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View Full Version : Seattle Area schools ban "Tag" over kids' "well-being"

09-24-2015, 10:15 AM
What. a crock. of. shit.

The people who do this stuff HATE kids. Every liberal Dr. Spock type decision with kids PROVES their hatred of kids because EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these types of decisions HURTS kids' chances of being strong, independent, resilient kids.


The school district's communications director Macy Grade, in an email, told Q13 that the "rationale behind this [ban] is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students."

Emotional safety? Are kids such wimps that they become traumatized while chased in a game they volunteer to play? Or is that the hyper-sensitive, hyper-protective school district feels the need to protect students from made up dangers to justify their paychecks?

They also address physical safety, wanting kids to "keep their hands to themselves." After all, a pat on the back in a voluntary game of tag might ... make you mildly uncomfortable?

Abbey Marie
09-24-2015, 10:23 AM
I always imagine that these kinds of policies are driven by adults who as children were the last one chosen for teams. They never get over being unpopular, and want everyone with any drive or talent to suffer.

09-24-2015, 11:20 AM
Tag, you're it!!

Are you effing kidding me? The oldest game in the book, the most harmless game in the book, and they want to take this away? Shit like this is more harmful to the kids than letting them PLAY.

09-25-2015, 06:20 AM
I always imagine that these kinds of policies are being driven by adults who as children were the last one chosen for teams. They never get over being unpopular, and want everyone with any drive or talent to suffer.

I thought this was the definition of a liberal. :laugh:

So lets get this straight, it's OK to give our kids birth control ( some school systems even worse )

It's OK to teach our kids to be Ho-Mo's

It's OK for my son to use the girls bathroom, he just has to say HE feels like a girl.

But they will save us all from the dreaded game of tag :rolleyes: Sounds very liberal to me. :rolleyes:

09-25-2015, 10:48 AM
... PROVES their hatred of kids...

Disagree. They love them to much. The latest research on helicopter kids going off to college affirms this IMO.