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09-08-2015, 03:06 AM
What happens when talking doesn't work, especially when it's never meant:


[QUOTE]The price of Europe’s fecklessnessBY DAVID P. GOLDMAN (http://atimes.com/author/david-p-goldman/) on <time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-09-07T11:21:31+00:00" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none;">SEPTEMBER 7, 2015</time> (http://atimes.com/2015/09/the-price-of-europes-fecklessness/) in <the_category(< p="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none;">AT TOP WRITERS (http://atimes.com/category/top-writers/), SPENGLER (http://atimes.com/category/spengler/)

In Luis Bunuel’s eponymous 1961 film, the young postulant Viridiana leaves her convent to claim her uncle’s rural estate, and creates a refuge for local beggars. They ransack her house in a bachannalia staged to lampoon the Last Supper, and a couple of them rape her. The classic film should be mandatory viewing for European officials caught up in refugee euphoria. This is going to end very, very badly.

The Europeans, to be sure, are a pack of cynical hypocrites. If they had cared about Syrians, they might have sent a couple of brigades of soldiers to fight ISIS. But not a single European will risk his neck to prevent humanitarian catastrophe. The last time European soldiers got close to real trouble, in Srebrenica in 1995, Dutch peacekeepers stood aside while Bosnian Serbs massacred 8,000 Muslims.

The horror has now piled up on Europe’s doorstep, thanks evidently to the skill of Turkish gangs who have turned the Turkey-to-Balkans smuggling route into a superhighway. Europe said and did nothing while the global refugee count exploded from 40 million in 2010 to 60 million in 2014, according to the UN High Commission on Refugees, but was shocked, shocked to find such people on its doorstep.

http://atimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/refugees2.png (http://atimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/refugees2.png)

At this point the floodgates of European sympathy opened, and Germany declared that it would accept 800,000 fugitives, including many from the world’s most brutal war zones. From a security standpoint it is foolhardy in the extreme: 250,000 people have died in Syria’s civil war since 2011 because other people killed them, mostly with small arms or improvised explosives (such as the government’s notorious “barrel bombs”). Such killing is a labor-intensive affair, and requires the participation of many thousands of killers. It is isn’t only that ISIS (and other jihadists) are able to smuggle to Europe as many of their operatives as they care to, as ISIS itself (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/555434/Islamic-State-ISIS-Smuggler-THOUSANDS-Extremists-into-Europe-Refugees) purportedly boasts. The refugee population itself is flush with killers from both sides fleeing the war. The presence of small children does not obviate this; killers have families, too.

The Arab Gulf States accept very few Syrian refugees out of security concerns which are entirely legitimate. Thousands of Syrian migrants fought either with the Assad regime (allied to Iran, the nemesis of the Sunni Gulf States) or ISIS and al-Qaeda (which want to overthrow the Saudi monarchy).

The social pathologies that this brutal and brutalized population bring Europe will change Germany in a predictably nasty way. Even worse, the open door policy will attract an order of magnitude more such refugees, as the Interior Minister of the State of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/wall-street-journal/europes-migrant-crisis-german-welcome-inviting-trouble/story-fnay3ubk-1227516828335), warned yesterday. To no avail: Germans have spent the past seventy years feeling badly about themselves and are determined to take this opportunity to feel good about themselves.

The refugees have given the Germans the sort of frisson of good feeling that one gets from adopting a stray puppy. This one redemptive act, they seem to believe, compensates for the country’s criminal behavior during the middle of the past century. It is one thing to take in one stray, however, and quite another to find a pack of hungry dogs baying at one’s door. At that point one calls the dog-catcher...[QUOTE]

I hope he's wrong, but don't think so. The Balkans are the world's flashpoint.

Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 10:15 AM
True story; but liberal societies never seem to learn from history and are condemned to repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

09-08-2015, 10:22 AM
What happens when talking doesn't work, especially when it's never meant:


[QUOTE]The price of Europe’s fecklessness

BY DAVID P. GOLDMAN (http://atimes.com/author/david-p-goldman/) on <time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-09-07T11:21:31+00:00" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none;">SEPTEMBER 7, 2015</time> (http://atimes.com/2015/09/the-price-of-europes-fecklessness/) in <the_category(< p="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none;">AT TOP WRITERS (http://atimes.com/category/top-writers/), SPENGLER (http://atimes.com/category/spengler/)

In Luis Bunuel’s eponymous 1961 film, the young postulant Viridiana leaves her convent to claim her uncle’s rural estate, and creates a refuge for local beggars. They ransack her house in a bachannalia staged to lampoon the Last Supper, and a couple of them rape her. The classic film should be mandatory viewing for European officials caught up in refugee euphoria. This is going to end very, very badly.

The Europeans, to be sure, are a pack of cynical hypocrites. If they had cared about Syrians, they might have sent a couple of brigades of soldiers to fight ISIS. But not a single European will risk his neck to prevent humanitarian catastrophe. The last time European soldiers got close to real trouble, in Srebrenica in 1995, Dutch peacekeepers stood aside while Bosnian Serbs massacred 8,000 Muslims.

The horror has now piled up on Europe’s doorstep, thanks evidently to the skill of Turkish gangs who have turned the Turkey-to-Balkans smuggling route into a superhighway. Europe said and did nothing while the global refugee count exploded from 40 million in 2010 to 60 million in 2014, according to the UN High Commission on Refugees, but was shocked, shocked to find such people on its doorstep.

http://atimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/refugees2.png (http://atimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/refugees2.png)

At this point the floodgates of European sympathy opened, and Germany declared that it would accept 800,000 fugitives, including many from the world’s most brutal war zones. From a security standpoint it is foolhardy in the extreme: 250,000 people have died in Syria’s civil war since 2011 because other people killed them, mostly with small arms or improvised explosives (such as the government’s notorious “barrel bombs”). Such killing is a labor-intensive affair, and requires the participation of many thousands of killers. It is isn’t only that ISIS (and other jihadists) are able to smuggle to Europe as many of their operatives as they care to, as ISIS itself (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/555434/Islamic-State-ISIS-Smuggler-THOUSANDS-Extremists-into-Europe-Refugees) purportedly boasts. The refugee population itself is flush with killers from both sides fleeing the war. The presence of small children does not obviate this; killers have families, too.

The Arab Gulf States accept very few Syrian refugees out of security concerns which are entirely legitimate. Thousands of Syrian migrants fought either with the Assad regime (allied to Iran, the nemesis of the Sunni Gulf States) or ISIS and al-Qaeda (which want to overthrow the Saudi monarchy).

The social pathologies that this brutal and brutalized population bring Europe will change Germany in a predictably nasty way. Even worse, the open door policy will attract an order of magnitude more such refugees, as the Interior Minister of the State of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/wall-street-journal/europes-migrant-crisis-german-welcome-inviting-trouble/story-fnay3ubk-1227516828335), warned yesterday. To no avail: Germans have spent the past seventy years feeling badly about themselves and are determined to take this opportunity to feel good about themselves.

The refugees have given the Germans the sort of frisson of good feeling that one gets from adopting a stray puppy. This one redemptive act, they seem to believe, compensates for the country’s criminal behavior during the middle of the past century. It is one thing to take in one stray, however, and quite another to find a pack of hungry dogs baying at one’s door. At that point one calls the dog-catcher...[QUOTE]

I hope he's wrong, but don't think so. The Balkans are the world's flashpoint.

True story; but liberal societies never seem to learn from history and are condemned to repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

It ain't looking good, but what are we supposed to do? We turned back a shipload of Jews in 37 or 38 and they all ended up in Auschwitchz. I lived in Turkey and I can't stand Turks but at least they're doing something.

While we're doing what? Mr Executive order threatens Israel with shit he ain't got and makes friends with all our enemies. I can't even imagine what he thinks he's doing except if it's in Unamerican, he's right on top of it.

I HOPE ISIS goes into Turkey. Those MFers will flat kick your ass and they don't give a rat's ass about your "human rights".

09-08-2015, 10:26 AM
The Pope has said that every Catholic parish in Europe should take care of one 'displaced' family. He's actually called on more than that.

Now a Hungarian bishop is speaking out:


By Griff Witte (http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/griff-witte)September 7 at 6:42 PM

BUDAPEST — Pope Francis’s message Sunday couldn’t have been clearer: With hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into Europe, Catholics across the continent had a moral duty to help by opening their churches, monasteries and homes as sanctuaries.

On Monday, the church’s spiritual leader for southern Hungary — scene of some of the heaviest migrant flows (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as-hungary-talks-tough-on-border-security-refugees-continue-to-pour-in/2015/09/06/6f5b6f5c-54bf-11e5-9f54-1ea23f6e02f3_story.html) anywhere in Europe — had a message just as clear: His Holiness is wrong.

“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion,” said Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose dominion stretches across the southern reaches of this predominantly Catholic nation. “They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”

The bishop’s stark language reflects a broader spiritual struggle in Europe over how to respond to a burgeoning flow of predominantly Muslim men, women and children onto a largely Christian continent.

The pope’s call for compassion and charity is competing with a view most prominently articulated by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/hungarys-maverick-prime-minister-becomes-europes-donald-trump/2015/09/04/5cc9c63c-5306-11e5-b225-90edbd49f362_story.html), who has cast the flow of migrants as a direct challenge to Europe’s Christian character.


Truth Detector
09-08-2015, 10:30 AM
The Pope has said that every Catholic parish in Europe should take care of one 'displaced' family. He's actually called on more than that.

Now a Hungarian bishop is speaking out:


The European problem just got more problematic.

I can't wait to see how the millions of Turkish workers will "meld" with so many Syrian immigrants now vying for the dirty low paying jobs the Turks were imported to do that German/European whites refuse to do.

09-08-2015, 10:50 AM
The Pope has said that every Catholic parish in Europe should take care of one 'displaced' family. He's actually called on more than that.

Now a Hungarian bishop is speaking out:


The question is ... we're going to Hell in a handbag, but what do we do? I got an idea, but it isn't PC,and the left would melt down over it.

How about if we do to them what THEY have been threatening? We just kick their asses into the ocean. And I don't even need all the money and every other excuse being used to do it.

Kick the media out and let the military do the rest without every Monday Morning wannabe questioning us. And THAT is our problem. All the wimps that don't do shit but sit in mommy's basement and criticize us. I want all those leftwing asshats to go do some dirty work. They'll either grow some balls or die. Doesn't matter to me which. Mayybe. just maybe, when you're looking down the barrel of an AK you might not bother to think twice about all your dumbass rules and regs. I wanted to go home and see my kids and there anything this side of God that was going to stop it.

And since I'm going off, I might as well do it right. I want one of you Monday morning QBs to tell me what your decision making process is. At the time. Not when you read it in the news tomorrow. You got some jackass pumping lead at you 1800 fps, and you're in charge of 144 Marines, guess what? I don't care about your religion nor your excuses I'm blowing you off the map. I'll call artillery, CAS and anything else I can figure out to just lay your ass to waste. Just too bad we still don't have battleships.

And I ain't picking on you Kath. You scare me more than ISIS. I'm just going off in general because I'm sick of this wimpy shit. I can't even imagine serving under this idiot. Hell, one of the main reason I retired was because of Clinton and he was mild in comparison.

09-08-2015, 10:52 AM
Germany taking in 800,000 refugees from the Middle East and Africa this year alone.

Even if all 800,000 are not terrorist minded muslims - which is impossible - the cost of feeding, housing and educating all of them is going to wreck their economy with the additional strain to the taxpayer base - which is already stretched due to socialist policies run amok.

And since Germany has the strongest economy in the EU, where do you think the refugees in other European countries are going to migrate to, once inside the bloc with no borders?

This is utter insanity of the highest order. There is just no way this can end well.

09-08-2015, 11:00 AM
The question is ... we're going to Hell in a handbag, but what do we do? I got an idea, but it isn't PC,and the left would melt down over it.

How about if we do to them what THEY have been threatening? We just kick their asses into the ocean. And I don't even need all the money and every other excuse being used to do it.

Kick the media out and let the military do the rest without every Monday Morning wannabe questioning us. And THAT is our problem. All the wimps that don't do shit but sit in mommy's basement and criticize us. I want all those leftwing asshats to go do some dirty work. They'll either grow some balls or die. Doesn't matter to me which. Mayybe. just maybe, when you're looking down the barrel of an AK you might not bother to think twice about all your dumbass rules and regs. I wanted to go home and see my kids and there anything this side of God that was going to stop it.

And since I'm going off, I might as well do it right. I want one of you Monday morning QBs to tell me what your decision making process is. At the time. Not when you read it in the news tomorrow. You got some jackass pumping lead at you 1800 fps, and you're in charge of 144 Marines, guess what? I don't care about your religion nor your excuses I'm blowing you off the map. I'll call artillery, CAS and anything else I can figure out to just lay your ass to waste. Just too bad we still don't have battleships.

And I ain't picking on you Kath. You scare me more than ISIS. I'm just going off in general because I'm sick of this wimpy shit. I can't even imagine serving under this idiot. Hell, one of the main reason I retired was because of Clinton and he was mild in comparison.

I'm unsure if we are thinking alike, but I'm more for attacking the sources of the flood rather than attempting to solely address the flood. The only recourse is the military.

09-08-2015, 11:02 AM
Germany taking in 800,000 refugees from the Middle East and Africa this year alone.

Even if all 800,000 are not terrorist minded muslims - which is impossible - the cost of feeding, housing and educating all of them is going to wreck their economy with the additional strain to the taxpayer base - which is already stretched due to socialist policies run amok.

And since Germany has the strongest economy in the EU, where do you think the refugees in other European countries are going to migrate to, once inside the bloc with no borders?

This is utter insanity of the highest order. There is just no way this can end well.

The problem is, those people shouldn't have to leave their ancestral homes for shit we won't do anything about.

It's not going to end well. It's going to end like WWII did. We're letting this monster grow. Which means instead of just whoopin' their asses now, we're going to let them have half the world first before someone wakes up and says "Oh fuck".

Gonna cost us another fleet and 20KI servicemembers before CLue #1 kicks in?