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View Full Version : Five extra words that can fix the second amendment

10-03-2015, 10:34 PM
The Supreme Court is going to eventually review the status and interpretation of the second amendment. Test cases are already being prepared for such.
The Washington Post hosted a guest editorial about the second amendment could be re-interpreted in a more correct matter.


10-03-2015, 10:35 PM
The Supreme Court is going to eventually review the status and interpretation of the second amendment. Test cases are already being prepared for such.
The Washington Post hosted a guest editorial about the second amendment could be re-interpreted in a more correct matter.


It doesn't need fixing.

10-03-2015, 10:48 PM
Well, you are right. The second amendment really needs to be deleted. But since that won't happen, added restrictions are necessary.

What we really need are gun licenses for everyone. Sort of like driver's licenses. So we can make sure anyone with mental problems such as PTSD don't own weapons.

10-03-2015, 10:59 PM
Well, you are right. The second amendment really needs to be deleted. But since that won't happen, added restrictions are necessary.

What we really need are gun licenses for everyone. Sort of like driver's licenses. So we can make sure anyone with mental problems such as PTSD don't own weapons.

No, it needs to be right where it is. Lame ass lefties and their illogical, dumbass arguments are what need to be deleted.

10-04-2015, 07:52 PM
No, it needs to be right where it is. Lame ass lefties and their illogical, dumbass arguments are what need to be deleted.

Gunny. Think about it. If gabby was really as intelligent, and smart as she claims to be. There would never be any reason for her to even consider such things. Stupid Is, as Stupid Does...is gabby's agenda.

10-04-2015, 07:57 PM
No, it needs to be right where it is. Lame ass lefties and their illogical, dumbass arguments are what need to be deleted.

I look forward to major revisions to the second amendment. I promise that it will happen during the next Dem administration.
There will be more restrictions on gun shows and shops then there are on abortion clinics.

10-04-2015, 08:09 PM
I look forward to major revisions to the second amendment. I promise that it will happen during the next Dem administration.
There will be more restrictions on gun shows and shops then there are on abortion clinics.

Why did you choose to use the op-ed from Stevens in your OP? It seemed to me he wasn't talking about the same thing you're talking about.

10-04-2015, 09:27 PM
Well, you are right. The second amendment really needs to be deleted. But since that won't happen, added restrictions are necessary.

What we really need are gun licenses for everyone. Sort of like driver's licenses. So we can make sure anyone with mental problems such as PTSD don't own weapons.

Well I like the idea of everyone getting Gun training in school, just like driver training.
then getting the license and buying their own before college.

sounds almost like Sweden.
a gun in every home. for home protection and REAL homeland security.

but i guess that's not what you're hoping for.

10-05-2015, 01:24 PM
but i guess that's not what you're hoping for.

She'll make a post looking for gun advice, and claim to own one - and then talk shit like this. Think about it, what do YOU think her goal is in making such a post?

10-05-2015, 01:30 PM
Well, you are right. The second amendment really needs to be deleted. But since that won't happen, added restrictions are necessary.

What we really need are gun licenses for everyone. Sort of like driver's licenses. So we can make sure anyone with mental problems such as PTSD don't own weapons.

Gabby. Has requiring a drivers license ever prevented anyone from stealing a car because they don't have a license, or just ignoring the laws? Telling everyone they need a license to own a gun will NEVER stop those who use stolen guns from shooting others for their money, drugs, or cars.

You claim to be so much more highly intelligent than the rest of us. But you never fail to show your ignorance.

10-05-2015, 01:31 PM
She'll make a post looking for gun advice, and claim to own one - and then talk shit like this. Think about it, what do YOU think her goal is in making such a post?

What I do know is that she hasn't considered the legal repecussions of her desires.

10-05-2015, 01:44 PM
I look forward to major revisions to the second amendment. I promise that it will happen during the next Dem administration.
There will be more restrictions on gun shows and shops then there are on abortion clinics.So Gab's which rights (Amendments) are you OK changing?? You realize that when you open that box there is NO going back.. If you want to change the Second why not the First, Third, or Fourth for that matter?? I may find that stupid people should not be allowed to voice their opinion, should we make the First dependent upon an IQ test? Should only those groups I believe in be allowed to demonstrate?

This is the problem with people making "opinions" on our Constitution it is not open to OPINIONS it is black and white, no grey area's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-05-2015, 01:49 PM
So Gab's which rights (Amendments) are you OK changing?? You realize that when you open that box there is NO going back.. If you want to change the Second why not the First, Third, or Fourth for that matter?? I may find that stupid people should not be allowed to voice their opinion, should we make the First dependent upon an IQ test? Should only those groups I believe in be allowed to demonstrate?

This is the problem with people making "opinions" on our Constitution it is not open to OPINIONS it is black and white, no grey area's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you're ok with changing an amendment due to disagreeing, then you're open to all of them being changed. I've seen some over the years disagree with the 1st, and think it should be axed, and perhaps even "fines" for insulting other people like a ticket for speeding (Jafar's idea).

10-05-2015, 02:16 PM
If you're ok with changing an amendment due to disagreeing, then you're open to all of them being changed. I've seen some over the years disagree with the 1st, and think it should be axed, and perhaps even "fines" for insulting other people like a ticket for speeding (Jafar's idea).

Don't even know why we have Amendments or a Bill of Rights. Leftwingnut lawyers have managed to screw up every one of them.

10-05-2015, 02:18 PM
I look forward to major revisions to the second amendment. I promise that it will happen during the next Dem administration.
There will be more restrictions on gun shows and shops then there are on abortion clinics.

You have never been to a gun show have ya, :laugh: I love people that want to sound like a authority and have never been to one, see because if you had been you would of seen every booth in the place does a background check ( unless of course like here in GA if you have a carry permit you don't get a background check each time, hell they did a major background check when I got the carry permit ) The people that don't use the background check are the private sellers, the guys walking around with a weapon and a sign on there back explaining what it is and what he wants for it, so y'all want to make it where all at gun shows have to use the test, well that private seller I spoke of with come in with a picture on his back, if interested contact him that afternoon and go buy it through private sales, no new rules there. jeez they fixed a lot huh.

Surf Fishing Guru
10-07-2015, 04:52 AM
The Supreme Court is going to eventually review the status and interpretation of the second amendment. Test cases are already being prepared for such.
The Washington Post hosted a guest editorial about the second amendment could be re-interpreted in a more correct matter.


Stevens is an idiot who has allowed his left-wing politics to pollute and pervert his understanding and application of the Constitution.

The right to arms does not flow from the 2nd Amendment. Altering the words of the Amendment (or adding some as Stevens suggests or even "deleting" it entirely from the Constitution as you suggest) would have zero effect on the right to arms of the citizen.

Stevens' history is wrong; he cites a line of 2nd Amendment interpretation that was inserted in the federal courts in 1942. The Supreme Court has never endorsed any "interpretation" of the 2nd Amendment that aligns with his fantasies. Heller did not disturb any SCOTUS precedent . . . All Heller did was slap lower federal courts back into the constitutional fold, invalidating the "militia right" and "state's right" travesties of U.S. v. Tot, 131 F.2d 261 (3 rd Cir. 1942) and Cases v. U.S, 131 F.2d 916 (1 st Cir. 1942).

For the 2nd Amendment to undergo the revision he and you hope for would demand a reworking of the entire application of rights theory. Such a rework would place the left's favorite "right to privacy" (Griswold) and the derivative protections for abortion (Roe) into question . . . Their treatment of the 2nd Amendment contradicts the Court's reasoning for the recognition and protection of penumbral rights -- that the specific guarantees of the Bill of Rights (including the 2nd Amendment / RTKBA) have penumbras "formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and sub-stance," and that the right to privacy exists within this area.

Be careful what you wish for!

Stevens' position and proposals demonstrates how backwards liberal thought process is on the Constitution, how shallow their claimed respect for constitutional rights actually is and how they are willing to abandon the reasoning that is the foundation of modern leftist rights models.

It would be comical if it weren't so dangerous.

10-07-2015, 05:34 AM
Civil War is what Gabs desires. She desires millions of deaths.

10-07-2015, 05:38 AM
She'll make a post looking for gun advice, and claim to own one - and then talk shit like this. Think about it, what do YOU think her goal is in making such a post?

Funny, I've noticed the same thing. I've toyed with the idea of quoting her many statements saying how she's got guns and isn't afraid of using them, and then a few days later creates threads saying what a great thing it will be when the Democrats finally do take everyone's guns away. I'm no shrink but it screams multiple personality disorder, or more likely, her penchant for trolling.

I expect her 180 degree positions entirely depend on whether she's in Jekyll or Hyde mode at that moment. I'd probably end up eating a bullet if I had to live with someone like that for more than a month or 2.

To troll, or not to troll.... let's flip a coin.

10-07-2015, 07:13 AM
I look forward to major revisions to the second amendment. I promise that it will happen during the next Dem administration.
There will be more restrictions on gun shows and shops then there are on abortion clinics.

Yes imagine that, y'all would rather attack a harmless piece of metal than even care about babies being murdered, hell not even murdered but mutilated. Man that sure is something to be proud of, :rolleyes: caring more about a piece of metal than a human life.

This when all the facts are in, the cities with the strictest gun laws also have the highest crime rate, criminals don't follow the law, heck I know you know all these things, but hey the black lord speaks, so, so does his brain dead followers.

10-07-2015, 08:47 AM
The Supreme Court is going to eventually review the status and interpretation of the second amendment. Test cases are already being prepared for such.
The Washington Post hosted a guest editorial about the second amendment could be re-interpreted in a more correct matter.


Many of the "rights" in the Soviet constitution were prefaced "except as provided by law". Most of us know the results of those five extra words.

10-07-2015, 08:58 AM
Yes imagine that, y'all would rather attack a harmless piece of metal than even care about babies being murdered, hell not even murdered but mutilated. Man that sure is something to be proud of, :rolleyes: caring more about a piece of metal than a human life.

This when all the facts are in, the cities with the strictest gun laws also have the highest crime rate, criminals don't follow the law, heck I know you know all these things, but hey the black lord speaks, so, so does his brain dead followers.

I am aware of the fact I use a great many pictures during these threads. However, they just seem to fit in, so I send them.

Like this one, while I agree it has nothing to do with gun control (or grabbing and destruction of the US Constitution) it just fits Gabby's persona.


10-07-2015, 09:06 AM
Stilton Jarlsberg? Someone is a Monty Python fan.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2015, 09:21 AM
So Gab's which rights (Amendments) are you OK changing?? You realize that when you open that box there is NO going back.. If you want to change the Second why not the First, Third, or Fourth for that matter?? I may find that stupid people should not be allowed to voice their opinion, should we make the First dependent upon an IQ test? Should only those groups I believe in be allowed to demonstrate?

This is the problem with people making "opinions" on our Constitution it is not open to OPINIONS it is black and white, no grey area's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Libs have no fear of Pandora's box- as they'd just shoot Pandora, confiscate the damn box to fill with dead conservative bodies!
We are dealing with insane people that live in a liberal induced coma. And try to remake our real world to fit their damn insanity.
Problem is--they are not ridiculed and relegated to none governmental posts etc..
Nothing but a coming civil war will ever fix this now-- the STINKING LIB/LEFTIST ROT has went in too damN deep IMHO.-TYR

10-07-2015, 09:54 AM
Here are five words they can add that will "fix" the 2nd: "ALL CITIZENS MUST OWN FIREARMS."