honored to be part of that. And I don't need a fucking medal. They're in my mom's garage. Somewhere.

You know who I really feel bad for? British Royal Marines. Those are the baddest dudes I ever met and they're stuck with your dumbass rules. You turn them loose, I can sit back,.have a Coke and enjoy a football game.

So why don't you try doing something instead of running your mouth?

These are MY heroes. Hard Corps.

Great post, Gunny .. and your tribute to the Royal Marines is much appreciated.

Let me correct you on one detail, though. The train in France ... four people acted. Three Americans, and one British man.

See this ... an interview with him, just after he'd been given his award by the French President ..


... and another clip ...


... and he wasn't combat-trained. Just an ordinary citizen, who did what he thought was the right thing to do.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2015, 08:48 AM
Great post, Gunny .. and your tribute to the Royal Marines is much appreciated.

Let me correct you on one detail, though. The train in France ... four people acted. Three Americans, and one British man.

See this ... an interview with him, just after he'd been given his award by the French President ..


... and another clip ...


... and he wasn't combat-trained. Just an ordinary citizen, who did what he thought was the right thing to do.

There is a reason that both World Wars were decided by the heroic actions of American and British forces , my friend. Brits have always been very tough fighters!
Napoleon found that out the hard way at the Battle of Waterloo!!!!!

Also that is the reason that the stinking muslims seek to conquer Britain first and from within, without having too actually fight them in battle..

09-07-2015, 09:36 AM
Great post, Gunny .. and your tribute to the Royal Marines is much appreciated.

Let me correct you on one detail, though. The train in France ... four people acted. Three Americans, and one British man.

See this ... an interview with him, just after he'd been given his award by the French President ..


... and another clip ...


... and he wasn't combat-trained. Just an ordinary citizen, who did what he thought was the right thing to do.

I don't disagree. The French guy was born in VA. But you make my point. MEN, regardless where they come from act like men when the shit hits the fan. And I trained with some Royal Marines and it damned sure wasn't in Europe. I think they called that place the Middle East and Southern Iraq to be exact. I'm not placating you. Those dudes have my respect and you can ask all around how hard that is to get. I ain't impressed by much. I'd go into battle with any one of them I've ever known.

The problem is, we have a bunch of dumbasses shaming us about acting like we are. One of the funniest moments (to me) came when one of my jarhead LCpl's said but, Sgt L, they don't speak English. I'm like where the f*ck do you think that whole English shit came from? We're the ones that don't speak English.

At any rate,those are still my boys. They stood up and said fuck this. I wish I could have pinned the medal on one of them. Those guys, regardless their origins, showed extraordinary heroism in the face of fire. You kind of missed my point. An Airmen, a National Guardsman and a French doctor stood up and lit the bad guys up.

It's about the bad guys getting their asses kicked by good guys. I'm sick of these leftwingers trying to expalin that away with some bullshit words. We're tougher than you, and we kicked your asses. How'd that work?

You give me company of Brit Marines and a Company of ROK Marines and some US Marines and quit accussing of of shit I'll fucking lay you a wasteland.

09-07-2015, 09:44 AM
So we find out after all this time that you sponsor the gay rights movement. Surprising.

Housing and employment: It ends there.

09-07-2015, 10:25 AM
Don't waste your time replying to such crap.
Libs are taught to get those they oppose to waste time defending against such lies ...
Myself , can not ever recall asking for anybody to apologize to me.
However , I did on many occasions force such out by way of direct face to face action --back in my wild days and "don't give a damn" youthful years.
Only in real life, face to face can any form of apology be forced .
Here , its just wasting your time. -Tyr

This ^^^

Agree ..why waste valuable time arguing with the Left on many things...especially with their defense of the cancer of islam.....Their indoctrination is strong...let them yak...yak...one cant change their minds..

*Get to the meat of the matter come voting time....and make that hard right turn. With the right man...and his right people.... Americans can clean up and erase most of the Damage....That means "looking hard" at all the implants made by the left throughout government in the past 7 years....and making necessary changes...looking at all the judges....educators....."officials" > and all the rest of the leftist implants through out our country...*make the necessary changes...*what ever it takes to clean up the poison...*Dramatically strengthen our Police forces and give them back the power to protect the AMERICAN people....Erase all forms of Politically correctness insanity in our country.......

*Deport all Illegal Parasites and their eggs...(they can be "financially" squeezed) to deport themselves...the rest can be picked up...swept up and shipped out...Fine any companies that hire Illegal money sucking parasites...reward companies that hire Americans...

Bring back big business (corporations) and make it easier to do business in America.....

*Make our military the biggest and strongest in the world....and take care of our Veterans in a big way...

*FOCUS on the cancer of islam and do what is necessary.....*islam and the western world do not mix....koran reading / believing muslims should stay `in their own countries` where they can do all their chants....sharia...and all the rest of the nonsense there...

Time for a cleansing.....send the anti-American Left...the black radical (kill whitey and their babies) racists ....The Illegals...and muslim roaches back into hiding...in time... America will find all of them....

Trump 2016! Taking care of business...no more political correctness ....

09-07-2015, 10:29 AM
This ^^^

Agree ..why waste valuable time arguing with the Left on many things...especially with their defense of the cancer of islam.....Their indoctrination is strong...let them yak...yak...one cant change their minds..

*Get to the meat of the matter come voting time....and make that hard right turn. With the right man...and his right people.... Americans can clean up and erase most of the Damage....That means "looking hard" at all the implants made by the left throughout government in the past 7 years....and making necessary changes...looking at all the judges....educators....."officials" > and all the rest of the leftist implants through out our country...*make the necessary changes...*what ever it takes to clean up the poison...*Dramatically strengthen our Police forces and give them back the power to protect the AMERICAN people....Erase all forms of Politically correctness insanity in our country.......

*Deport all Illegal Parasites and their eggs...(they can be "financially" squeezed) to deport themselves...the rest can be picked up...swept up and shipped out...Fine any companies that hire Illegal money sucking parasites...reward companies that hire Americans...

Bring back big business (corporations) and make it easier to do business in America.....

*Make our military the biggest and strongest in the world....and take care of our Veterans in a big way...

*FOCUS on the cancer of islam and do what is necessary.....*islam and the western world do not mix....koran reading / believing muslims should stay `in their own countries` where they can do all their chants....sharia...and all the rest of the nonsense there...

Time for a cleansing.....send the anti-American Left...the black radical (kill whitey and their babies) racists ....The Illegals...and muslim roaches back into hiding...in time... America will find all of them....

Trump 2016! Taking care of business...no more political correctness ....

I'll give you this ... arguing with dumbshits without a clue is just a way to relieve boredom.

Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 10:18 AM
D'aw, was your poor gods ego bruised

As for the OP, discussions over 'how we got here' are never ending regressions, because no one side is to "blame", however, to overlook the impact of the religion involved is folly.

This thread isn't about "discussions", but rather, leftist propagandist pap that doesn't belong in educational curriculum that is merely intended to indoctrinate and graduate idiots who become future Democratic voters.

Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 10:25 AM
So at some point in history, some Middle Eastern people decided, "We're going to be terrorists and attack America.


So what in history caused these people to do this?

The answer is simple; political indoctrination by intolerant Fascist Islamic religious extremists.

But the leftTards in this country would like to indoctrinate our youth with the notion that AmeriKa brought this on by being "imperialistic." Yes I know, it is painfully stupid, but the Liberal agenda thrives on ignorance and stupidity.

Abbey Marie
09-08-2015, 10:36 AM
Re: the OP, a few points:

1. English class should not be political. There are thousands of (better-written) books to read or topics to discuss, that do not touch on (sensitive) current events.

2. Given the sorry state of writing these days, Freshmen English should really be a repeat of 4th grade grammar. Do us all a favor.

3. This is a good example why we must teach our children and model our values long before they reach age 18. Send them out into the world with a strong basis, for they will be bombarded with lies and evil soon enough. What happens after that you cannot control.

Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 10:40 AM
Why do people get obsessed with left, right and middle?

And what's the advantage that they gain?

Why do you pretend they do not exist?