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View Full Version : My Thoughts On The First Dem Debate

red states rule
10-14-2015, 03:15 AM
This so called debate looked more like a talent show for a Senior Center. As usual the participants were out to see who could promise the most freebies while ducking the real issues facing the nation. The mods were out to lob nothing but softballs and not start any "fights" and did their best to shield Hillary from any truth and reality.

Yea, ILLEGALS will get "free" Obamacare and "free" college but not one word about the lousy care and treatment our vets are getting. Our vets are still dying while waiting for care but the VA recently spent MILLIONS on "art work" at several centers. This is perfect example of government efficiency and how a single payer system will work for all of us

Hillary won by default because no one challenged her. Bernie Sanders was the big loser since he forfeited any credibility on the private server scandal and Hillary emails containing classified info. The people in the audience had to be hand pick and pre screened sheep like those at Hillary's town halls. Seems he is not serious on challenging her and does not to be blamed for denying her birthright as President.

The libs on CNN (Clinton News Network) must have been watching a different “debate” than I did. Substance and issue as opposed to the Republican debate? All I saw was more of America is a horrible place, we are racist, mean spirited, and greedy. Of course they probably wrote their remarks about the debate prior to the debate taking place

I cannot believe so many people think going Socialism is the way to go as history will once again repeat, many will die. That’s what socialism does, it kills people.

First it kills their spirit. Why work harder since you are not reaping the rewards for your efforts? Then it takes everything they’ve got since you are working for the better of the collective and the public good. Then it kills them when they are no longer of any use to the party in power. After all government must reduce their overhead as even they realize there is a limit on how much they can squeeze out of their slaves.

Ask Russians, Germans, Europeans who lost they countries and tens of millions of people. This nation is that road with over $18 trillion in debt and the R's are happy to continue along that path and raise the credit limit on the credit card without cutting the insane spending. Sounds like what is going on over in Europe right now.

What I saw was basically the Dems will take more of my money (just because I earn it does not mean I am entitled to keep it) and give it to people the left feels is more worthy of it then myself.

Liberals are willing to spend every cent I have to secure the vote of the takers and the bottom feeders and keep them in power. I can cut back, do without things, work OT when I can - but government will NEVER cut back. They will continue to grow, get fatter, and lazier and continue to piss through trillions of dollars each year.

The correct slogan for the left in this election is simple:2016 Vote Democrat It Is Easier Than Working. So what did you see last night?

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 03:21 AM
This was our final debate, btw each person is from a different party which shows you how crazy the politics is in the UK.


red states rule
10-14-2015, 03:27 AM
This was our final debate, btw each person is from a different party which shows you how crazy the politics is in the UK.


Christie, seems your country is going down the same path as we are

The liberals have what it takes to take what you got

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 03:30 AM
Christie, seems your country is going down the same path as we are

The liberals have what it takes to take what you got
There was a glimmer of hope among them all.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 03:34 AM
There was a glimmer of hope among them all.

Based on my knowledge of liberals any glimmer will quickly be squashed. With the left facts are an enemy and truth is a menace.

Anyone who tries to have a rational back and froth will be tagged either a racist, a women hater, a war monger, a homophone, or a Bible thumping extremist, or all the above

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 03:36 AM
Based on my knowledge of liberals any glimmer will quickly be squashed. With the left facts are an enemy and truth is a menace.

Anyone who tries to have a rational back and froth will be tagged either a racist, a women hater, a war monger, a homophone, or a Bible thumping extremist, or all the above
There was one guy there that speaks common sense.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 03:41 AM
There was one guy there that speaks common sense.

I am sure he will be savaged in the liberal media, and the left will try to shout him down. I do wish you luck and hope the voters who are still working will try to put a stop to the insanity

Black Diamond
10-14-2015, 03:56 AM
Good to see you, red states rule.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 03:58 AM
Good to see you, red states rule.

Thank you. A lot been going on - will be glad when this year is over

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 04:13 AM
I am sure he will be savaged in the liberal media, and the left will try to shout him down. I do wish you luck and hope the voters who are still working will try to put a stop to the insanity
Yes he does. He said we should not be giving expensive HIV drugs (thousands of £ each treatment) to newly arrived immigrants and he gets attacked for putting our people (some who are struggling to get cancer treatment on the NHS) first instead of putting immigrants first.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 04:18 AM
Yes he does. He said we should not be giving expensive HIV drugs (thousands of £ each treatment) to newly arrived immigrants and he gets attacked for putting our people (some who are struggling to get cancer treatment on the NHS) first instead of putting immigrants first.

Liberals seem to be the same everywhere. Open up the doors to the Treasury, hand out the "free" money to anyone in exchange foe their vote.

I told a liberal co-worker who supports the "rich" paying their fair share in taxes and I told her the government has more then enough money to fulfill their constitutional duties. She could not tell me at what point someone attains that lofty status of paying their fair share

I finally told her gibing the government more money to solve the revenue problem is like giving a heroin addict more heroin to break their addiction

I am waiting for my email to report to HR

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 04:20 AM
Liberals seem to be the same everywhere. Open up the doors to the Treasury, hand out the "free" money to anyone in exchange foe their vote.

I told a liberal co-worker who supports the "rich" paying their fair share in taxes and I told her the government has more then enough money to fulfill their constitutional duties. She could not tell me at what point someone attains that lofty status of paying their fair share

I finally told her gibing the government more money to solve the revenue problem is like giving a heroin addict more heroin to break their addiction

I am waiting for my email to report to HR
When socialists mean rich they mean middle class (which today is anyone that owns a nice house and a few cars).

red states rule
10-14-2015, 04:26 AM
When socialists mean rich they mean middle class (which today is anyone that owns a nice house and a few cars).

You are spot one

When lefties say rich what they mean is anyone making about $40K per year. After all the left lives to confiscate as much money as possible to be given away to liberal special interests in return for votes. (It is now irreverent if they are legal US citizens)

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 04:28 AM
You are spot one

When lefties say rich what they mean is anyone making about $40K per year. After all the left lives to confiscate as much money as possible to be given away to liberal special interests in return for votes. (It is now irreverent if they are legal US citizens)
Bernie says 1 in 10, 1 in 10 are what is left of the middle class!

See when champagne socialist like Bernie and Hillary whip up class envy they direct it at the middle class. If they were accurate the real problem is the 0.0000001% like Hillary Clinton who are parasites.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 04:30 AM
Bernie says 1 in 10, 1 in 10 are what is left of the middle class!

See when champagne socialist like Bernie and Hillary whip up class envy they direct it at the middle class. If they were accurate the real problem is the 0.0000001% like Hillary Clinton who are parasites.

At least with Bernie what you see is what you get. He said a 90% top marginal tax rate is not high in his opinion

Like someone will continue to work, grow their business, and hire workers knowing that 90 cents of every dollar will go to DC once they hit that tax bracket. Only a left wing loon would believe that

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 04:31 AM
At least with Bernie what you see is what you get. He said a 90% top marginal tax rate is not high in his opinion

Like someone will continue to work, grow their business, and hire workers knowing that 90 cents of every dollar will go to DC once they hit that tax bracket. Only a left wing loon would believe that
Hard workers/small business owners have to pay for other peoples freebies just so goons like Bernie can keep his voters happy. PATHETIC.

red states rule
10-14-2015, 04:35 AM
Hard workers/small business owners have to pay for other peoples freebies just so goons like Bernie can keep his voters happy. PATHETIC.

That is one of the basic foundations of liberalism. YOU work hard so the freeloaders do not have to

All the old farts on that stage last night want to keep the bottom feeders ling the good life
