View Full Version : It's so much fun to get old.....!

09-06-2015, 02:43 PM
I was looking for my car keys (a woman admitted) They weren't in my pockets. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has scolded me many times for leaving my keys in the car's ignition. He's afraid that the car could be stolen. As I looked around the parking lot, I realized he was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then, I made the most difficult call of all to my husband: "I left my keys in the car and it's been stolen."
There was a moment of silence. I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard his voice. "Are you kidding me?" he barked, "I dropped you off!"
Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me."
He retorted, "I will; just as soon as I convince this cop that I didn't steal your damn car!"
Welcome to the golden years... And everybody reading this WILL....ONE DAY...know in person!


09-06-2015, 02:47 PM
I was looking for my car keys (a woman admitted) They weren't in my pockets. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has scolded me many times for leaving my keys in the car's ignition. He's afraid that the car could be stolen. As I looked around the parking lot, I realized he was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then, I made the most difficult call of all to my husband: "I left my keys in the car and it's been stolen."
There was a moment of silence. I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard his voice. "Are you kidding me?" he barked, "I dropped you off!"
Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me."
He retorted, "I will; just as soon as I convince this cop that I didn't steal your damn car!"
Welcome to the golden years... And everybody reading this WILL....ONE DAY...know in person!


One huge advantage of being a retiree: You need not worry about getting a criminal record because you no longer need to look for a job.

09-06-2015, 03:17 PM
Now that cracked me up, that was funny as hell AT !!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

09-06-2015, 03:33 PM
I always crack on myself about getting old, but I truly do still feel young. But something that happens to me, besides the failing eyesight getting worse and worse... sometimes I'll be talking with someone, and kind of forget what I'm talking about mid-sentence! Sometimes it's when the other person cuts in, then I forget, at least I have an excuse. But when it happens when the other person is just looking me in the eye, and I just go 'Uhhhhhh... what was I saying?'. Obviously that's not "normal", but is it normal? :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2015, 04:23 PM
I was looking for my car keys (a woman admitted) They weren't in my pockets. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has scolded me many times for leaving my keys in the car's ignition. He's afraid that the car could be stolen. As I looked around the parking lot, I realized he was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then, I made the most difficult call of all to my husband: "I left my keys in the car and it's been stolen."
There was a moment of silence. I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard his voice. "Are you kidding me?" he barked, "I dropped you off!"
Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me."
He retorted, "I will; just as soon as I convince this cop that I didn't steal your damn car!"
Welcome to the golden years... And everybody reading this WILL....ONE DAY...know in person!


We are only as old as we think we are.
I guess that is why I keep on dreaming about being older than dirt.
However, that sure does beat the alternative methinks. :happy0203: -Tyr

09-06-2015, 04:39 PM
We are only as old as we think we are.
I guess that is why I keep on dreaming about being older than dirt.
However, that sure does beat the alternative methinks. :happy0203: -Tyr

>Me<>knows you are correct....:laugh:

09-06-2015, 07:06 PM
I always crack on myself about getting old, but I truly do still feel young. But something that happens to me, besides the failing eyesight getting worse and worse... sometimes I'll be talking with someone, and kind of forget what I'm talking about mid-sentence! Sometimes it's when the other person cuts in, then I forget, at least I have an excuse. But when it happens when the other person is just looking me in the eye, and I just go 'Uhhhhhh... what was I saying?'. Obviously that's not "normal", but is it normal? :laugh:

Welcome to da club!:laugh: The biggest kicks I get these days are when some of the younger (know-it-alls) people look at me, and others who are older..and they honestly dare to think...They know everything.
Sad thing is. I know, if they live long enough. They will finally get to see what "Goes around, comes around" means.

As for your health, and eyes. Don't sweat it. Go to the docs, stop whatever might be going on, and STOP TO SMELL THE ROSES (or the Coffee). Life's really too short to let ASSHOLES in Washington, or around you...control your life.

09-06-2015, 08:00 PM
You guys have way too much fun. :cool:


09-06-2015, 08:01 PM
Welcome to da club!:laugh: The biggest kicks I get these days are when some of the younger (know-it-alls) people look at me, and others who are older..and they honestly dare to think...They know everything.
Sad thing is. I know, if they live long enough. They will finally get to see what "Goes around, comes around" means.

As for your health, and eyes. Don't sweat it. Go to the docs, stop whatever might be going on, and STOP TO SMELL THE ROSES (or the Coffee). Life's really too short to let ASSHOLES in Washington, or around you...control your life.

I hear ya, I was a bastard growing up and would always laugh at those getting older, getting glasses and canes and such! LOL And now karma will kick my ass. I also hear ya on the docs and stuff, I plan on living to a very old age, just so I can sit on my front porch and mess with all the little bastards that walk by my house. Hit them all with my cane. No one will arrest the harmless little old man. :dunno:

09-07-2015, 06:37 AM
I always crack on myself about getting old, but I truly do still feel young. But something that happens to me, besides the failing eyesight getting worse and worse... sometimes I'll be talking with someone, and kind of forget what I'm talking about mid-sentence! Sometimes it's when the other person cuts in, then I forget, at least I have an excuse. But when it happens when the other person is just looking me in the eye, and I just go 'Uhhhhhh... what was I saying?'. Obviously that's not "normal", but is it normal? :laugh:

OK for a :smoke: or a :alcoholic: or a :badsnort:or a person that all he thinks about is :boobies: But for you no, it's not normal, your old. :rolleyes:

09-07-2015, 08:26 PM
You guys have way too much fun. :cool:


gabby. They have drugs for people like you to fight how you look in that photo! Seek help soon!:laugh:

09-07-2015, 10:36 PM
gabby. They have drugs for people like you to fight how you look in that photo! Seek help soon!:laugh:

I would say welcome back but I wouldn't mean it. :p