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View Full Version : A Florida gun shop owner marked the anniversary of September 11 Friday by offering cu

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2015, 09:52 AM
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/andy-hallinan-911_55f5de6fe4b063ecbfa4ae7e?ncid=txtlnkusaolp0000 0592

Posted: 09/13/2015 08:03 PM EDT
A Florida gun shop owner marked the anniversary of September 11 Friday by offering customers $25 off their purchase with the coupon code "muslim." The same man had previously declared his business a "Muslim-free zone."

Andrew Hallinan said he's intentionally courting controversy in an effort to push back against the overly cautious behavior he believes is costing lives. His critics, meanwhile, call him a "hate profiteer" trying to make a buck from tragedy.

"On 9/11, of course I’m not going to be politically correct," the 28-year-old said by phone Sunday. "These are terrorists that killed more than 3,000 innocent Americans.”

Florida Gun Supply @FLGunSupply
It's 9/11 week. Use coupon code "muslim" at our site for $25 off any gun. Come in Fri for a free car wash and beer!

Hallinan, who owns Florida Gun Supply in Inverness, roughly 75 miles north of Tampa, sees himself as a warrior against a culture he says is quick to paint conservative ideas as bigotry. He declared his shop a "Muslim-free zone" after Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez killed four Marines in Chattanooga in July and sells Confederate flag paintings by George Zimmerman, whom he considers a good friend.

Since the Chattanooga shooting, he has also offered free concealed-carry training classes and keeps his gun range open to the public.

"In order for us to combat Islam, I need to put guns in their hand,” Hallinan said of his customers.

Hallinan sees the $25 discount as something of a public service -- the discount is equivalent to his typical profit margin on a gun sale, he said. He denies his business practices are rooted in hate. Still, he admitted he's lost several friends and even his girlfriend over his anti-Islamic stance. Several of his employees have experienced the same.

"All because I’m standing up," Hallinan said.
"For every one person we piss off, 100 people agree with us," he said. "I got a letter with
$50 in it that simply said, 'Thank you for having balls.'"

The self-described high school dropout from Massachusetts was never particularly interested in guns until the 2012 Aurora movie theater shooting, he said.

But after the shooting that left 12 people dead, “I woke up one day and something snapped in my soul,” Hallinan said. "I’ll never understand it. I’ll never get it. I swore it never would happen again on my watch. I have been training and selling guns ever since."

Like National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, Hallinan is convinced that more guns, not fewer, are the antidote.

“The only way you can calm that violence is to train and arm people against the bad guys," he said. "My shooting range is open to the public."

He said he’s dismayed every time there’s another mass shooting; he called the massacre at the historic black Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina, "horrible" and the white shooter, Dylann Roof, a "racist bastard."

At the same time, Hallinan considers Islam "pure evil," he said.

"The good news is, we have plenty of Muslims in America who don’t believe in Sharia law," he said. "I’ll gladly sell them a gun if they denounce Sharia law."


Great guy. I bet the huffo people were in orgyland trying to present the guy as a loser.
Yet he has his own business, does not sponge off the government, stands on principle and
believes in this nation!
All the things they hate.. What ffing vermin.. Tyr

09-14-2015, 10:00 AM
Man in desperate need of free advertising finds way to do so by leveraging emotions from the tragic death of thousands.

09-14-2015, 10:24 AM
Man in desperate need of free advertising finds way to do so by leveraging emotions from the tragic death of thousands.

I don't think it's free advertising as much as free publicity. I don't think the message is really their to make money. I think it's more about hatred of radical muslims, or in his case maybe all of them, I don't know. But someone who has an issue, and chooses such a controversial stance that he knows will draw attention and piss a lot of people off. He admits as much. And he's correct for the most part, many people are afraid to talk about the issue in a serious manner - that radical Islam is a growing problem that shouldn't be ignored, anywhere.

And if I had a loved one that were in the towers, pentagon or planes - I would personally drive to see this man and thank him for his stance. Ok, maybe I wouldn't drive to see him. But I would shake his hand and thank him if I happened to be in the area. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2015, 07:50 PM
Man in desperate need of free advertising finds way to do so by leveraging emotions from the tragic death of thousands.

Store owner gives break to patriots that see Islam for the murdering scourge that it is.
Makes money while doing so-- the American way= Capitalism!!!
No wonder you criticize and reject it NOIR.
Fits you RIGHT to a T. ---TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2015, 07:52 PM
i don't think it's free advertising as much as free publicity. I don't think the message is really their to make money. I think it's more about hatred of radical muslims, or in his case maybe all of them, i don't know. But someone who has an issue, and chooses such a controversial stance that he knows will draw attention and piss a lot of people off. He admits as much. And he's correct for the most part, many people are afraid to talk about the issue in a serious manner - that radical islam is a growing problem that shouldn't be ignored, anywhere.

And if i had a loved one that were in the towers, pentagon or planes - i would personally drive to see this man and thank him for his stance. Ok, maybe i wouldn't drive to see him. But i would shake his hand and thank him if i happened to be in the area. :)
i'd buy him a few cold ones and likely buy a gun there if i were not so far away...-tyr

he is a patriot that hates muslims--as it should be imho.--:salute:-tyr

09-14-2015, 09:59 PM
If I were a Muslim, I would go to the guy's shop and buy a weapon. Without mentioning I was a Muslim, of course. Then I would post about it online. Great publicity.

Mr. Hallinan does have a great business sense. On Dec. 14, he needs to offer a 20 percent off special on Bushmaster XM-15s. The promo code would be 'newtown."