View Full Version : I could function with Voted4Reagan as my boss

09-12-2015, 11:17 AM
So if you were my boss, what would you expect of me? I understand the concept of "you don't have to like it, you just have to do it".

09-12-2015, 01:35 PM
So if you were my boss, what would you expect of me? I understand the concept of "you don't have to like it, you just have to do it".

Yeah. Okay. You just don't know when to quit poking the bear, huh?

Speaking of all the backspacing I have to do I got one suggestion for you .... man your line instead of running or taking cheap shots, and learn to read your enemy. AND, I don't speak for the board nor anyone that runs it. I speak as a member that's tired of BS in the other threads. Most of us just don't want the drama anymore.

I don't give a crap what you believe in, but put it in the right place. Man the fuck up. You want to take on v4r, quit with the passive aggressive bullshit and call him out. This is the stupidest thread title ever and reeks of passive aggressive.

You want to be a hardass, spit it out straight up. What I don't get is you'll fight with v4r but not me, and I'm the psycho on this board. And he reminds me of me. So what's the difference?

09-12-2015, 02:16 PM
Yeah. Okay. You just don't know when to quit poking the bear, huh?

Speaking of all the backspacing I have to do I got one suggestion for you .... man your line instead of running or taking cheap shots, and learn to read your enemy. AND, I don't speak for the board nor anyone that runs it. I speak as a member that's tired of BS in the other threads. Most of us just don't want the drama anymore.

I don't give a crap what you believe in, but put it in the right place. Man the fuck up. You want to take on v4r, quit with the passive aggressive bullshit and call him out. This is the stupidest thread title ever and reeks of passive aggressive.

You want to be a hardass, spit it out straight up. What I don't get is you'll fight with v4r but not me, and I'm the psycho on this board. And he reminds me of me. So what's the difference?

Gunny, the reason for that is that I get the idea you have my best interest at heart. Rude good advice is still good advice. You're not an adversary.

I'm here to learn. "Hiding" from toxic people is not a solution. My focus isn't to "beat" anybody. Every person on this board fits a profile. It's wise to be prepared to deal with similar people. Everyone is talking in public, therefore the "moving parts" which are the spectators is of interest. I'm curious how he would insist a person that he can't stand who in his charge behave. Feel free to opine what the PROPER response to such people is. I wonder what would happen if I focus on telling him what he wants to hear, but still being truthful. One day I will meet a person who fits his profile in real life. I want to be ready.

09-12-2015, 10:15 PM
Gunny, the reason for that is that I get the idea you have my best interest at heart. Rude good advice is still good advice. You're not an adversary.

I'm here to learn. "Hiding" from toxic people is not a solution. My focus isn't to "beat" anybody. Every person on this board fits a profile. It's wise to be prepared to deal with similar people. Everyone is talking in public, therefore the "moving parts" which are the spectators is of interest. I'm curious how he would insist a person that he can't stand who in his charge behave. Feel free to opine what the PROPER response to such people is. I wonder what would happen if I focus on telling him what he wants to hear, but still being truthful. One day I will meet a person who fits his profile in real life. I want to be ready.

Okay. What I'm saying is you ain't going to win. He's like me, and guess who the LAST person I want to argue with is? Me. What purpose does beating your head on a hitchpost serve? He ain't backing down.

If everyone fits a profile, and you're going to deal with them, why don't you do it? I agree on the profile part, but I'll go right after your ass. V4r is no different. That means stand up, man up and meet him head on or lose. If he's out of line, Jim will let him know. BUT, when you have a hands off board, fend for yourself. I might like teasing Jim, but he's pretty fair.

What he WON'T do is let you have a running gun battle all over the board. He's provided this forum for pissing contests, so use it. I can tell you now you're going to lose, but at least keep it where it belongs. Nobody else wants to hear it.

My advice would be is just walk away. It isn't that important.

09-12-2015, 10:48 PM
Okay. What I'm saying is you ain't going to win. He's like me, and guess who the LAST person I want to argue with is? Me. What purpose does beating your head on a hitchpost serve? He ain't backing down.

If everyone fits a profile, and you're going to deal with them, why don't you do it? I agree on the profile part, but I'll go right after your ass. V4r is no different. That means stand up, man up and meet him head on or lose. If he's out of line, Jim will let him know. BUT, when you have a hands off board, fend for yourself. I might like teasing Jim, but he's pretty fair.

What he WON'T do is let you have a running gun battle all over the board. He's provided this forum for pissing contests, so use it. I can tell you now you're going to lose, but at least keep it where it belongs. Nobody else wants to hear it.

My advice would be is just walk away. It isn't that important.

All I'm trying to do is learn how to interact with people. That's it. I would rather practice here than be in a situation where not having the skills would be costly. Using a hitchpost as an example, all I'm trying to do is know how to properly tie up the horse, using it for it's intended purpose. I'm not asking anyone to back down. I'm just taking mental notes, hoping to be better prepared when interacting with people. Nearly all my interaction with non-autistic US-born people outside my immediate family is right here on DP. Decades ago, I gave up on interacting with certain profiles of people. This is one small step towards re-considering groups of people I gave up on decades ago. Between June 2013 and June 2014, DP was especially useful. I asked for an Americans With Disabilities accommodation at a project I was on at the time. The company actually overdid it and I was almost completely isolated. While I like being alone, complete isolation isn't ideal.

09-12-2015, 11:47 PM
All I'm trying to do is learn how to interact with people. That's it. I would rather practice here than be in a situation where not having the skills would be costly. Using a hitchpost as an example, all I'm trying to do is know how to properly tie up the horse, using it for it's intended purpose. I'm not asking anyone to back down. I'm just taking mental notes, hoping to be better prepared when interacting with people. Nearly all my interaction with non-autistic US-born people outside my immediate family is right here on DP. Decades ago, I gave up on interacting with certain profiles of people. This is one small step towards re-considering groups of people I gave up on decades ago. Between June 2013 and June 2014, DP was especially useful. I asked for an Americans With Disabilities accommodation at a project I was on at the time. The company actually overdid it and I was almost completely isolated. While I like being alone, complete isolation isn't ideal.

Let it go. You won't win. You're out of your league.

And you have NO idea what hate is.

09-13-2015, 07:23 AM
All I'm trying to do is learn how to interact with people. That's it. I would rather practice here than be in a situation where not having the skills would be costly. Using a hitchpost as an example, all I'm trying to do is know how to properly tie up the horse, using it for it's intended purpose. I'm not asking anyone to back down. I'm just taking mental notes, hoping to be better prepared when interacting with people. Nearly all my interaction with non-autistic US-born people outside my immediate family is right here on DP. Decades ago, I gave up on interacting with certain profiles of people. This is one small step towards re-considering groups of people I gave up on decades ago. Between June 2013 and June 2014, DP was especially useful. I asked for an Americans With Disabilities accommodation at a project I was on at the time. The company actually overdid it and I was almost completely isolated. While I like being alone, complete isolation isn't ideal.

You did the right thing, your brought your thread to the cage. That much I do appreciate.

But Gunny is right, you won't win, and the purpose you think the thread serves, will never really surface. Do you REALLY want to learn, and know how to deal with situations in the future? Situations where you and another worker, or acquaintance have issues seeing eye to eye? What you need to learn even better then is how to monitor from afar - but NOT engaging. Engaging is an offensive move, and almost everyone out there has a defensive move in them which works reactionary. You learn by watching and learning, not by poking sticks

And you should also not that V4R obviously sees this thread, as he has thanked Gunny for his posts. That also should show you, he is taking the upper road and trying not to engage you. That should also be a learning experience for you, and show you that he is not the enemy, and he knows enough to just let shit go when it ain't worth it. (I TRULY to appreciate that, BTW, V4R!).

Watch. Learn. THEN decide if you want to give up on certain people. But you CANNOT go at them offensively to determine as you will almost always get a defensive position when you try and pull stuff like this. Any chance to "draw someone in" on a public board, where EVERYONE can see it, is going to seem like a "calling out" to the other person, therefore negative, and therefore you get a negative response. You'll NEVER get a true profile by poking sticks. Bees are actually cool little animals, but go ahead and poke their nest and see how they respond. :)

As for isolation. I think you would like it MUCH more here if you interacted with 20 people in a fun and friendly manner, as opposed to spending so much quality time on stuff like this. :(

09-13-2015, 08:18 AM
Watch. Learn. THEN decide if you want to give up on certain people. But you CANNOT go at them offensively to determine as you will almost always get a defensive position when you try and pull stuff like this.

I will not engage the original poster. But I will draw your attention Jimmy to one thing.

You are exactly correct with the above quote. My interaction with Gunny proves you correct.

I now like and admire the crusty leatherneck curmudgeon... I find him engaging and his rants have a good slice of truth and reason in them despite his somewhat acerbic and unorthodox posting style... lol

We used to battle... but I looked past the surface and saw the REAL GUNNY.. a proud Marine Veteran, a tough guy with a good heart, a volcanic temper with a dash of humor and a good degree of acceptance for all people as long as they are not Stupid. A man that follows LIVE AND LET LIVE.. unless they are the enemy and then cut them down with a high volume of Auto Weapons Fire.

Will we ever see Eye to Eye 100% of the time? Nah... most likely not. But I respect him and I think he respects me in many ways because of my knowledge of Military History and my support of our Vets.

Gunny Practices what he Preaches... He is Intellectually Honest and pulls no punches. He comes right at you. That makes him worthy of my respect.

After almost 6 months of blocking him I took him off Ignore.... He's a good guy... a flipping PSYCHO... but a good guy.... :salute:

I learned.... but to do so had to put pre-conceived notions aside...

Some folks are unable to do that.....

09-13-2015, 01:41 PM
You did the right thing, your brought your thread to the cage. That much I do appreciate.

But Gunny is right, you won't win, and the purpose you think the thread serves, will never really surface. Do you REALLY want to learn, and know how to deal with situations in the future? Situations where you and another worker, or acquaintance have issues seeing eye to eye? What you need to learn even better then is how to monitor from afar - but NOT engaging. Engaging is an offensive move, and almost everyone out there has a defensive move in them which works reactionary. You learn by watching and learning, not by poking sticks

And you should also not that V4R obviously sees this thread, as he has thanked Gunny for his posts. That also should show you, he is taking the upper road and trying not to engage you. That should also be a learning experience for you, and show you that he is not the enemy, and he knows enough to just let shit go when it ain't worth it. (I TRULY to appreciate that, BTW, V4R!).

Watch. Learn. THEN decide if you want to give up on certain people. But you CANNOT go at them offensively to determine as you will almost always get a defensive position when you try and pull stuff like this. Any chance to "draw someone in" on a public board, where EVERYONE can see it, is going to seem like a "calling out" to the other person, therefore negative, and therefore you get a negative response. You'll NEVER get a true profile by poking sticks. Bees are actually cool little animals, but go ahead and poke their nest and see how they respond. :)

As for isolation. I think you would like it MUCH more here if you interacted with 20 people in a fun and friendly manner, as opposed to spending so much quality time on stuff like this. :(

I have read your post once. I intend to read it 4 or 5 times. For me fun is achieving a successful interaction here, trying out something similar in real life and seeing the same successful result. I have this thinking that it shouldn't matter where an idea comes from, only the idea itself should matter. My intent wasn't to put anyone on the spot. The thought only crossed my mind "What if one day I wind up working for someone like this?" I have been in hyper politically correct circumstances before. I survive by stop being human and become completely robotic. I was successfully on a team that was mostly gay men. A couple of trusted people that knew my views told me I achieved "quite a feat" getting things done in spite of my views. It was a back-handed compliment, but a compliment nonetheless. Like Andy Dufresne in the below scene from Shawshank Redemption, you have to do disagreeable things to build your career. Of course his career was restoring an old boat.


09-13-2015, 04:54 PM
I have read your post once. I intend to read it 4 or 5 times. For me fun is achieving a successful interaction here, trying out something similar in real life and seeing the same successful result. I have this thinking that it shouldn't matter where an idea comes from, only the idea itself should matter. My intent wasn't to put anyone on the spot. The thought only crossed my mind "What if one day I wind up working for someone like this?" I have been in hyper politically correct circumstances before. I survive by stop being human and become completely robotic. I was successfully on a team that was mostly gay men. A couple of trusted people that knew my views told me I achieved "quite a feat" getting things done in spite of my views. It was a back-handed compliment, but a compliment nonetheless. Like Andy Dufresne in the below scene from Shawshank Redemption, you have to do disagreeable things to build your career. Of course his career was restoring an old boat.


You try to sound educated but the most obvious thing about you is you don't listen. You think there's some cherry boys around here? The problem I have with that profiling crap is it excludes human variables. You want to say how someone is on a writ script.

He ain't taking no shit. THAT is called knowing people, not profiling them.

09-13-2015, 05:49 PM
Methinks someone took to many shots to the head back in the day, God knows someone wanting to test people, well hell, if a guy would of done shit like that around me they would of learned a whole new way of life, from the floor looking up.

09-13-2015, 06:54 PM
Methinks someone took to many shots to the head back in the day, God knows someone wanting to test people, well hell, if a guy would of done shit like that around me they would of learned a whole new way of life, from the floor looking up.

I have never had the reaction you describe. Most people like to stay out of jail. The worst reaction I have had is being told "Go away and don't come near me. You're not welcome in my presence."

If you want to know the details, I was born when my mom was in her mid-forties. It caused kidney damage. It also didn't help that I grew up with adult half-siblings constantly reminding me that it was my fault she had kidney damage. It was an "endangering the life of the mother" pregnancy, making an abortion legal. They wanted me aborted. Thankfully, my mom was a good Baptist.

09-13-2015, 07:21 PM
I have never had the reaction you describe. Most people like to stay out of jail. The worst reaction I have had is being told "Go away and don't come near me. You're not welcome in my presence."

If you want to know the details, I was born when my mom was in her mid-forties. It caused kidney damage. It also didn't help that I grew up with adult half-siblings constantly reminding me that it was my fault she had kidney damage. It was an "endangering the life of the mother" pregnancy, making an abortion legal. They wanted me aborted. Thankfully, my mom was a good Baptist.

Tf you don't seem like a bad guy, but man I am serious, all these test and what not would freak me out. I am thankful your Mom didn't as well, but bro you have to lighten up on trying to dissect thoughts, let life come on day by day and deal with it as it comes.

09-13-2015, 07:45 PM
Tf you don't seem like a bad guy, but man I am serious, all these test and what not would freak me out. I am thankful your Mom didn't as well, but bro you have to lighten up on trying to dissect thoughts, let life come on day by day and deal with it as it comes.

I wish I knew how to do that. All I can do is follow instructions. I tend to consider people that don't provide instructions as out of my league. The closest I come is playing Chess where I focus on the board and the game. Playing Chess is a form of providing people company. I take in information and try to assemble that information so people who are "stuck" in life can get "unstuck". The two worst ways to be stuck are being unable to get a job and/or unable to get a wife. I know how get those things for people who live in that kind of despair. I guess people get angry because they want those people to stay "stuck". People with Master's Degrees and/or a Ph. D. should not be gathering shopping carts at Wal-mart and living with no one in their life.

I'm actually grateful for my toxic half-siblings. In a "boy named Sue" kind of way, I got tough and learned how to short-circuit people that want to block my success.

Consider the son of Brenda and Moshe Weitzberg. There are many like him. For people living in similar misery, I say they should solve that misery BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

The parents of an adult son with Asperger's syndrome, Brenda (http://www.aspiritech.org/board/#Brenda) and Moshe (http://www.aspiritech.org/board/#Moshe) Weitzberg had just seen their son fired from his part-time job bagging groceries – in spite of his 4-year university degree. Sadly, this story is not uncommon. While there is no official data, most experts agree that the unemployment rate among individuals with Asperger's and high-functioning autism is as high as 85%, despite their typically above-average education, intelligence, and technical aptitude. Brenda and Moshe felt that something had to be done to make it possible for adults with Asperger's syndrome and high-functioning autism to have gainful employment, commensurate with their skills and education.

I have blown through 65 jobs give or take. I wasn't fired because firing me would get the company prosecuted/sued. The funny thing is that the pay rate keeps going up because of the variety of experience. I'm never out of work more than three months. I have been on 200, possibly 300 interviews. I get good at it by sheer repetition. They key is to NEVER GIVE UP.

09-14-2015, 06:14 AM
I wish I knew how to do that. All I can do is follow instructions. I tend to consider people that don't provide instructions as out of my league. The closest I come is playing Chess where I focus on the board and the game. Playing Chess is a form of providing people company. I take in information and try to assemble that information so people who are "stuck" in life can get "unstuck". The two worst ways to be stuck are being unable to get a job and/or unable to get a wife. I know how get those things for people who live in that kind of despair. I guess people get angry because they want those people to stay "stuck". People with Master's Degrees and/or a Ph. D. should not be gathering shopping carts at Wal-mart and living with no one in their life.

I'm actually grateful for my toxic half-siblings. In a "boy named Sue" kind of way, I got tough and learned how to short-circuit people that want to block my success.

Consider the son of Brenda and Moshe Weitzberg. There are many like him. For people living in similar misery, I say they should solve that misery BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

I have blown through 65 jobs give or take. I wasn't fired because firing me would get the company prosecuted/sued. The funny thing is that the pay rate keeps going up because of the variety of experience. I'm never out of work more than three months. I have been on 200, possibly 300 interviews. I get good at it by sheer repetition. They key is to NEVER GIVE UP.

Bro I feel for ya, well almost. We all have a right to take our lives in the path we want to, personally I have no idea what it is that causes you to act the way you do ( yes I know the name I just know nothing of it ) so I truly try not to condemn, but honestly it is hard for me to understand how someone could treat life like a board game ( and you are playing it like a chess game, great example ) but there is so much more to life you are missing, and as for all the jobs you have had, well there will come a time that employers are going to look at you as trouble and stay away, no matter how good you believe you are, no company is going to want to mess with you when they have to worry about being prosecuted for getting rid of you.

But hey we all live the way we wish, I just wish folks that are programmed or feel they have to be could learn how to live life, enjoy it, hell not having a great job or a wife is far from the worst thing going on in life, go tell the kids at the local children's hospital that, go on up to the cancer ward and explain to them how having a good job and a wife is what life is all about, see what I mean.

09-14-2015, 07:27 AM
Methinks someone took to many shots to the head back in the day, God knows someone wanting to test people, well hell, if a guy would of done shit like that around me they would of learned a whole new way of life, from the floor looking up.

You talking about that wheel chair thingy?:laugh:

09-14-2015, 07:37 AM
I have never had the reaction you describe. Most people like to stay out of jail. The worst reaction I have had is being told "Go away and don't come near me. You're not welcome in my presence."

If you want to know the details, I was born when my mom was in her mid-forties. It caused kidney damage. It also didn't help that I grew up with adult half-siblings constantly reminding me that it was my fault she had kidney damage. It was an "endangering the life of the mother" pregnancy, making an abortion legal. They wanted me aborted. Thankfully, my mom was a good Baptist.

You're lucky you had a good mom.

09-14-2015, 01:22 PM
You talking about that wheel chair thingy?:laugh:

AAA Yup.

09-19-2015, 05:54 PM
AAA Yup.

I look at it this way .. people always like to make these dumb, goofy statements, and that's their right I guess. I figure if v4r and I worked together one of us would be dead in a week. From what I've seen of the OP, I give him maybe til noon chow before he's skewered, thrown overboard or otherwise folded, spindled and mutilated. I'm not seeing this happy camper moment he's envisioning.

09-21-2015, 08:15 AM
I look at it this way .. people always like to make these dumb, goofy statements, and that's their right I guess. I figure if v4r and I worked together one of us would be dead in a week. From what I've seen of the OP, I give him maybe til noon chow before he's skewered, thrown overboard or otherwise folded, spindled and mutilated. I'm not seeing this happy camper moment he's envisioning.

The key to that is to value competence above (almost) all else. I would rather have challenging, resume-building tasks from a toxic person than dumbed-down tasks from the friendliest person in the world. Another thing I want no part of is a project on the path to failure where I have no power to save it.

Abbey Marie
09-21-2015, 02:04 PM
The key to that is to value competence above (almost) all else. I would rather have challenging, resume-building tasks from a toxic person than dumbed-down tasks from the friendliest person in the world. Another thing I want no part of is a project on the path to failure where I have no power to save it.

What if you were older, a little less energetic, but still needed to earn money, and were in the job you wanted to retire from?

09-22-2015, 08:26 AM
I look at it this way .. people always like to make these dumb, goofy statements, and that's their right I guess. I figure if v4r and I worked together one of us would be dead in a week. From what I've seen of the OP, I give him maybe til noon chow before he's skewered, thrown overboard or otherwise folded, spindled and mutilated. I'm not seeing this happy camper moment he's envisioning.

See... I don't believe that Gunny... I would have no reason to want to kill you.

I value your opinion
I praise your service
I would likely enjoy your stories of Military life.

Friends and coworkers dont have to agree all the time. They have to do a job and respect one another and not let stupid crap interfere.

If you look at your co-workers as adversaries and in house social experiments you'll never get a job done to the best of your ability. Work is like the Military.

Build the best TEAM you can. Where everyone has your back.

09-22-2015, 07:13 PM
See... I don't believe that Gunny... I would have no reason to want to kill you.

I value your opinion
I praise your service
I would likely enjoy your stories of Military life.

Friends and coworkers dont have to agree all the time. They have to do a job and respect one another and not let stupid crap interfere.

If you look at your co-workers as adversaries and in house social experiments you'll never get a job done to the best of your ability. Work is like the Military.

Build the best TEAM you can. Where everyone has your back.

Depends. I'm nonconfrontational until someone pulls the pin. I worked for a guy who was Korean War vet and my direct supervisor was a Vietnam War vet. When we were at work, we were at work. They were the bosses. I treated my Marines the same. Half could party with me. If you couldn't handle the relationship, you're buying your own beer elsewhere. Had about 5 Marines follow me everywhere because my deal was, you stay with me and don't get in trouble, I'll pay. The ones that could deal got free beer. The ones that couldn't got their asses kicked in the hangar deck.:laugh:

I don't however let stupid crap interfere just because we might disagree on something. Any fight I have EVER been in on the internet is because the other person doesn't think that way, or a misunderstanding. I'm not perfect and I got a temper from Hell I try to keep checked. I don't even personally dislike Gabby and she just sits around trying to figure out how to piss us off.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 07:40 PM
Depends. I'm nonconfrontational until someone pulls the pin. I worked for a guy who was Korean War vet and my direct supervisor was a Vietnam War vet. When we were at work, we were at work. They were the bosses. I treated my Marines the same. Half could party with me. If you couldn't handle the relationship, you're buying your own beer elsewhere. Had about 5 Marines follow me everywhere because my deal was, you stay with me and don't get in trouble, I'll pay. The ones that could deal got free beer. The ones that couldn't got their asses kicked in the hangar deck.:laugh:

I don't however let stupid crap interfere just because we might disagree on something. Any fight I have EVER been in on the internet is because the other person doesn't think that way, or a misunderstanding. I'm not perfect and I got a temper from Hell I try to keep checked. I don't even personally dislike Gabby and she just sits around trying to figure out how to piss us off.

I imagine we could work well together. It's the sneaky, smile in your face/stab you in the back people I can't stand.

09-23-2015, 01:20 AM
I imagine we could work well together. It's the sneaky, smile in your face/stab you in the back people I can't stand.

Sure we get along. But, it's taken awhile. And we all have to know what the end game is. We all have personalities. I get things done. I ain't President and I ain't some zero handing out orders. And you have to consider who is doing what.

I try to get along with everyone here. You come off a skid with ME, and you're following. I lead from the front.

09-23-2015, 07:17 AM
I look at it this way .. people always like to make these dumb, goofy statements, and that's their right I guess. I figure if v4r and I worked together one of us would be dead in a week. From what I've seen of the OP, I give him maybe til noon chow before he's skewered, thrown overboard or otherwise folded, spindled and mutilated. I'm not seeing this happy camper moment he's envisioning.

I was thinking more like 10 am break. :laugh:

09-23-2015, 09:02 AM
I was thinking more like 10 am break. :laugh:

I was trying to give v4r a bit of benefit of doubt in the patience department.:laugh:

09-24-2015, 10:16 PM
I was trying to give v4r a bit of benefit of doubt in the patience department.:laugh:

If Gunny and I worked together I would see it more along these lines.....


09-24-2015, 10:39 PM
If Gunny and I worked together I would see it more along these lines.....


LMAO. My Col called me Cpl Highway from the time that movie came out. :laugh:

09-25-2015, 06:48 AM
LMAO. My Col called me Cpl Highway from the time that movie came out. :laugh:

Now the question is.... are you, Skunk-Stool who should be a 20 star General or the Poster Boy for a Prophylactic?

09-25-2015, 12:41 PM
Now the question is.... are you, Skunk-Stool who should be a 20 star General or the Poster Boy for a Prophylactic?

Crotch rot sucking the lifer juice out of your own cup. ;)

09-28-2015, 04:54 PM
Crotch rot sucking the lifer juice out of your own cup. ;)

Still a Nasty Bastard aren't you?

09-28-2015, 10:13 PM
Still a Nasty Bastard aren't you?

I don't even have to practice. The older I get, the more I just wake up that way. :laugh: