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09-30-2015, 02:24 PM
I didn't even notice this running on my desktop! It's now been over 5 years since I quit smoking. Many of you were here when I quit and had to read my non-stop whining about how tough it was. :) And once again, I see what I supposedly saved, and shake my head wondering where any of it is at all!!

Jim - Free and Healing for Five Years, Thirteen Days, 6 Hours and 23 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 319 Days and 7 Hours, by avoiding the use of 91963 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $49,639.21.

09-30-2015, 02:34 PM

I have to quit one of these days... but not today, and probably not tomorrow. :smoke:

09-30-2015, 02:35 PM
I didn't even notice this running on my desktop! It's now been over 5 years since I quit smoking. Many of you were here when I quit and had to read my non-stop whining about how tough it was. :) And once again, I see what I supposedly saved, and shake my head wondering where any of it is at all!!

Jim - Free and Healing for Five Years, Thirteen Days, 6 Hours and 23 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 319 Days and 7 Hours, by avoiding the use of 91963 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $49,639.21.

Wow! Kudos to you, Jim! You have more strength and commitment than my parents did. They only quit once they had to (oxygen and cigs don't mix).

09-30-2015, 02:39 PM
Congratulations, Jim!! :cheers2:

Smoking is one the most disgusting habits anyone can be stuck with. Those who quit help themselves and those around them.
I would believe that anyone who smokes around children should be convicted of child abuse. You might as well be punching your kid in the chest several times per day.

09-30-2015, 02:41 PM

I have to quit one of these days... but not today, and probably not tomorrow. :smoke:

Sounds like you don't want to, you just know that you should someday. When you WANT TO, then you'll make it happen. :)

Wow! Kudos to you, Jim! You have more strength and commitment than my parents did. They only quit once they had to (oxygen and cigs don't mix).

I don't know about the strength part. I was one helluva wuss and thought I was dying and whined like no one else! I went through a bad period then, and lots of things got screwed up during that time. Looking back, I don't know why, but I forced myself to suffer in a way and just dealt with it and got lucky when it started getting better like 5-6 days in. If I had to do it again today I don't think I could.

And yeah, my Mom continued to smoke after breast cancer, and wanted to continue after her open heart surgery and when she was walking around with an oxygen bottle. Just shows how hard it is to drop that habit.

09-30-2015, 02:42 PM

I have to quit one of these days... but not today, and probably not tomorrow. :smoke:

A cautionary tale....in pics....




And it's not just your lungs being affected. And once you have to start taking meds for the lung damage, the kidneys will go too. Both of my parents, smokers for most of their adult lives, had to also have dialysis from the meds they had to take.

Don't let this happen to you.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2015, 04:36 PM
I didn't even notice this running on my desktop! It's now been over 5 years since I quit smoking. Many of you were here when I quit and had to read my non-stop whining about how tough it was. :) And once again, I see what I supposedly saved, and shake my head wondering where any of it is at all!!

Jim - Free and Healing for Five Years, Thirteen Days, 6 Hours and 23 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 319 Days and 7 Hours, by avoiding the use of 91963 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $49,639.21.

Congrats!! And, WOW!