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09-30-2015, 06:08 AM
Sarah Kaplan wrote for The Washington Post 30 September 2015:
Watching his stepdaughter approach the end of the aisle, her blonde hair bound by a tiara, her white dress billowing behind her, Todd Cendrosky felt something pull at his heart. His daughter, Brittany Peck, was getting married, and he was watching from the sidelines. Then he felt a real pull, on his arm. Brittany’s biological father was standing beside him, grabbing his hand.

“‘You worked as hard as I have. You’ll help us walk our daughter down the aisle,” her father, Todd Bachman, told Cendrosky...

He followed Bachman into the aisle, and they walked their daughter along it together.

article (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/30/at-daughters-wedding-a-stepfather-thought-hed-be-relegated-to-the-sidelines-then-her-father-grabbed-his-hand/)