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View Full Version : Feeding Failure by Ben Carson

09-11-2015, 01:42 AM
I've been hanging out at Carson's place and you just have love what he has to say. May not be as brash as Trump but still on the right track.

Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson declared his war on poverty 50 years ago, and after 50 years and about $20 trillion, the percentage of the population in poverty has barely changed. It's called, we have lost the war on poverty, but the Democrats want to keep on throwing our money at the problem and expecting different results.

The brilliant scientist Einstein called that insanity!

And now the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, wants to throw more taxpayer's money at Chicago's problems – primarily with higher property taxes – and expects a different result. It's insane!

Do Democrats need more than 50 years of failure to try something different? To them the answer is yes, because they do not see the failure of their ways. They just want to keep the taxpayers as serfs under their control.

The passage of the Unaffordable Care Act is another huge example of feeding failure. Only Democrats voted for this disastrous bill after being sweet-talked into voting for it by President Obama. And the Supreme Court, by a narrow margin, has helped to keep it afloat twice by stretching the law instead of interpreting the law.

Now millions of people have health insurance premiums so high that they can't afford the insurance, and many have deductibles so high that they can't even go to their doctors like they used to be able to do.

But Democrats don't care, because they achieved another political objective of more control over the taxpaying serfs. They will now move on to the next idea that feeds failure at our expense.

Democrat voters keep falling for this crap because it's like the frog in a bucket of water that's being heated little by little, until the frog eventually boils to death. They will not realize what's happening until it's too late. Then again, some Democrat voters are just in denial that their elected "leaders" are playing them for uninformed fools on the road to total serfdom.

Memo to Democrat voters! The people you elect are playing you for fools!

They believe climate change is a crisis. It's not! They believe that the Iran deal is a good deal for the USA. It's not! They believe we can spend this nation into bankruptcy with no consequences. We can't! They believe we can tax our way to prosperity by taxing the rich. We can't! They believe in peace through weakness. It has never worked!

But the good news in the midst of all this insanity is that some people are waking up. It's not just disgruntled Democrats. It's also disgusted Republicans, disappointed independents and tuned-out voters who are tuning back in to start voting again.

Some people believe it's too late to stop the insanity. I don't!

Fiorina, Cruz, Carson and Trump are dominating the national presidential polls, because feeding failure is not in their DNA. They are connecting with a lot of voters who are fed up with the same old rhetoric, promises and failed programs that never fix anything.

Instead of continuing to feed failure, we can fuel success by turning up the heat on those we elect until the insanity stops.

The "US" in USA does not stand for uninformed serfs. It stands for United States, and success unites us.

That's what patriots do!
