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View Full Version : State's Right Supercedes Parent's Rights

07-08-2007, 07:02 PM
The Maryland State Board of Education has ruled that the right of the state supersedes the rights of parents in teaching children about homosexuality. The Board said the "right (of parents) is not absolute. It must bend to the State's duty to educate its citizens."

The ruling means that the teaching of homosexuality as an accepted and approved lifestyle in Maryland public schools can move forward. Very important! Some professionals feel that the Maryland curriculum could become the model for promoting the homosexual lifestyle in public schools across the nation.

The new policy prohibits any unfavorable view of homosexuality from being presented. A video for use with eighth-graders instructs students on how to put a condom on a pen-s.

The Board has been trying to incorporate the promotion of homosexuality into their sex-education classes. A federal judge overturned a previous attempt to include the promotion of homosexuality because of the curriculum's expressed hostility toward Christianity.

But in approving the new curriculum, the Board refused to hear arguments from those who oppose the promotion of homosexuality in the classroom.

AFA suggests that parents find out if sex education is being taught in their schools and, if so, ask to examine the curriculum being used.

To read the Washington Post article on this, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/03/AR2007070300991_pf.html

Take Action
# Send an e-mail to the president of the Maryland Department of Education and to the Governor of Maryland.
# If you have children in public schools, ask the local superintendent if they have a sex-education program. If so, request an opportunity to review the curriculum.
Please forward this to your family and friends.

Send Your Letter Now!


07-08-2007, 07:44 PM
Isn't this why our Founders started a revolution?

07-08-2007, 08:08 PM
Isn't this why our Founders started a revolution?

And yet people still bitch about Christianity getting "crammed down their throats". After you push people too far they resort to violence.

Mr. P
07-08-2007, 09:00 PM
Isn't this why our Founders started a revolution?

It the board of re-education. When they did something stupid here (Locally) all but one was voted out! Unfortunately the damage was done and a fine school system went in the shitter!

07-08-2007, 09:20 PM
The Maryland State Board of Education has ruled that the right of the state supersedes the rights of parents in teaching children about homosexuality. The Board said the "right (of parents) is not absolute. It must bend to the State's duty to educate its citizens."

The ruling means that the teaching of homosexuality as an accepted and approved lifestyle in Maryland public schools can move forward. Very important! Some professionals feel that the Maryland curriculum could become the model for promoting the homosexual lifestyle in public schools across the nation.

The new policy prohibits any unfavorable view of homosexuality from being presented. A video for use with eighth-graders instructs students on how to put a condom on a pen-s.

The Board has been trying to incorporate the promotion of homosexuality into their sex-education classes. A federal judge overturned a previous attempt to include the promotion of homosexuality because of the curriculum's expressed hostility toward Christianity.

But in approving the new curriculum, the Board refused to hear arguments from those who oppose the promotion of homosexuality in the classroom.

AFA suggests that parents find out if sex education is being taught in their schools and, if so, ask to examine the curriculum being used.

To read the Washington Post article on this, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/03/AR2007070300991_pf.html

Take Action
# Send an e-mail to the president of the Maryland Department of Education and to the Governor of Maryland.
# If you have children in public schools, ask the local superintendent if they have a sex-education program. If so, request an opportunity to review the curriculum.
Please forward this to your family and friends.

Send Your Letter Now!


I don't have a problem with gay people but I do have a problem with the School District teaching kids about the gay lifestyle. If their parents wanted them to know they would teach them. It should be upto the oarents as it's their kids and they are raising them not the school district. Things like this piss me off. I think the education should be there to teach kids about it and the dangers ONLY if the parents are ok with it and it doesn't take the place of a required class.

07-08-2007, 09:21 PM
It the board of re-education. When they did something stupid here (Locally) all but one was voted out! Unfortunately the damage was done and a fine school system went in the shitter!


07-09-2007, 10:08 PM
The Maryland State Board of Education has ruled that the right of the state supersedes the rights of parents in teaching children about homosexuality. The Board said the "right (of parents) is not absolute. It must bend to the State's duty to educate its citizens."

Whenever the government believes that it has more rights than the people, they have crossed a dangerous line.

Vote 'em out, resist, do what it takes, but this attitude from the MD Board of Education cannot stand.

07-09-2007, 11:14 PM
Whenever the government believes that it has more rights than the people, they have crossed a dangerous line.

Vote 'em out, resist, do what it takes, but this attitude from the MD Board of Education cannot stand.

We've got to vote out the Democrat's or they will throw us into another recession and we will have another stockmarket crash like when Bill Clinton was President.

07-09-2007, 11:17 PM
Whenever the government believes that it has more rights than the people, they have crossed a dangerous line.

Vote 'em out, resist, do what it takes, but this attitude from the MD Board of Education cannot stand.

We've got to vote out the Democrat's or they will throw us into another recession and we will have another stockmarket crash like when Bill Clinton was President.

The Republicans are no better.

07-10-2007, 12:03 AM
The Republicans are no better.

Hell yes we are.

07-10-2007, 03:08 AM

07-10-2007, 10:16 PM
The Republicans are no better.

I can't remember the last time a GOP school board told parents to piss off while they teach immoral lifestyles in public schools.

07-10-2007, 10:38 PM
Hell yes we are.

I can't remember the last time a GOP school board told parents to piss off while they teach immoral lifestyles in public schools.

I started as a young Republican back in 1980. I worked for the campaigns of Norman Lent and Alphonse D'Amato. My president and my CiC for my early part of my time in the Corps was the honorable Ronald Reagan. That is the way I knew the Republican Party to be. I registered as an Independent in June of 2005. I didn't leave the party, they left me. I see no difference between them and the democrats. They spend like drunken sailors (No offense to drunks). They have no spine and can't seem to stand up for what is right without the entire party ringing their phones off the hook. I would call for a third party, but the split would keep the democrats in power. They just need to be removed from office and be replaced by folks that believe in Conservatism and/or Federalism. :salute:

07-10-2007, 10:41 PM
I started as a young Republican back in 1980. I worked for the campaigns of Norman Lent and Alphonse D'Amato. My president and my CiC for my early part of my time in the Corps was the honorable Ronald Reagan. That is the way I knew the Republican Party to be. I registered as an Independent in June of 2005. I didn't leave the party, they left me. I see no difference between them and the democrats. They spend like drunken sailors (No offense to drunks). They have no spine and can't seem to stand up for what is right without the entire party ringing their phones off the hook. I would call for a third party, but the split would keep the democrats in power. They just need to be removed from office and be replaced by folks that believe in Conservatism and/or Federalism. :salute:

Believe me, I have no love for the current crop of moderate and liberal Republicans. I am in the same boat as you, I think. I was involved with the Young Republicans, campaigned for several GOP candidates in WA from 2000-2004, but now I'm disillusioned with the party. I'm thinking about registering with the Constitution Party.