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View Full Version : Is this the "real" Carly Fiorina? If so....

09-22-2015, 04:00 PM
I sure as hell don't want her in the WH.....or anywhere near DC.

Since we on the right need to vet every candidate....I offer this for your reflection and review. I have recently changed my stance on Carly and am now against her as a candidate.

Praising Hillary? Not cool...at least not with me.


And calling my guy, Ted Cruz, a flamethrower? Sorry, Carly. Only the finest tuna. And that ain't you.

What's Wrong with Carly Fiorina? PLENTY

Failed (would-be) politician Carly Fiorina has long bought-into the worldwide left's power-and-tax grab known as 'climate change'. Regardless of what she says now, 'Carly' directly supported the US cap-and-trade program promoted by John McCain. And it wasn't that long ago at all she was still yammering-on about it.

She has actually worked closely with despicable RINO McCain, appearing at public events/rallies in support, then becoming economic advisor to his
(also failed) presidential campaign.

Fiorina's own stump speeches -when she was running for Congress in 2010- betray an affection for federal Common Core educational standards
(which she now claims to oppose): 'Internationally benchmarked standards and assessments help ensure our students graduate high school prepared with the skills necessary to succeed in our 21st century economy.'

Carly spoke in support of the Wall Street and auto bailouts. She is on record as saying she wants more government intervention in the housing market.

Fiorina has a shameful history of working with and supporting abhorrent shakedown artist Jesse Jackson:

'In the past 40 years, there are very few people who have used their talent along lines of excellence to achieve more things for more people in more places than Reverend Jackson. And we are all better off for his leadership... He very graciously came to the offices of Hewlett Packard to visit me, because we were doing some work together for his Rainbow Coalition.'

Carly Fiorina's rhetoric on immigration as of late has been all-over-the-road, but she did publicly support the 'Gang of 8' comprehensive reform bill
(which included amnesty).

Carly still supports limited amnesty under the DREAM Act and told Joe Scarborough that she favored granting legal status to adults already in the country (illegally)- which of course leads inevitably to citizenship.

As soon as Trump announced his immigration platform, Fiorina responded by stating that she opposes closing the birthright citizenship loophole. She's on record dismissing the issue a 'distraction' (just like the GOPe told her to.)

She opposes deporting illegals- period.

Fiorina opposes a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS'
extra-constitutional legislation-from-the-bench re. federal marriage 'rights'
for gay couples.

Continued here...


09-22-2015, 05:00 PM
I sure as hell don't want her in the WH.....or anywhere near DC.

Since we on the right need to vet every candidate....I offer this for your reflection and review. I have recently changed my stance on Carly and am now against her as a candidate.

Praising Hillary? Not cool...at least not with me.


And calling my guy, Ted Cruz, a flamethrower? Sorry, Carly. Only the finest tuna. And that ain't you.

Come on guys! Need some feedback here. If you are a Carly fan, please debunk these claims so I can, possibly, be one too. Right now...it's not looking good.

09-22-2015, 06:16 PM
Come on guys! Need some feedback here. If you are a Carly fan, please debunk these claims so I can, possibly, be one too. Right now...it's not looking good.

I looked and found some stuff similar to the above. I wonder if she was simply being politically correct? Regardless, it looks bad to EVER praise the Lizard Queen.

09-22-2015, 06:40 PM
Here it is:

“But I also have great admiration for Hillary Clinton. Her run for the presidency was historic. She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country,” Fiorina said. “Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will guarantee you that every woman up here agrees with me.”


It's an audio file.


I also found this:


09-22-2015, 06:41 PM
If we know about this then the other candidates do, too.

Another one bites the dust, and rightfully so.

I am on to find another candidate now to pull for.

09-22-2015, 07:22 PM
Hmm... my first instinct is that this is a hatchet job.

I'll have to research it.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 07:29 PM
This is why no one good ever gets the nomination. Everything they've ever said gets dissected and pinned to the board in the biology lab that is the liberal media. And then people run from them like they are the Bubonic plague.

I am not going to dismiss Ms. Fiorina because of this, even if it is 100% true.

09-22-2015, 07:37 PM
Yep, here's the video :

Relevance to Hellary starts at 1:10

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/f8qq3hrw5fk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> (http://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/video/2015/09/21/carly-fiorina-in-2008-i-have-such-great-admiration-and-empathy-for-hillary-clinton/)

09-22-2015, 07:51 PM
This is why no one good ever gets the nomination. Everything they've ever said gets dissected and pinned to the board in the biology lab that is the liberal media. and then people run from them like they are the Bubonic plague.

I am not going to dismiss Ms. Fiorina because of this, even if it is 100% true.

#1, she in NOT good on illegals, which is the only issue that truly matters.
#2, what kind of person praises Hillary???
#3, people overlooked all the warning signs about Obama and we see what we got.
#4, she campaigned for McCain, who is the only Republican nominee I did not vote for, because he is a scoundrel.

Perhaps if she changes her mind about Hillary, then I can support her again. But not until. If she truly feels in awe of Lizard Hillary, then she might not debate her well if they were both the nominees.

I am disappointed in Fiorina, though I have been wavering due to her stance on illegals.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 07:58 PM
#1, she in NOT good on illegals, which is the only issue that truly matters.
#2, what kind of person praises Hillary???
#3, people overlooked all the warning signs about Obama and we see what we got.
#4, she campaigned for McCain, who is the only Republican nominee I did not vote for, because he is a scoundrel.

Perhaps if she changes her mind about Hillary, then I can support her again. But not until. If she truly feels in awe of Lizard Hillary, then she might not debate her well if they were both the nominees.

I am disappointed in Fiorina, though I have been wavering due to her stance on illegals.

Then it sounds like you have several actual policy reasons for not supporting her, and that's different. I am talking about running from a candidate because they said something- one thing- in the past. As for me, I am still going to give them all a chance. It's too early for me to dismiss anyone.

I am as serious about this as I have ever been about anything political. I don't expect anyone to be even close to perfect. But we HAVE TO keep a Dem out of the WH in 2016. It's an extremely serious turning point for this country.

09-22-2015, 08:04 PM
Then it sounds like you have several actual policy reasons for not supporting her, and that's different. I am talking about running from a candidate because they said something- one thing- in the past. As for me, I am still going to give them all a chance. It's too early for me to dismiss anyone.

I am as serious about this as I have ever been about anything political. I don't expect anyone to be even close to perfect. But we HAVE TO keep a Dem out of the WH in 2016. It's an extremely serious turning point for this country.

You know, Abbey, I have had a "feeling" about Fiorina being the right person. If you look back through my posts, I have been on-again, off-again with Fiorina BECAUSE of things I did not like about her stances. But I always kept coming back. I hate to say it, but maybe it is because she is a woman. Of course I would like a woman, but she must be the right woman.

Someone I very much like is Chris Christie. Yes, he snuggled up to Obama, but otherwise, I like him.

09-22-2015, 08:05 PM
It's still too soon for anyone to HONESTLY make a decision on WHO they will support, or vote for.

Of course. At this stage in the game. We all know...as Human beings...some of us CHANGE OUR MINDS during our life. Candidates are smeared from the Get-go by everybody because they CHANGED their Mind, or Opinion.

Reminds of of "Let he who casts the first stone" (who is without sin)???kind of logic failing again. I M O.

09-22-2015, 08:07 PM
It's still too soon for anyone to HONESTLY make a decision on WHO they will support, or vote for.

Of course. At this stage in the game. We all know...as Human beings...some of us CHANGE OUR MINDS during our life. Candidates are smeared from the Get-go by everybody because they CHANGED their Mind, or Opinion.

Reminds of of "Let he who casts the first stone" kind of logic failing again. I M O.

I agree, aboutime. It's still early.

09-22-2015, 08:08 PM
I'm not going to try and defend the lavish praise for Hillary, except to say that :

It was 7 years ago and Fiorina was working for McCain, and trying to woo female voters at the time - and it was done after it became clear that Obama was going to take the nomination. I think she was trying to grab female voters that were suddenly disenfranchised by their Female candidate losing the nod. She was a minor player in the campaign and probably had that speech written for her by McCain's staff.

I'm not willing to rush to condemn her. There's plenty of time yet for her to prove herself.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 08:12 PM
You know, Abbey, I have had a "feeling" about Fiorina being the right person. If you look back through my posts, I have been on-again, off-again with Fiorina BECAUSE of things I did not like about her stances. But I always kept coming back. I hate to say it, but maybe it is because she is a woman. Of course I would like a woman, but she must be the right woman.

Someone I very much like is Chris Christie. Yes, he snuggled up to Obama, but otherwise, I like him.

I would never tell someone they are wrong about their opinion of a (Republican, haha) candidate. I just worry about the Republicans out there who let the media steer them away from a candidate because they ( the liberal media) are afraid of that candidate's chances of winning against the Dem. I saw it happen with Romney (He's too rich! He's Mormon! etc.), and we ended up with Obama. As soon as someone looks like they have a real shot, the dogs get unleashed.

I like Christie, too. :salute:Same thing there- he cozied up to Obama during the Sandy horrors, and people hold it against him forever. Despite his impressive Governorship, and subduing the powerful NJ teachers' union.

09-22-2015, 08:14 PM
DLT and Perrianne,

I'm not sure of everything Carly has said in the past. Praising Hillary for opening the door for women doesn't sound that bad to me, and if you read any posts from me you know I do not like Hillary. Perhaps Carly said the other things too. It is not enough to cross Carly off your list. I can say that whatever she (or anyone) is saying right now counts much more than whatever they may have said in the past. People evolve, circumstances change, and the longer ago something was said the more likely it is being taken out of context.

What I mostly care about is what Carly (or anyone) is saying right now, and she is saying things I like right now, and she is saying them like a leader with principles and a backbone.

And especially, you can't base your support or opposition to a candidate based on short sound bites. If you eliminate every candidate that has said some sound bite in the past that sounds questionable, then you end up with candidates that have said nothing. You end up with someone like David Souter. You don't want someone like that as your candidate.

09-22-2015, 08:17 PM
I like Christie, too. :salute:Same thing there- he cozied up to Obama during the Sandy horrors, and people hold it against him forever. Despite his impressive Governorship, and subduing the powerful NJ teachers' union.

Let's start a campaign for Christie!

09-22-2015, 08:19 PM
DLT and Perrianne,

I'm not sure of everything Carly has said in the past. Praising Hillary for opening the door for women doesn't sound that bad to me, and if you read any posts from me you know I do not like Hillary. Perhaps Carly said the other things too. It is not enough to cross Carly off your list. I can say that whatever she (or anyone) is saying right now counts much more than whatever they may have said in the past. People evolve, circumstances change, and the longer ago something was said the more likely it is being taken out of context.

What I mostly care about is what Carly (or anyone) is saying right now, and she is saying things I like right now, and she is saying them like a leader with principles and a backbone.

And especially, you can't base your support or opposition to a candidate based on short sound bites. If you eliminate every candidate that has said some sound bite in the past that sounds questionable, then you end up with candidates that have said nothing. You end up with someone like David Souter. You don't want someone like that as your candidate.

You are right. But my antenna are up about her more than ever.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 08:20 PM
Let's start a campaign for Christie!

But my heart right now belongs to Dr. Carson! :coffee:

09-22-2015, 08:25 PM
But my heart right now belongs to Dr. Carson! :coffee:

I'm going to email your hubby with this startling turn of events.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2015, 08:55 PM
I'm going to email your hubby with this startling turn of events.

Would a frosty Heineken stop you? :beer:

09-22-2015, 09:35 PM
Would a frosty Heineken stop you? :beer:


red state
09-22-2015, 09:41 PM
It's still too soon for anyone to HONESTLY make a decision on WHO they will support, or vote for.

Of course. At this stage in the game. We all know...as Human beings...some of us CHANGE OUR MINDS during our life. Candidates are smeared from the Get-go by everybody because they CHANGED their Mind, or Opinion.

Reminds of of "Let he who casts the first stone" (who is without sin)???kind of logic failing again. I M O.

that is so very true but I'll still have to lower the hammer on those (like Trump) who have said good things about ilk like Hellary and actually supported them.

When I was younger, I actually thought a lot about Gen. Powell but I can't stand that son-of-a-biscuit now! And it sickens me to see how he was portrayed in that film but for someone to be placed in such high power to go against those that entrusted him with such power is downright shameful. If he was as turned off about the awful things that Bush did......he could have resigned.

Getting back on the topic, however, the basic principle that AT speaks of is pretty much spot on. I hope from now till this time next year, we have an Allen West appear on the scene......somehow, in some big way cuz what we have before us (and I've always liked Huckabee and what he's said) but what we have is not what we need or can depend on.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2015, 09:42 PM

Should have held out for ten cases and had a real party. :laugh::laugh:
As is, now Abbey will think you are easy.- ;) --Tyr

09-22-2015, 10:07 PM
Want another reason to be suspicious of Fiorina?
Among liberal Dems, Fiorina is the highest rated GOP candidate. Christie is second.

09-22-2015, 10:29 PM
Here it is:

“But I also have great admiration for Hillary Clinton. Her run for the presidency was historic. She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country,” Fiorina said. “Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will guarantee you that every woman up here agrees with me.”


It's an audio file.


I also found this:


Gag me with a spoon. If only I had been there. I would have corrected her...lol.

09-22-2015, 10:30 PM
It's still too soon for anyone to HONESTLY make a decision on WHO they will support, or vote for.

Of course. At this stage in the game. We all know...as Human beings...some of us CHANGE OUR MINDS during our life. Candidates are smeared from the Get-go by everybody because they CHANGED their Mind, or Opinion.

Reminds of of "Let he who casts the first stone" (who is without sin)???kind of logic failing again. I M O.

Yeah, I know it's too early....but....I still don't want a candidate that is only faking right and intending to veer left as soon as elected. I'm just funny that way.

09-22-2015, 10:34 PM
Here it is:

“But I also have great admiration for Hillary Clinton. Her run for the presidency was historic. She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country,” Fiorina said. “Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will guarantee you that every woman up here agrees with me.”


It's an audio file.


I also found this:


Yeah, yet another reason to question Carly. I can't stand that SOB McCain. But....I felt forced to vote his ticket, for Palin....he just happened to be on the same ticket. I'm going to be on Carly, Trump and the others like white on rice from now on. We simply can't afford to get this wrong this time. It's too damned critical to our nation.

09-22-2015, 10:35 PM
If we know about this then the other candidates do, too.

Another one bites the dust, and rightfully so.

I am on to find another candidate now to pull for.

I'm still for Cruz. Now that Walker has dropped out, I would settle for a Cruz/Trump ticket. But frankly, I don't really care for any of the others running. Sucks. Big ones.

09-22-2015, 10:42 PM
I'm still for Cruz. Now that Walker has dropped out, I would settle for a Cruz/Trump ticket. But frankly, I don't really care for any of the others running. Sucks. Big ones.

Cruz is definitely the best. Solid, solid conservative man. And he has about the same thoughts towards the illegals that Trump professes. So, win-win.

09-22-2015, 11:10 PM
Should have held out for ten cases and had a real party. :laugh::laugh:
As is, now Abbey will think you are easy.- ;) --Tyr

I'm a sucker for women giving out free beer!

09-22-2015, 11:13 PM
I just noticed that I posted the same link that you already had, Peri... I'm sorry. I have no idea how I skipped over your post and missed that.

I'll have Abbey send you my free beer as a peace offering.

09-22-2015, 11:54 PM
Cruz is definitely the best. Solid, solid conservative man. And he has about the same thoughts towards the illegals that Trump professes. So, win-win.

:clap:Perianne...and DLT....Absolutely! Trump / Cruz.....either way...

09-23-2015, 12:48 AM
Something that many may find interesting about the OP and also the other candidates-obviously one can skip the Walker part:


09-23-2015, 01:48 AM
Something that many may find interesting about the OP and also the other candidates-obviously one can skip the Walker part:


Now that was a very well written article!

Small quibbles - he was doing great until he started referencing Slate and HuffPo to back up his Trump argument.... that's a no no, and I'm sure he knows it. That's like asking Fox what they think of Hillary, and would they mind writing up something about her? lol

Still, that was a solid piece and I agree with most of his insights.

09-23-2015, 09:54 AM
Hmmmm... I don't have as much of an issue with her Clinton comments as I do with her illegal immigration stances. She seems a little soft here. I dunno.


Carly Fiorina's rhetoric on immigration as of late has been all-over-the-road, but she did publicly support the 'Gang of 8' comprehensive reform bill
(which included amnesty).

Carly still supports limited amnesty under the DREAM Act and told Joe Scarborough that she favored granting legal status to adults already in the country (illegally)- which of course leads inevitably to citizenship.

As soon as Trump announced his immigration platform, Fiorina responded by stating that she opposes closing the birthright citizenship loophole. She's on record dismissing the issue a 'distraction' (just like the GOPe told her to.)

She opposes deporting illegals- period.

09-23-2015, 12:56 PM
Come on guys! Need some feedback here. If you are a Carly fan, please debunk these claims so I can, possibly, be one too. Right now...it's not looking good.

First off, remember that basically every candidate, at some point, has to trot out the "I have nothing but respect for" spiel, and that's both parties. Do you really think Obama had real respect for Romney? How about Kerry and Bush? Gore and Bush?

Yeah, no, these are the sorts of things that are just traditional "we are on opposing sides, but we're still together" crap that's helped make us all a lot of more cynical than we were two decades ago. It's an unfortunate necessity of political life.

For Fiorina, she pretty much has to target Hilary, because of her gender. It's childish and stupid, and most people have gotten used to seeing it, but that doesn't make it any less so.

Now, Hilary did make a name for herself, and put forth at least the idea of a female President as a real future. I mean, most then went "Oh God, not her!", but still, she put the idea into the forseeable future category.