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09-26-2015, 08:08 PM
Matthew 11:15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Quasi-intellectuals do not understand what Ann Coulter so adequately states: "There is no point in arguing about any other political issue. If we lose immigration, we lose everything."

This video should frighten you.


09-27-2015, 07:45 AM
This is from 2007 but I thought it was relevant anyway.


For the first time in 35 years, the U.S. fertility rate has climbed high enough to sustain a stable population, solidifying the nation's unique status among industrialized countries.

"Over the long term you can't have significant continued growth or continued decline," said S. Philip Morgan, a Duke University sociologist. "Neither one is sustainable."

The narrator in the video said that a culture could only last 25 years with fertility rates lower than 2.11. It looks like he was wrong. China has been under 1.9 since 1994, I doubt they'll disappear in 2019.

09-27-2015, 10:22 AM
This is from 2007 but I thought it was relevant anyway.


The narrator in the video said that a culture could only last 25 years with fertility rates lower than 2.11. It looks like he was wrong. China has been under 1.9 since 1994, I doubt they'll disappear in 2019.

I think you are confusing 'culture' with 'race'. That would mean that people with different racial attributes are incapable of identifying with, or being loyal to, a particular culture.

Besides, if any regime will see to it that its culture will endure, it'll be a Communist dictatorship !! So I don't really see how the normal 'cultural drift' presumptions would apply to China.

09-27-2015, 11:28 AM
I think you are confusing 'culture' with 'race'. That would mean that people with different racial attributes are incapable of identifying with, or being loyal to, a particular culture.

Besides, if any regime will see to it that its culture will endure, it'll be a Communist dictatorship !! So I don't really see how the normal 'cultural drift' presumptions would apply to China.

I'm not confusing culture with race but I do think the people who made that video were deliberately confusing culture with race where Europe is concerned. They assume that 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations will be religious muslim zealots and they also seem fixed on a 25 year time limit which is wrong.

The reason for them harping on low fertility is to point out that a culture, or society, can't sustain its numbers and will collapse so the argument there is financial not racial or cultural. Type of government doesn't matter and neither does immigration.

09-27-2015, 02:14 PM
I think you are confusing 'culture' with 'race'. That would mean that people with different racial attributes are incapable of identifying with, or being loyal to, a particular culture.

Besides, if any regime will see to it that its culture will endure, it'll be a Communist dictatorship !! So I don't really see how the normal 'cultural drift' presumptions would apply to China.

They maintain their culture despite their creepy government. They're no different the US. The vast majority in China have nothing to do with their government. They're too busy working their farms/rice paddies trying to live. You go into rural China, Thailand, you don't see what we see from the MSM. Same goes here.

Everyone calls Southerners rednecks and racists and the biggest bunch of rednecks and racists I ever ran into were from Kansas, Iowa and Illinois. It's the same story. And it isn't going to change until the silent majority quits being silent. When the silent majority gets out and votes, we get Reagan and the left run like rats on a sinking ship.

Everyone's too busy in their own little worlds and it's by design. All these manufactured wars and issues are designed to keep us divided. It's a simple deflection move out of Robert E Lee's handbook.

09-27-2015, 03:09 PM
I'm not confusing culture with race but I do think the people who made that video were deliberately confusing culture with race where Europe is concerned. They assume that 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations will be religious muslim zealots and they also seem fixed on a 25 year time limit which is wrong.

The reason for them harping on low fertility is to point out that a culture, or society, can't sustain its numbers and will collapse so the argument there is financial not racial or cultural. Type of government doesn't matter and neither does immigration.

Immigration surely HAS to matter ... since those immigrating will invariably not only bring their cultures with them, but won't readily abandon them. This is especially true of Muslims.

Islam is a religion geared to dominance, even outright conquest .. and as such, is a special case. I can easily believe that 4th generation Muslims will be zealots.

Adherence to Sharia Law is an extremely strong imperative for Muslims .. and Sharia courts will, if need be, defy the indigenous culture they operate within. I know this from the UK.

09-27-2015, 03:20 PM
Immigration surely HAS to matter ... since those immigrating will invariably not only bring their cultures with them, but won't readily abandon them. This is especially true of Muslims.

Islam is a religion geared to dominance, even outright conquest .. and as such, is a special case. I can easily believe that 4th generation Muslims will be zealots.

Adherence to Sharia Law is an extremely strong imperative for Muslims .. and Sharia courts will, if need be, defy the indigenous culture they operate within. I know this from the UK.

I don't want any Syrians here. Those people have been too ass-backward for too long. And I haven't forgotten Beirut. I had friends in that barracks.

09-27-2015, 04:43 PM
I don't want any Syrians here. Those people have been too ass-backward for too long. And I haven't forgotten Beirut. I had friends in that barracks.

I don't think you have much to concern yourself over where that's concerned .. they're way too busy swamping Europe generally, and (currently) Germany in particular.

09-27-2015, 04:56 PM
I don't think you have much to concern yourself over where that's concerned .. they're way too busy swamping Europe generally, and (currently) Germany in particular.

Think about it though. And where to start ... the Syrians have been almost the absolute worst at harboring Shia jihadists. They have generations of mind-screwed people. You ain't fixing THAT. I don't want them in Europe. That place has gotten stupid enough. And I damned sure don't want them here.

Here's a novel idea: pick up a weapon and fight to keep your country instead of running like little bitches.

09-27-2015, 07:46 PM
Immigration surely HAS to matter ... since those immigrating will invariably not only bring their cultures with them, but won't readily abandon them. This is especially true of Muslims.

I think the video was confusing things, it was trying to link the fertility rate with a muslim takeover but according to the video the culture in Europe can't survive even without any muslim immigration with the fertility rates being what they are. Even if the rates were 2.11 or higher it still wouldn't matter if millions of muslims arrived and outbred the natives.

Islam is a religion geared to dominance, even outright conquest .. and as such, is a special case. I can easily believe that 4th generation Muslims will be zealots.

All I can say is it hasn't happened here. I live in the middle of the largest concentration of muslims outside of the muslim world and have my whole life, they've been coming here since the 1880's (weird side note, so have Jews). By the time they're third or fourth generation they eat bacon cheeseburgers and pound beers and shots at the strip club, believe me they don't get more radical. Maybe the UK is different but America has a way of squeezing the old ways, religion included, right out of you.

Adherence to Sharia Law is an extremely strong imperative for Muslims .. and Sharia courts will, if need be, defy the indigenous culture they operate within. I know this from the UK.

I have noticed some new arrivals lipping off about Sharia, mostly in Dearborn where the Shia all live, but that notion gets beaten out of them one way or another.

09-27-2015, 08:15 PM
I think the video was confusing things, it was trying to link the fertility rate with a muslim takeover but according to the video the culture in Europe can't survive even without any muslim immigration with the fertility rates being what they are. Even if the rates were 2.11 or higher it still wouldn't matter if millions of muslims arrived and outbred the natives.

All I can say is it hasn't happened here. I live in the middle of the largest concentration of muslims outside of the muslim world and have my whole life, they've been coming here since the 1880's (weird side note, so have Jews). By the time they're third or fourth generation they eat bacon cheeseburgers and pound beers and shots at the strip club, believe me they don't get more radical. Maybe the UK is different but America has a way of squeezing the old ways, religion included, right out of you.

I have noticed some new arrivals lipping off about Sharia, mostly in Dearborn where the Shia all live, but that notion gets beaten out of them one way or another.

Awww. I feel bad. :laugh:

09-28-2015, 11:47 PM
This video should frighten you.

It was meant to frighten you. Fertility rates are generally tied to levels of economic development.

09-29-2015, 12:04 AM
It was meant to frighten you. Fertility rates are generally tied to levels of economic development.

Dude, she's as old as I am. I'm thinking that's not an issue unless you're changing her name to Sarah.

09-29-2015, 12:13 AM
Dude, she's as old as I am. I'm thinking that's not an issue unless you're changing her name to Sarah.

Well someone has to out-procreate the coming scourge and I've done my part.

09-29-2015, 12:16 AM
Well someone has to out-procreate the coming scourge and I've done my part.

Out procreating don't mean shit if you're raising 10 toadstools that want to join ISIS. Just means you're wasting your money feeding them.

09-29-2015, 12:19 AM
Out procreating don't mean shit if you're raising 10 toadstools that want to join ISIS. Just means you're wasting your money feeding them.

An excellent point. Were death rates considered in the video? :facepalm99: Who am I asking? Neither of us watches videos here. :laugh:

09-29-2015, 12:27 AM
An excellent point. Were death rates considered in the video? :facepalm99: Who am I asking? Neither of us watches videos here. :laugh:

I think that would require an attention span at non-technical stuff.