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09-12-2015, 09:56 AM
I thought I read it here but must have been facebook. The discussion was the Presidential candidates on 9/11 and if any are willing to condemn the reality about radical Islam, how it played it's part, and how it's still a threat. Here's what I found from yesterday.


Ted Cruz wrote on Twitter and posted the following image:

We owe it to the memory of lives lost to squarely face the ongoing threat of radical Islamic terrorism #NeverForget



Jeb Bush:

We should all take time today to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, their families & the troops who've kept us safe. #NeverForget


Marco Rubio:

Today my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the terrible attacks 14 years ago. America will not, and must not, ever forget.


Rand Paul:

Today, we say a prayer for those who lost their lives and their family members. You will never be forgotten.



Mike Huckabee, in successive messages:

On September 11, 2001 evil madmen changed our world forever. May we NEVER forget. We must do whatever it takes to keep Americans safe.

You cannot defeat an enemy you refuse to name. America needs a president who will defeat the evil forces of radical Islam.

We honor the victims by NEVER forgetting lessons of that horrific day & recommitting ourselves to keeping Americans safe.


Rick Santorum:

The fitting tribute to the 9/11 victims is to at least be truthful about the enemy we now face.

with this link following - http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423852/radical-islam-iran-isis-apocalytpic-messiah-mahdi


Ben Carson simply put up a photo:



Scott Walker:

We honor the memory of Amb Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods & Glen Doherty, 4 brave Americans whose service we will #neverforget. -SW

#Benghazi serves as a painful reminder of what’s at stake in the battle with radical Islamic terrorism. We must remain firm in this fight-SW


Donald Trump:

Let’s all take a moment to remember all of the heroes from a very tragic day that we cannot let happen again!

09-12-2015, 10:02 AM
Also trying to go through old videos and statements from the candidates. I'm curious where they all stand on the subject of radical Islam, and whether they are too politically correct to actually address the issue.


09-12-2015, 10:05 AM
This one I'm still not done with, bookmarked though and read much of it, I'd like to watch it still. Cruz is DEFINITELY not afraid to attack the subject, or Obama's failures!!


Senator Ted Cruz: Confronting The Threat of Radical Islam

A great American leader shines disturbing light on Obama's failures to defend America.

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/66133890" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>


09-12-2015, 10:07 AM
Rand Paul is spot on


Presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul on Thursday said the U.S. is engaged in a conflict against Islamic extremists who are “haters of mankind.”

The Kentucky Republican said radical Muslims practice a “barbarous aberration” of the Islamic faith, and it’s up to the United States to counter their fanaticism.

“The enemy is radical Islam,” Paul said at a campaign rally in Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

“I will do everything in my power to defend America from these haters of mankind,” he added, speaking with the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier as a backdrop.

President Obama drew criticism in February for saying terrorists in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) did not represent the Muslim faith.

“They’re not religious leaders; they’re terrorists,” Obama argued during a Feb. 18 White House summit about countering violent extremism.

“We are not at war with Islam,” he continued. “We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”

The president's remarks took fire from Republicans, who said he was bowing to political correctness by skirting around Islam’s role in terrorism.

“How can you talk about defeating an enemy you cannot name?” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) asked in a Feb. 18 statement.

As he has done in the Senate, Paul on Thursday called on lawmakers to freeze foreign aid to any country that expresses hostility toward the U.S.

“I say not one penny more to these haters of America,” he urged. “Let’s quit using money to build bridges in foreign countries and start building bridges at home.”

Paul promised that he would use American military force wisely should he win the Oval Office. All too often, he charged, past presidents had not pondered the consequences of putting boots on the ground overseas.

“There is no greater responsibility for a president than determining when we go to war,” Paul said.

“I vow never to take the country to war without just cause and the constitutional approval of Congress,” he vowed.

“War is not a game and should not be used for political advantage,” he concluded. “Too many political lawmakers in Washington have not learned that.”

Paul faces skepticism from defense hawks in the GOP who view him as an isolationist. The senator has addressed that criticism head-on this week, using his presidential launch speech to claim the mantle of Ronald Reagan and his pursuit of “peace through strength.”

The senator on Thursday said a more efficient government would ensure stronger national security as well

“A government inept at home will not succeed in building nations abroad,” he declared.

Paul officially announced his White House run Tuesday in Louisville, Ky. He has already raised more than $1 million in campaign funds.


09-12-2015, 10:56 AM
Why do people act like they are above political correctness? It's unfortunate, but it's reality. Let's not fool ourselves. You will operate in a politically correct manner or you will not function, like it or not. The best you can hope for is to sneak in a chance to act or talk in a politically incorrect manner when the opportunity presents itself.

09-12-2015, 11:19 AM
Also trying to go through old videos and statements from the candidates. I'm curious where they all stand on the subject of radical Islam, and whether they are too politically correct to actually address the issue.


Politically Correct = a weak backbone and yellow spine.

09-13-2015, 06:24 PM
Why do people act like they are above political correctness? It's unfortunate, but it's reality. Let's not fool ourselves. You will operate in a politically correct manner or you will not function, like it or not. The best you can hope for is to sneak in a chance to act or talk in a politically incorrect manner when the opportunity presents itself.

Then what is P.C.? A yielding to crybabys and whiners? Somewhere in our history. the rule of a
Democratic Republic was "Majority Rules". Now it is minority and P.C. Whiners..

What is P.C.? A fear of speaking your mind? A fear of being honest in the face of stupid weaklings?

If you do not like what someone says, walk away.

If you do not want to hear what you need to hear...do not bother someone.
Not everyone is going to tell you what you want to hear.

Liberals think they can whine and complain all the time, then get
all pissy-faced when someone swats them down.

09-13-2015, 06:34 PM
"FEAR learning, hearing, or experiencing THE TRUTH!"

" Political Correctness is nothing more than the LAZY way of preventing others from being offended, bothered, insulted, and INFORMED to Honest Facts that might embarrass them and their Ignorance! "

(A quote of aboutime)

09-14-2015, 02:25 AM
Hey Jim, my take on the PC insanity that has this country in it's vice. I wrote this poem last night ... guess we are thinking about the same craziness.

Politically Correct Insanity

Domestic terrorism = workplace violence
Illegal alien = undocumented immigrant
Criminal = behaviorally challenged
Perverted = sexually dysfunctional
Anchor babies = American born children of undocumented immigrants
Dead = living impaired

You’re offended; they’re offended; everyone seems to be offended
By the merest inflection; attacked from every direction; insisting upon immediate correction.

Politically correct in this day and age seems to be all the rage; impossible to be on the same page
Every minute of every day, vigilantly watching what we say; giving an impromptu speech, nay.

PC police use shame to force people to talk the same and someone to blame
For the polarity of our culture, and lurk like vultures waiting to strip away truth - not to nurture.

This communal tyranny restricts expression and verbal engineering has become an obsession; paving the way to repression.
People who turn into sheep and insist on words that creep into our lives make me weep.

PC mentality quickly becomes social brutality and creates imitations of reality.
Politically correct words will only teach fanatics how to preach there’s no right to free speech.

Time to speak out, yell and shout, because without a doubt
Politically correct aggression, without question, will kill individual expression.


Black Diamond
09-14-2015, 02:34 AM
The PC insanity explains the success of Donald Trump.

09-15-2015, 11:04 AM
The PC insanity explains the success of Donald Trump.

It does.

A lot of people are tired of P.C. limitations.