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View Full Version : BTW, the Natl Debt hasn't increased since March 2015

09-29-2015, 01:06 PM

We hit the debt ceiling 7 months ago, again. And the govt has been emptying retirement accounts, Federal trust funds, etc. ever since, without backing off on spending a whit.

They figure they'll quietly raise the ceiling after a while, and they'll borrow gigantic amounts instantly to refill the accounts they're raiding. They've done that every time.

A private company that did this, would see their CEO and CFO in jail immediately. But if it's the government, that makes it OK.

Such activity by the govt used to generate huge headline, it was shocking, outrageous etc.

But it was quietly swept under the rug.

Now no one cares.

What's the point in having a "Debt ceiling" at all, if all you do is raise it every time it gets in the way of your wild spending?

And if Republicans finally do the right thing and refuse to raise the debt ceiling, it will instantly become "the Republicans' fault", though both parties are equally culpable.