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09-26-2015, 06:24 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "free stuff" won't be part of his plan to appeal to black voters

article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush-free-stuff_5605c323e4b0af3706dc5e78?utm_hp_ref=politics )

Well, then, he just lost all the black vote...

09-26-2015, 09:27 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "free stuff" won't be part of his plan to appeal to black voters

article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush-free-stuff_5605c323e4b0af3706dc5e78?utm_hp_ref=politics )

Well, then, he just lost all the black vote...

Did he ever have a chance of getting it in the first place?

09-26-2015, 09:41 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "free stuff" won't be part of his plan to appeal to black voters

article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush-free-stuff_5605c323e4b0af3706dc5e78?utm_hp_ref=politics )

Well, then, he just lost all the black vote...

Anyone planning on winning the black vote better promise to keep welfare and other entitlements going, which literally skyrocketed under Obama's watch.

09-26-2015, 09:55 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "free stuff" won't be part of his plan to appeal to black voters

article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush-free-stuff_5605c323e4b0af3706dc5e78?utm_hp_ref=politics )

Well, then, he just lost all the black vote...

I'm thinking as long as you're getting free stuff, you shouldn't be allowed to vote to begin with. THAT would clear the field in a minute.

09-26-2015, 10:34 AM
I'm thinking as long as you're getting free stuff, you shouldn't be allowed to vote to begin with. THAT would clear the field in a minute.

That principle was practiced in the beginning of our Republic.

09-26-2015, 10:49 AM
That principle was practiced in the beginning of our Republic.

Not quite correct. It started being practiced when Abraham Lincoln ran all over the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and promised "40 acres and a mule" to every freed slave. I will also point out that to date, I don't know of a freed slave that EVER got 40 acres and a mule. Been broken promise after broken promise since.

Just tell the truth: We're lying to you and promising shit you'll never see to get your vote. THAT is about the size of it.

09-26-2015, 11:00 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "free stuff" won't be part of his plan to appeal to black voters

article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush-free-stuff_5605c323e4b0af3706dc5e78?utm_hp_ref=politics )

Well, then, he just lost all the black vote...

Nah....see.....with RINOs (and leftists/leftist Democrats)...you have to learn to read between the lines (lies).

What he meant is.....it won't be a part of his campaign plan to outright promise free everything to black voters. But ...since he'll be pandering to Hispanic voters (and illegals)....the free everything is just assumed...

since, as we all know, families just can't survive on minimum-wage, burger flipping jobs. Right?

09-26-2015, 11:06 AM
Not quite correct. It started being practiced when Abraham Lincoln ran all over the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and promised "40 acres and a mule" to every freed slave. I will also point out that to date, I don't know of a freed slave that EVER got 40 acres and a mule. Been broken promise after broken promise since.

Just tell the truth: We're lying to you and promising shit you'll never see to get your vote. THAT is about the size of it.

I'm talking pre-1800.

At the Founding of America Only Property Owners Could Vote

Since there was no direct tax on income, the tax payers were primarily those that paid property taxes. People who owned property were also sometimes business owners, who also paid taxes. People who paid taxes, and those that owned businesses, were directly influenced by the actions of the politicians. Laws influenced their tax payments, business structure, and daily dealings in the financial industry. Therefore, when it came to politics, those people had "skin in the game," since they were directly influenced by the decisions made by the politicians. As a result, property owners were directly involved, and knowledgeable, with the policies offered by the various candidates, and politicians.

People who did not own property had no concern for a majority of the issues in the political realm, and as a result were often uninformed of the issues, and the various policies of the political leaders. Their votes, if allowed to be offered, would be based on nothing but guessing, limited knowledge, or influence by the popular media of the day. Politicians were aware of this, and in societies where the propertyless could vote, their votes were won by the politicians offering them gifts from the treasury. The practice of buying votes through entitlements was something the Founding Fathers did not desire to exist in the American System, therefore unless you were directly influenced by a majority of the policies by the politicians because of your ownership status in society, it was better for society that you did not vote.


09-26-2015, 11:29 AM
I'm talking pre-1800.


And? For all our bluster, the US was formed by elitists FOR elitists who didn't want to pay their taxes. Ironic, isn't it? Committed tyranny against our King for the verysame government that taxes us to death?

I don't need to read a blog to know that and in case you missed the cliff notes, posting links at me is like pissing in the wind. Speak for yourself. I don't care what some unknown author has to say. And learn to cut to the chase.

Broken promises are broken promises. I'm all for helping those in need. I'm not for helping anyone that's just too lazy to get off their fat ass and get a job, thinks they're owed something for a lame, irrelevant reason, and just generally are useless to society.

09-26-2015, 11:35 AM
At this point I'd be happy with having to earn the right to vote by graduating from high school and having passed a government and civics course. Having to be current on your taxes would be cool with me too.

09-26-2015, 12:12 PM
And? For all our bluster, the US was formed by elitists FOR elitists who didn't want to pay their taxes. Ironic, isn't it? Committed tyranny against our King for the verysame government that taxes us to death?

I don't need to read a blog to know that and in case you missed the cliff notes, posting links at me is like pissing in the wind. Speak for yourself. I don't care what some unknown author has to say. And learn to cut to the chase.

Broken promises are broken promises. I'm all for helping those in need. I'm not for helping anyone that's just too lazy to get off their fat ass and get a job, thinks they're owed something for a lame, irrelevant reason, and just generally are useless to society.

One can throw around the label "elitist", but the result was a pretty good result, this experiment called the "United States of America".

Posting links is the mark of an efficient post. You may notice that I delete copies of images and multi-media when I quote a post. Whether it's a resume, an article, or message board post, it's a burden on the reader to copy-and-paste (or repeat) large amounts of text. I'm merely making the premise and providing you with a reference. It would be unreasonable to expect you to read a whole article. However, I would be remiss if not providing you the option. Why do you suppose this: :link: exists?

09-26-2015, 12:27 PM
One can throw around the label "elitist", but the result was a pretty good result, this experiment called the "United States of America".

Posting links is the mark of an efficient post. You may notice that I delete copies of images and multi-media when I quote a post. Whether it's a resume, an article, or message board post, it's a burden on the reader to copy-and-paste (or repeat) large amounts of text. I'm merely making the premise and providing you with a reference. It would be unreasonable to expect you to read a whole article. However, I would be remiss if not providing you the option. Why do you suppose this: :link: exists?

How was it a good result? Strategy and tactics aren't your strong suit, are they? The poor people fight a war to enable the elitists who don't want to pay taxes and the result is, we're taxed worse than they ever were by the elitists that stirred up the revolt.

Brilliant. Got another move on the chess board?

09-26-2015, 12:37 PM
How was it a good result? Strategy and tactics aren't your strong suit, are they? The poor people fight a war to enable the elitists who don't want to pay taxes and the result is, we're taxed worse than they ever were by the elitists that stirred up the revolt.

Brilliant. Got another move on the chess board?

Your focus is different from mine: Yours is winning a battle; mine is building things exactly to specifications. I'm surprised you aren't on the side of our nations founders.

09-26-2015, 12:52 PM
Your focus is different from mine: Yours is winning a battle; mine is building things exactly to specifications. I'm surprised you aren't on the side of our nations founders.

Got news for you.... guess what I did after I retired from the Corps? I was a commercial electrician. I can build anything to specification. But I ALWAYS built it to WIN and be right. If something messed up, I took it personally. But I can read a set of prints. It has less colors than a military map and no grid coordinates. Don't assume.

I am also a direct decedent of John and John Q Adams. My maternal family's name is Adams. JQ was an ass. Most of the men in my family STILL look like him. I'm just glad I didn't get the beak. And family is family with us. Again, don't assume.

I'm just calling a spade a spade. What's the difference between committing tyranny against our own king over taxes and seceding from the US over money and power? One side one and one didn't.

09-26-2015, 01:07 PM
Got news for you.... guess what I did after I retired from the Corps? I was a commercial electrician. I can build anything to specification. But I ALWAYS built it to WIN and be right. If something messed up, I took it personally. But I can read a set of prints. It has less colors than a military map and no grid coordinates. Don't assume.

I am also a direct decedent of John and John Q Adams. My maternal family's name is Adams. JQ was an ass. Most of the men in my family STILL look like him. I'm just glad I didn't get the beak. And family is family with us. Again, don't assume.

I'm just calling a spade a spade. What's the difference between committing tyranny against our own king over taxes and seceding from the US over money and power? One side one and one didn't.

You do realize all this back-and-forth is a result of AGREEING with you, don't you? I was just trying to give you extra ideas to advance your idea. This type of thing is really annoying. Someone comes up with an idea, I say "let's do it", then I hear ten reasons why they can't. I guess many people who do that just want to "look competent" and not actually do any work.

09-26-2015, 01:40 PM
JQ was an ass.

He wasn't such "an ass" when he took the case of The Amistad before the Supreme Court of the United States, freeing the slaves who were captured from their homeland, declaring that they were a sovereign people from a foreign land fighting "to get home".

Amistad (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118607/)


09-26-2015, 02:10 PM
You do realize all this back-and-forth is a result of AGREEING with you, don't you? I was just trying to give you extra ideas to advance your idea. This type of thing is really annoying. Someone comes up with an idea, I say "let's do it", then I hear ten reasons why they can't. I guess many people who do that just want to "look competent" and not actually do any work.

And my point is I don't need to advance my idea. I'm a Marine, not a rocket scientist. I'm a Gunnery Sergeant. It's my job to tell you why something isn't going to work. As a Marine, I also had to figure out how to make it work. Civilians don't. I look at everything like a five color map. I'm constantly analyzing and constructing a battle plan.

You, on the other hand, are constantly over-thinking everything and end up all over the place.

One thing I've learned in my life for sure is EVERY time I second guess myself I'm wrong.