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07-08-2007, 04:25 PM

Sheehan considers challenge to Pelosi

By ANGELA K. BROWN, Associated Press Writer 29 minutes ago

Six weeks after announcing her departure from the peace movement, Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless she introduces articles of impeachment against President Bush in the next two weeks.

Sheehan said she will run against the San Francisco Democrat in 2008 as an independent if Pelosi does not seek by July 23 to impeach Bush. That's when Sheehan and her supporters are to arrive in Washington, D.C., after a 13-day caravan and walking tour starting next week from the group's war protest site near Bush's Crawford ranch.

"Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership," Sheehan told The Associated Press. "We hired them to bring an end to the war. I'm not too far from San Francisco, so it wouldn't be too big of a move for me. I would give her a run for her money."

Messages left with Pelosi's staff were not immediately returned...

07-08-2007, 04:30 PM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thcheer.gifRun Cindy Runhttp://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thcheer.gif

07-08-2007, 05:37 PM
Get ready for a cat fight.

07-08-2007, 05:40 PM
More like two squirrels fighting over a nut......:laugh2:

07-08-2007, 05:45 PM
First of all they will never even try to Impeach President Bush. As far as Cindy running against Pelosi, Cindy would get her ass handed to her. This lady need's to shut the hell up.

07-08-2007, 06:39 PM
Impossible will never happen unless Cindy has been setting up camp in San Francisco for a long time to establish residency in Pelosi's district.

07-08-2007, 07:01 PM
Impossible will never happen unless Cindy has been setting up camp in San Francisco for a long time to establish residency in Pelosi's district.

In Nevada you have to have lived in the area your running in for only 30 days. I don't know about California since I haven't lived there in over 14 years. It is possible for her to do it though.

07-08-2007, 07:08 PM
im pretty sure cindy's home base is in Pelosi's district so residency wouldnt be an issue.

07-08-2007, 10:43 PM
No, she said she would have to move, but it's not to far.

Here is a link to CNN's article on this issue, it's a little different then the above article.

GW in Ohio
07-09-2007, 08:27 AM
im pretty sure cindy's home base is in Pelosi's district so residency wouldnt be an issue.

Residency isn't an issue; getting votes would be an issue.

I'd bet $5 ol' Cindy doesn't get more than 1,000 votes.

07-09-2007, 11:30 AM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thcheer.gifRun Cindy Runhttp://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thcheer.gif

Sheehan always was a "disposable" lunatic as far as the Democrat power brokers go, so she has zero chance against Pelosi.

Mr. P
07-09-2007, 12:02 PM
Sheehan always was a "disposable" lunatic as far as the Democrat power brokers go, so she has zero chance against Pelosi.

Yeah but, one lunatic giving another an ultimatum? This is a must see..:popcorn:

07-09-2007, 12:02 PM
Sheehan always was a "disposable" lunatic as far as the Democrat power brokers go, so she has zero chance against Pelosi.

I dunno, it would be funny as heel to see her win, you would see a massive scramble in the house! :laugh2:

07-09-2007, 12:07 PM
Damn, sheethand has sure given polosi an ultimatum there. Do you get the feeling she thinks of herself as more important than she is. What a joke she is.

07-09-2007, 12:14 PM
Damn, sheethand has sure given polosi an ultimatum there. Do you get the feeling she thinks of herself as more important than she is. What a joke she is.

I didn't even think about it like that. :laugh2:

07-09-2007, 12:58 PM
She's hurting, not everyone handles the death of a child the same way, with sanity or with dignity. :(

07-09-2007, 01:30 PM
She's hurting, not everyone handles the death of a child the same way, with sanity or with dignity. :(

I mourn the death of her son and all the soldiers that made the ultimate sacrifice but come on.....she is crazy as a run over dog.

07-09-2007, 02:25 PM
I mourn the death of her son and all the soldiers that made the ultimate sacrifice but come on.....she is crazy as a run over dog.

Agreed, it is tragic. I mourn the loss of every soldier we have lost in this war, but this lady is off her rocker.

07-09-2007, 04:22 PM
Residency isn't an issue; getting votes would be an issue.

I'd bet $5 ol' Cindy doesn't get more than 1,000 votes.

I'm not so sure about that. There are a lot of loonies out there that would vote for her, regardless of her experience, or lack of. I'll give her an A for effort, if she does run, for taking the time to actually do something to make a change that she wants... But this woman is certifiable. They should vote whether or not to have her committed.

07-09-2007, 04:29 PM
I'm not so sure about that. There are a lot of loonies out there that would vote for her, regardless of her experience, or lack of. I'll give her an A for effort, if she does run, for taking the time to actually do something to make a change that she wants... But this woman is certifiable. They should vote whether or not to have her committed.

I think she would stand a good chance of winning if she runs. Pelosi's approval rating is in the toilet and couldn't even get the war stopped like she promised the people in her district if she was to get re-elected. In the eyes of the voters Cindy has been out damn near everyday and even invested her own money in trying to get the war stopped, and not to mention the sympathy vote for her son. I think she would win the independent voters in her district and most of the Democratic vote I bet.

This hopefully will wake Republican voters up in California, we don't want either of these two in office. Since there are more Republican registered voters then Democrat's we should be able to take that seat back.

Abbey Marie
07-09-2007, 04:42 PM
More like two squirrels fighting over a nut......:laugh2:

Or two nuts fighting over a... :laugh2:

07-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Or two nuts fighting over a... :laugh2:

Huh? Fighting over what? ;)

07-09-2007, 07:31 PM
I'm not so sure about that. There are a lot of loonies out there that would vote for her, regardless of her experience, or lack of. I'll give her an A for effort, if she does run, for taking the time to actually do something to make a change that she wants... But this woman is certifiable. They should vote whether or not to have her committed.

GW's right, for once. Shehan would get a visit in the middel of the night by Pelosi's people (note the vowel at the end of her name) and Sheehan would politely step away the next day. :pee:

07-09-2007, 07:40 PM
GW's right, for once. Shehan would get a visit in the middel of the night by Pelosi's people (note the vowel at the end of her name) and Sheehan would politely step away the next day. :pee:

I doubt that would really happen.............

07-09-2007, 07:51 PM
I doubt that would really happen.............

I'm sure it happens all the time. This is the party of unions and their thugs, remember?

07-09-2007, 08:01 PM
I'm sure it happens all the time. This is the party of unions and their thugs, remember?

Yea, but I was figuring they got past all that bullshit.

07-09-2007, 08:04 PM
Yea, but I was figuring they got past all that bullshit.

What would make you think that?

07-09-2007, 08:25 PM
What would make you think that?

Because times have changed..............

07-09-2007, 08:37 PM
Because times have changed..............
Bullshit. Nothing has changed since my grandfather fought for his job during the depression. Democrat union thugs are still the same.

07-09-2007, 08:47 PM
She's hurting, not everyone handles the death of a child the same way, with sanity or with dignity. :(

so you support anyone's actions so long as they are mourning over the death of a child?

07-09-2007, 08:51 PM
Bullshit. Nothing has changed since my grandfather fought for his job during the depression. Democrat union thugs are still the same.

I know for a fact it is currently happening in Canada. I am also sure it is still happening here. Hence the recent court decision about "how" dues are to spent.

07-09-2007, 08:54 PM
I know for a fact it is currently happening in Canada. I am also sure it is still happening here. Hence the recent court decision about "how" dues are to spent.
Plus the feds are onto the longshoremans' union, about to get them into court. The Hoffa days never left.

07-09-2007, 09:12 PM
Bullshit. Nothing has changed since my grandfather fought for his job during the depression. Democrat union thugs are still the same.


07-09-2007, 09:46 PM
a lot of negative comments at Kos and Du, over this post...Some want her banned from Kos....I doubt the post will stay long...:coffee:

Sheehan: Dems Party of Slavery

I was a life-long Democrat only because the choices were limited. The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th Century except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income taxes, Japanese Concentration Camps and, not one, but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the Democrats. Don’t tell me the Democrats are our “Saviors” because I am not buying it especially after they bought and purchased more caskets and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more of George’s abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity. Good change has happened during Democratic regimes, but as in the civil rights and union movements, the positive changes occurred because of the people not the politicians.

To read more, see her diary on challenging Pelosi at dailykos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/7/9/92356/44191

Comments at the Du..

07-09-2007, 09:58 PM
a lot of negative comments at Kos and Du, over this post...Some want her banned from Kos....I doubt the post will stay long...:coffee:

Sheehan: Dems Party of Slavery

I was a life-long Democrat only because the choices were limited. The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th Century except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income taxes, Japanese Concentration Camps and, not one, but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the Democrats. Don’t tell me the Democrats are our “Saviors” because I am not buying it especially after they bought and purchased more caskets and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more of George’s abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity. Good change has happened during Democratic regimes, but as in the civil rights and union movements, the positive changes occurred because of the people not the politicians.

To read more, see her diary on challenging Pelosi at dailykos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/7/9/92356/44191

Comments at the Du..

Kos? Du?

07-09-2007, 10:22 PM
Kos? Du?

A couple of liberal websites....

Can be entertaining to venture into...But, sometimes you might feel like you need a shower afterwards....:coffee:

I check them out to see what the libs, Dems are talking about..

Sheehans post above....is her intro into running against Pelsoi for her seat...The rest of the post was at the Kos site...

Not a lot of people happy with here, now....:laugh2:

07-09-2007, 10:41 PM
Plus the feds are onto the longshoremans' union, about to get them into court. The Hoffa days never left.


07-09-2007, 10:42 PM
A couple of liberal websites....

Can be entertaining to venture into...But, sometimes you might feel like you need a shower afterwards....:coffee:

I check them out to see what the libs, Dems are talking about..

Sheehans post above....is her intro into running against Pelsoi for her seat...The rest of the post was at the Kos site...

Not a lot of people happy with here, now....:laugh2:

No wonder I don't know what they were. I don't ever have a reason to goto Liberal web sites.

07-09-2007, 10:52 PM


07-09-2007, 10:59 PM

Oh, ok.

07-10-2007, 08:14 AM
so you support anyone's actions so long as they are mourning over the death of a child?

Yurt, I NEVER once said that I supported Cindy Sheehan's position.

I simply stated a fact.

People react differently when they have lost a child. Some can't handle the pain, some can.

I empathize with her, I can feel her sadness.

Simple as that.

And I am not going to partake in the "waxed cold" positions that most on this board have taken, nor the Liberty to judge what this woman has gone through, with the grief of losing her own child, when this has never happened to me, I think that would be unfair of me. JD

07-10-2007, 11:09 AM
a lot of negative comments at Kos and Du, over this post...Some want her banned from Kos....I doubt the post will stay long...:coffee:

Sheehan: Dems Party of Slavery

I was a life-long Democrat only because the choices were limited. The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th Century except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income taxes, Japanese Concentration Camps and, not one, but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the Democrats. Don’t tell me the Democrats are our “Saviors” because I am not buying it especially after they bought and purchased more caskets and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more of George’s abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity. Good change has happened during Democratic regimes, but as in the civil rights and union movements, the positive changes occurred because of the people not the politicians.

To read more, see her diary on challenging Pelosi at dailykos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/7/9/92356/44191

Comments at the Du..

I dont think she hung herself at all. In fact, she may have just destroyed the Democrat party.

Think about it, she is not the only person who is upset with the Democrats in the Democrat party. And if the Democrat leadership doesn't do what these kooks want, they are going to get fed up and they will split.

Im curious how this is going to turn out.

07-10-2007, 12:01 PM
I dont think she hung herself at all. In fact, she may have just destroyed the Democrat party.

Think about it, she is not the only person who is upset with the Democrats in the Democrat party. And if the Democrat leadership doesn't do what these kooks want, they are going to get fed up and they will split.

Im curious how this is going to turn out.

This is analogous to the public shool system where the teachers are the democrat establishment and the students are Mike Moore, Cindy Sheehan and their ilk. The students have found out they have some power through purse strings and can fuck around with the teachers a little bit, and they are pushing the envelope and searching for limits. The teachers have given in a little and know if they give in too much the whole system will blow up in their faces, but are afraid of not giving the little brats what they want.

I think its a hoot!:laugh2:

Abbey Marie
07-10-2007, 01:21 PM
The Democrat platform is bound to cause problems like these for the party. Moderate Dems are seen as unacceptable by the far left, and because the lib philosophy is to embrace diversity and "compassion", they can hardly turn their backs on the extremists in their own party. Quite the dilemma for them.

07-10-2007, 02:44 PM
The Democrat platform is bound to cause problems like these for the party. Moderate Dems are seen as unacceptable by the far left, and because the lib philosophy is to embrace diversity and "compassion", they can hardly turn their backs on the extremists in their own party. Quite the dilemma for them.

So is trying to figure out who they are going to screw today.

07-11-2007, 12:11 AM
Yurt, I NEVER once said that I supported Cindy Sheehan's position.

I simply stated a fact.

People react differently when they have lost a child. Some can't handle the pain, some can.

I empathize with her, I can feel her sadness.

Simple as that.

And I am not going to partake in the "waxed cold" positions that most on this board have taken, nor the Liberty to judge what this woman has gone through, with the grief of losing her own child, when this has never happened to me, I think that would be unfair of me. JD

John, I NEVER said you did

so you support anyone's actions so long as they are mourning over the death of a child? <---- :)

07-11-2007, 12:49 AM
When Cindy changes to the Independant Party, she will bwcome the Rosie of the Independant party :D

07-11-2007, 03:33 AM
The Democrat platform is bound to cause problems like these for the party. Moderate Dems are seen as unacceptable by the far left, and because the lib philosophy is to embrace diversity and "compassion", they can hardly turn their backs on the extremists in their own party. Quite the dilemma for them.Abbey, I think the far left knows the only chance they have to get their squeeky wheels greased on a National level is before the Primary, then it is all downhill from there, the Moderates take over.

Same with those on the Far Right. They will be acquiesced by the Republican leadership, only later in reality check, ignored.

The far left, as with the far right have no where to go with their votes than the parties they are with, and ''their'' parties know it, imo.

07-11-2007, 04:39 AM
Abbey, I think the far left knows the only chance they have to get their squeeky wheels greased on a National level is before the Primary, then it is all downhill from there, the Moderates take over.

Same with those on the Far Right. They will be acquiesced by the Republican leadership, only later in reality check, ignored.

The far left, as with the far right have no where to go with their votes than the parties they are with, and ''their'' parties know it, imo.

I don't think I concur with that, take a look at Harry Reid who has always been a somewhat moderate Democrat. He's gone full court press into looney land. For that matter, so has Al Gore, never really a 'liberal' while in the Senate.

07-11-2007, 10:02 AM
I don't think I concur with that, take a look at Harry Reid who has always been a somewhat moderate Democrat. He's gone full court press into looney land. For that matter, so has Al Gore, never really a 'liberal' while in the Senate.

Actually I think they are showing their true selves now. They have always been leftie loonies, but kept it under wraps to draw the moderate voters in. Now they are showing their true colors.

Abbey Marie
07-11-2007, 11:35 AM
Abbey, I think the far left knows the only chance they have to get their squeeky wheels greased on a National level is before the Primary, then it is all downhill from there, the Moderates take over.

Same with those on the Far Right. They will be acquiesced by the Republican leadership, only later in reality check, ignored.

The far left, as with the far right have no where to go with their votes than the parties they are with, and ''their'' parties know it, imo.

I think the far left really believe they will take over the party. People like this who run on pure emotion and anger, usually are fervent believers. Kathianne has two good examples of how that has already happened to the party.

07-11-2007, 03:25 PM
Abbey, I think the far left knows the only chance they have to get their squeeky wheels greased on a National level is before the Primary, then it is all downhill from there, the Moderates take over.

Same with those on the Far Right. They will be acquiesced by the Republican leadership, only later in reality check, ignored.

The far left, as with the far right have no where to go with their votes than the parties they are with, and ''their'' parties know it, imo.

I think its a myth that the moderates take over anything.