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View Full Version : WALKING DEAD: Season 6 Episode 1

Christie Brinkley
10-14-2015, 02:50 PM
Not usually the one for watching TV shows but the walking dead has me hooked. I have caught up on all of the seasons over the past year or so and watched the season 6 premiere on Monday.

The new episode is a split between flash backs right after Rick became the leader of the group and present day when the group is attempting to lead a herd of zombies down roads away from their settlement.

Rick attempts to harden the soft survivors who have lived a life of luxury in their settlement away from the horrors outside of the walls by partnering with them.

Rick runs into a large mine with thousands of walkers. The walkers, in being attracted to sound are attracted to falling into the mine by the noise the zombies make which is reflected off the walls. In seeing this it is clear that the zombies have to be dealt with so Rick draws up a plan of how to deal with the threat by directing the herd away from the camp by using loud noises/flares as well as fences/cars to control the direction of the herd.

As the episode continues with flash backs and present day content there is still a very clear split within the group, the ones who are hardened to reality outside the walls and those who are not. This still causes conflict and will continue to until everyone understands that Ricks way is the only way to survive.

As the herd is being directed one of the 'insiders' is bitten in the face in one of the most gory deaths on the walking dead so far. After his death a strange noise is herd that sounds like some sort of horn which is coming from the direction of the town (Alexandria).

We know there are other people who the group do not yet know of, who knows who they are and what they have got planned? Guess we will find out come episode 2?