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View Full Version : Connecticut school district bans Halloween

10-12-2015, 03:43 PM
MILFORD, Conn. – A Connecticut school district is banning Halloween in an effort to be inclusive.

Victoria Johannsen, a mother of a third-grader at Live Oaks School in Milford Public Schools, says she received a letter stating the school’s decision to no longer recognize Halloween “arose out of numerous incidents of children being excluded from activities due to religion, cultural beliefs, etc.,” the Connecticut Post reports.

The school is discontinuing a popular costume parade, banning students and staff from wearing costumes on the day and is rebranding Oct. 31st to be “fall themed.”

And if that’s not bad enough, Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules are impacting the lack of fun: “food is not an option” for classroom activities, according to the school’s letter.

“I think it’s crazy,” she tells the paper. “I don’t understand why other avenues weren’t pursued” to accommodate any families or children who felt excluded, she adds.

“I don’t think we’re excluding anybody,” Johannsen insists. “I think they’re excluding themselves.”

She and over 350 other parents have signed a petition calling on the school district to restore the fun and allow children to walk in the parade.


10-13-2015, 09:29 AM

........Liberals with their obnoxious "inclusivity" `malarkey`.... are bound and determined to absolutely ruin everything awesome about childhood.

...Nothing is sacred to these fun killers, not even Halloween. Yep, not only is there a war on Christmas - and one might argue liberals hate Easter too - apparently dressing up in a costume and going door-to-door for candy is also on their list of awesome things to destroy. `


10-13-2015, 09:31 AM
The funny thing is that if Pat Robertson or Dr. James Dobson opposed Halloween, the left would soil themselves.

Oh, wait: He has and they did.



10-13-2015, 09:35 AM


10-13-2015, 09:58 AM
Grrrr, how dare these children not be allowed to celebrate this important pagan festival in school.

10-13-2015, 10:07 AM
Grrrr, how dare these children not be allowed to celebrate this important pagan festival in school.

They are changing something that has been around basically forever in the schools, and what thousands and thousands of other schools will be doing. It's nothing more than kids having fun and getting some candy. Not once in all my years of school did we ever "celebrate". It was simply wearing cool costumes, a 10 minute parade and some candy. I see no issue with it at all.

But I'm sure some others had to complain, and once again others need to be tolerant of those who feel "excluded".

It's the parents teaching these kids to be LESS tolerant of others, and to complain if they don't like something or what they see, to then take things away from others, because they don't like it or disagree.