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View Full Version : Syrian refugees demand to leave Uruguay, say living there is too costly

09-13-2015, 03:06 PM
Al Mohammed said he can't get by on just 11,000 pesos ($380) a month as a hospital worker, barely above Uruguay's 10,000-peso minimum wage.


09-13-2015, 04:09 PM

Gee....what 'else' are these idiots going to ""demand""? What next? A demand for reparations... blaming the rest of the world for their plight? I would think that if you're a refugee, the last thing you would try to do is make demands upon the country that was nice enough to take you in. Guess not.

09-13-2015, 05:18 PM
Gee....what 'else' are these idiots going to ""demand""? What next? A demand for reparations... blaming the rest of the world for their plight? I would think that if you're a refugee, the last thing you would try to do is make demands upon the country that was nice enough to take you in. Guess not.

So why don't we send them back to Sobibor because we don't want them? Oh yeah, 90% of those jews died, Good thing we did THAT. That ain't me and that's NOT my country.

We used to stand for something a LOT more.