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Abbey Marie
09-18-2015, 01:11 PM
Well, color me happy... :cool:

Poll: Carson edges Trump as most likely to win GOP nomination

By PAUL BEDARD (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/author/paul-bedard) (@SECRETSBEDARD (http://twitter.com/SecretsBedard))

9/18/15 11:26 AM
A post-debate poll finds that surgeon Ben Carson has leapfrogged over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination.

Rasmussen Reports (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2016/gop_voters_up_carson_s_fiorina_s_chances_for_the_n omination) said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year.


09-18-2015, 01:28 PM
I see in him a quiet intelligence that's appealing... he'd definitely be someone that is very thoughtful about issues and would be careful in considering the consequences in charting a course.

I have to say, this is the most interesting primary event I've ever seen - by a long shot!

09-18-2015, 01:43 PM
I see in him a quiet intelligence that's appealing... he'd definitely be someone that is very thoughtful about issues and would be careful in considering the consequences in charting a course.

I have to say, this is the most interesting primary event I've ever seen - by a long shot!

It's not interesting. It's stupid. But I'll say this ....

I like Carson and to Donald Ol' Boy, you got your ass handed to you by a chick. THAT must hurt.:laugh:

09-18-2015, 01:50 PM
I would like to see a Carson Fiorina Ticket. I could really care which one is president and which is vice president. I think the two of them together would be a great benefit to the US. They are both intelligent and thoughtful, Fiorina is a little more assertive so she should probably take the lead.

I was pretty pro Walker but that just isn't panning out..

09-18-2015, 02:14 PM
I would like to see a Carson Fiorina Ticket. I could really care which one is president and which is vice president. I think the two of them together would be a great benefit to the US. They are both intelligent and thoughtful, Fiorina is a little more assertive so she should probably take the lead.

I was pretty pro Walker but that just isn't panning out..

I'm with you.

Walker is a good governor but has the personality of white rice. And as has been a truism since Kennedy -Nixon .... presentation gets you everywhere. Nixon was the better candidate, but he looked like crap on tv. And it's carried on. Obama's the biggest liar in the history of the Presidency. Hillary's next in line but I got money says the leftwingboneheads will vote for anyway. If I was the special investigator they'd BOTH be in prison before the next election.

Walker is about as exciting as a saltine cracker. My first choices would be Jeb Bush and Rick Perry. Add Walker to the mix. All three took states that were sucking hind tail and turned them around. They know how to do their jobs.'

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... we live in an entertainment oriented society. They'd rather hear Obama or Trump blow smoke because they are a media presence. The 3 aforementioned couldn't get a personality if you buy them out of machines. But you know what? They did their jobs and were good at it. I prefer boring and good than full of hot air making promises you have NO chance of keeping.

09-18-2015, 07:41 PM
I would like to see a Carson Fiorina Ticket. I could really care which one is president and which is vice president. I think the two of them together would be a great benefit to the US. They are both intelligent and thoughtful, Fiorina is a little more assertive so she should probably take the lead.

I was pretty pro Walker but that just isn't panning out..

Not that anyone would care what my opinion might be here. But, after watching the Debate the other night, and never really hearing Trump explain ANYTHING, other than "I have a plan for that". I have decided Trump is nothing more than a Tall, Male, version of Nancy Pelosi who told us
"We'll know what's in it...AFTER we vote on it!"

Trump seems to echo what most AMERICANS want to hear, and that's how he gets so much support but...DOES ANYONE HONESTLY KNOW...WHAT, and HOW any of his statements will ever work? Or become reality?

09-18-2015, 07:55 PM
Not that anyone would care what my opinion might be here. But, after watching the Debate the other night, and never really hearing Trump explain ANYTHING, other than "I have a plan for that". I have decided Trump is nothing more than a Tall, Male, version of Nancy Pelosi who told us
"We'll know what's in it...AFTER we vote on it!"

Trump seems to echo what most AMERICANS want to hear, and that's how he gets so much support but...DOES ANYONE HONESTLY KNOW...WHAT, and HOW any of his statements will ever work? Or become reality?

He doesn't say a thing. He "has a plan". BFD. I got a plan too. But I can detail it from the word "go". All he's said is "I'm going to get wonderful people to do these things"; which, are things he can't detail.

09-19-2015, 02:43 AM
I would like to see a Carson Fiorina Ticket. I could really care which one is president and which is vice president. I think the two of them together would be a great benefit to the US. They are both intelligent and thoughtful, Fiorina is a little more assertive so she should probably take the lead.

I was pretty pro Walker but that just isn't panning out..

I don't have time to research where I said it, but I believe I said this exact same thing the day after the first debate. Great minds think alike.

I like Walker but perhaps this isn't his time. When you've been fighting your entire political life it can drain you. And, right now, he's considered an insider even if he's fighting the "old guard".

I predict Trump decides he doesn't have time to be president and keep his businesses afloat. Also, how can he qualify for the "conflict of interest" that is bound to come up with all his companies.

09-19-2015, 06:43 AM
Can someone tell me Carson's specific plans for illegal immigration? That's a huge issue for me!! I'm liking him more and more too, but hoping he isn't weak! And anything on ISIS or terrorism? We need a strong leader who won't take no crap anymore, nor bow to foreign leaders daily like Obama does.

09-19-2015, 11:15 AM
Can someone tell me Carson's specific plans for illegal immigration? That's a huge issue for me!! I'm liking him more and more too, but hoping he isn't weak! And anything on ISIS or terrorism? We need a strong leader who won't take no crap anymore, nor bow to foreign leaders daily like Obama does.

He has said he would be open to hearing Trump's specifics for deporting them. But overall, Carson does not have a clear plan.

09-19-2015, 11:19 AM
He has said he would be open to hearing Trump's specifics for deporting them. But overall, Carson does not have a clear plan.

I couldn't find it either, but I hope he's strong on it if he leads, and the same for Fiorina! I think she said she supported the dream act and such. 2 of my biggies are immigration and ISIS, Iran... At home, first our economy, and then Obamacare...

09-19-2015, 11:54 AM
I would like to see a Carson Fiorina Ticket. I could really care which one is president and which is vice president. I think the two of them together would be a great benefit to the US. They are both intelligent and thoughtful, Fiorina is a little more assertive so she should probably take the lead.

I was pretty pro Walker but that just isn't panning out..

Yeah, the Walker thing just isn't going to happen IMO... which is a shame.

What about a Rubio / Trump ticket? Now you've got solid Foreign Policy and Financial expertise to turn around the country and fix the lunacy overseas. Both are hawkish, good on immigration and can remove the EPA from blocking millions of jobs & energy independence.

Rubio / Fiorina wouldn't be bad either. There's no chance for a Trump / Fiorina card, I don't think.

Of all of them, I think Rubio has the most experience and knowledge with Foreign Policy because of his Senate committee assignments - he's in the loop right now, today.

09-19-2015, 02:09 PM
I couldn't find it either, but I hope he's strong on it if he leads, and the same for Fiorina! I think she said she supported the dream act and such. 2 of my biggies are immigration and ISIS, Iran... At home, first our economy, and then Obamacare...

They're trying to get away from the topic. Trump has made it an issue. I realize it's an important issue, but it's also a flammable one. While I agree with Trump's talk, I also know he can't do it. Bush, Walker and maybe Perry can. Perry had our border as locked down as he could and told DC to go do something anatomically incorrect to themselves. :laugh:

But like I said, everyone wants a rock star, not someone who just does his job. Got to dazzle the audience. Like Obama and all his talk that's turned out to be the biggest disaster since the British sacked DC in the War of 1812.

Abbey Marie
09-19-2015, 03:21 PM
They're trying to get away from the topic. Trump has made it an issue. I realize it's an important issue, but it's also a flammable one. While I agree with Trump's talk, I also know he can't do it. Bush, Walker and maybe Perry can. Perry had our border as locked down as he could and told DC to go do something anatomically incorrect to themselves. :laugh:

But like I said, everyone wants a rock star, not someone who just does his job. Got to dazzle the audience. Like Obama and all his talk that's turned out to be the biggest disaster since the British sacked DC in the War of 1812.

Which begs the question- how on earth is Hillary going to dazzle anyone? :laugh2:

09-20-2015, 02:53 AM
I couldn't find it either, but I hope he's strong on it if he leads, and the same for Fiorina! I think she said she supported the dream act and such. 2 of my biggies are immigration and ISIS, Iran... At home, first our economy, and then Obamacare...

1. Stop the influx by securing all four borders (with technologies) and turn off all goodies (entitlements).

2. For those already here: must register for guest worker program, are not citizens (must get in line), pay fines, pay taxes, can't vote, e-verify.

3. Last: no sanctuary cities.
