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View Full Version : If you're a conservative anywhere, why the Canadian election should matter to you

09-25-2015, 08:32 AM
Stephen Harper was elected in 2006 and ushered Canada through the 2009 great recession. Under Harper's leadership that recession had a lighter impact. He takes a cautious immigration approach. He welcomes Muslims, but demands each be carefully screened and processed, like anyone of any religion. He pursues an agenda of lower taxes and less regulation. Canada has prospered under Stephen Harper's Conservative leadership. If Harper and his Conservative party are repudiated at the polls next month it will be a repudiation of all Conservatives and the conservative ideology. Harper is a "gentleman conservative", his NDP opponent Tom Mulcair is referred to as "angry Tom". His victory would be a victory for the angry left.

Harper is about as conservative as the Canadian political landscape will allow.