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View Full Version : Chaffetz announces bid for Speaker

10-04-2015, 01:06 PM

10-04-2015, 01:59 PM

Some of y'all need to learn to just SAY something. Posting a link to support your opinion is fine. I don't log on to talk to a link to some MSM op-ed. And I don't do links. Last time I followed one it took me 2 days to get my computer debugged.

10-04-2015, 02:05 PM
Some of y'all need to learn to just SAY something. Posting a link to support your opinion is fine. I don't log on to talk to a link to some MSM op-ed. And I don't do links. Last time I followed one it took me 2 days to get my computer debugged.

Here's more from Breitbart: As you can see below, cut-and-paste sucks. For starters, you can't cut-and-paste Javascript.

House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)


, in his official announcement made on Sunday that he’s running for Speaker of the House, implicitly dinged House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)


for being unable to communicate effectively.Chaffetz’s announcement—in a public statement and also a private email to members of the House, since obtained by Breitbart News—draws a clear contrast with the version of McCarthy on display to the public for the last week plus since outgoing House Speaker
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)


announced his forthcoming resignation.


10-04-2015, 02:08 PM
Here's more from Breitbart: As you can see, cut-and-paste sucks. For starters, you can't cut-and-paste Javascript.


SO basically what you are saying is we have a mini-election within an election cycle. Whatever happened to the rule of next senior man/woman is up? Who decided THAT rule doesn't apply anymore?

10-04-2015, 02:12 PM
SO basically what you are saying is we have a mini-election within an election cycle. Whatever happened to the rule of next senior man/woman is up? Who decided THAT rule doesn't apply anymore?

If that rule does apply, you can look forward to more capitulation to Obama. If I can do anything to help Chaffetz, have phone, will dial. Have email, will send.

10-04-2015, 02:18 PM
If that rule does apply, you can look forward to more capitulation to Obama. If I can do anything to help Chaffetz, have phone, will dial. Have email, will send.

If anyone had a real plan, we replace all these old 90s failures with new people. Then we can watch the reset and recycle where the left takes out any Republican with balls. And the GOP itself is the one that makes them step down, cowing to MSM and leftwingnut pressure. It's been working like a charm and as long as a battle plan is working, you stick with it.

Need to start at the top of the GOP and work down.