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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-15-2015, 10:32 PM
In Desolation She Stands

She stands in desolation
her life a vile desecration
dying victims stink her perfume
sacrifice and pain fill up her room

Hate and sin her sole wish
madness sits in her left hand
blackened blood covers each breast
she tortures , her victims never rest

Scars lace around her eyes
dark hair flows with contempt
pain invades with her loud cry
she laughs as innocent children die

Eyes have seen such misery
ripping living bodies apart
her lusting flesh the fatal lure
in her web, death is the only cure

Courageous victims fight back
with fury at being so deceived
she guts them with renewed delight
as evil eyes watch the scene at night

She stand desolate
awaiting her nightly feast
smell of rotten flesh in her teeth
her foot-claws anchored in hell beneath

She stands defiant
lusting for putrid blood
screams exciting her rancid ardor
as she slashes deeper and harder

Valiant heroes are her prey
she that shuns light of bright day
greater their fame more she glows
bloody ripping apart sells her shows

None stopped her blood lust
every night-feast a new victim dies
even courage lacks the deep power
to defeat, to end forever her darkest hour

She desires ever bigger feasts
as she increases her lusting traps
putrid blood and rotten flesh stain
her songs of misery, torture and pain

Engulfed in vile darkness eating
great honor stands a chance of beating
this desolation monster at its wicked game
by refusing to ever again utter its vile name!

Robert Lindley
Nov, 16th, 1974

How about a dark one? Long ago I did a few dozen of these, most were destroyed in fire. This was one of those that was not in that stolen group destroyed by a vengeful she-devil. And rightly so because she was the inspiration for much of it! Only fitting that she could not destroy this one..
I hope you lovers of dark poetry may enjoy this write!

10-15-2015, 11:51 PM


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-18-2015, 06:36 PM
He Was A Beast In A Dark Lair Unseen

He was a beast in a dark lair unseen;
Nights filled with depraved thoughts and deeds;
Mouth burning with bile from his spleen
Gatherer, hoarder,and planter of dark seeds!

A raging beast in a silken cloak;
Breaker of serenity's gentle and sweet mists;
His captured females died with pretty necks broke
With crossed out names on his already dead list!

Late night, dark streets this villain cruised;
With blood lusts burning in his tortured mind,
Pretty victims slashed, beaten and bruised
So careful to pick the prettiest he could find.

Satanic power given, he could change forms quick;
A blink and he could fly with his prey;
This real power, evil fed was no parlor trick
Such savage nights cutting his victims his play!

Unlucky girls lived on to spawn his impish kids;
The creatures that roam about Halloween night,
Under his spell each one doing evil as he bids
Racing into is lair before dawn's saving light!

He was a beast in a dark lair unseen;
Nights filled with depraved thoughts and deeds;
Mouth burning with bile from his spleen
Gatherer, hoarder,and planter of dark seeds!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-18-2015

This poem, written for an important contest(judge is an honest and published poet-well respected) took sole first place... --Tyr

10-18-2015, 06:39 PM
That was scary!

10-27-2015, 08:40 PM
My daughter's latest poem involves Dia de los Muertos, the Mexican version of Halloween

Dia de los Muertos

The dead rise, their spirits are dancing
They sing, they dance, they continue romancing
Skeletons rattle with each step they take
They make conversation while consuming skull cakes
Don't mourn for us, it's no time to be sad
Keep playing music, turn it up just a tad
Our ancestors remembered on these special days
With cakes frosted black and sweets served on trays
La danza de los viejitos fills parts of the hall
La calavera de azścar delights one and all
Muerte nos sonrķe todos; todo puede hacer es devolverle la sonrisa
The dead live among us, laughing at la caretas
Party with us, embrace las calacas
When la tumba comes calling, no one can escape us

--Danielle M. 10-26-16

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2015, 09:08 PM
My daughter's latest poem involves Dia de los Muertos, the Mexican version of Halloween

Dia de los Muertos

The dead rise, their spirits are dancing
They sing, they dance, they continue romancing
Skeletons rattle with each step they take
They make conversation while consuming skull cakes
Don't mourn for us, it's no time to be sad
Keep playing music, turn it up just a tad
Our ancestors remembered on these special days
With cakes frosted black and sweets served on trays
La danza de los viejitos fills parts of the hall
La calavera de azścar delights one and all
Muerte nos sonrķe todos; todo puede hacer es devolverle la sonrisa
The dead live among us, laughing at la caretas
Party with us, embrace las calacas
When la tumba comes calling, no one can escape us

--Danielle M. 10-26-16

Actually, thats a very good poem. Remind her that in " end-rhyme " poetry to try to
match pural words with plural words on the end rhyme
as in take(singular) and cakes is (plural)

She could have altered it this way.

original verses
Skeletons rattle with each step they take
They make conversation while consuming skull cakes

Skeletons rattle with each step they take
They make conversation while consuming "a" skull cake........

Additionally, this could be classed as a modern sonnet(not in ten syllable verses), as it is the required 14 verses, rhyme and presents a conclusion.

Thus it should be presented this way in three quatrains with a closing couplet.
see below -Tyr

Dia de los Muertos

The dead rise, their spirits are dancing
They sing, they dance, they continue romancing
Skeletons rattle with each step they take
They make conversation while consuming skull cakes

Don't mourn for us, it's no time to be sad
Keep playing music, turn it up just a tad
Our ancestors remembered on these special days
With cakes frosted black and sweets served on trays

La danza de los viejitos fills parts of the hall
La calavera de azścar delights one and all
Muerte nos sonrķe todos; todo puede hacer es devolverle la sonrisa
The dead live among us, laughing at la caretas

Party with us, embrace las calacas
When la tumba comes calling, no one can escape us

10-28-2015, 11:59 AM
Thank you, Tyr. For a novice poet, your advice is invaluable.
I showed my daughter some of your poems this morning and she thought you were brilliant. She wanted to know why you weren't teaching literature someplace. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2015, 01:13 PM
Thank you, Tyr. For a novice poet, your advice is invaluable.
I showed my daughter some of your poems this morning and she thought you were brilliant. She wanted to know why you weren't teaching literature someplace. :cool:
Why? Long story short- is I was not made to be a teacher in a classroom as my temperament does not fit.
My rage explodes on people, damaging them,and thats not a good combination to put in a classroom full of kids.
Do not let my now (somewhat controlled) calm demeanor here now fool you, as inside I still fight the battle every day , every damn hour.
I write poetry to calm myself even more and just laugh at anybody that thinks its gay pr pansy to do so.
Some of the greatest warriors in history were poets. Fact --and who better to write about death, battle, loss , pain etc than a man possessed with a true fighting spirit??
There is nothing insecure about me, I conquered that lying beast long ago--I broke its freaking neck.

No way could I teach in a classroom. I am just too volatile methinks.

Later, will compile a list of truly great poets that your daughter should read and/or study.
Give you the most important and first name now- Emily Dickinson!!
By far the greatest female poet that ever lived.. She by far outranks many, many famous male poets ....Tyr

Emily Dickinson

10-28-2015, 03:28 PM
No way could I teach in a classroom. I am just too volatile methinks.

You would be a great teacher, especially if all your students admired you as much as I admire you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2015, 08:49 PM
You would be a great teacher, especially if all your students admired you as much as I admire you.

Thanks much, give me some time to print about 500 copies of this and distribute it
around town.... :beer: :laugh:

Some of these clunkers in this town actually think that I am a mean old SOB. - ;) --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2015, 09:32 PM
Later, will compile a list of truly great poets that your daughter should read and/or study.
Give you the most important and first name now- Emily Dickinson!!
By far the greatest female poet that ever lived.. She by far outranks many, many famous male poets ....Tyr

Emily Dickinson


Here is that list...

My personal top fifty. She can not go wrong , reading and/or studying any or all of these.
They are my short list--I have about 250 more, as minor poets I dearly love as well and
many minor poets are just as good(some are even better) as the legendary ones that have all the fame....-Tyr

Emily Dickinson
T.S. Eliot
William Wordsworth
W. B. Yeats
Charlotte Bronte
Dylan Thomas
E.E. Cummings (he made T.S. Eliot a legend!)
Edna ST Vincent Milay
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Bronte
Ezra Pound
Walt Whitman
Robert Browning
A. E. Housman
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Frost
John Milton
W.H. Auden
John Donne
Robert Graves
Christopher Marlowe
Wilfred Owens
Rupert Brooke
Siegfried Sassoon
Geoffrey Chaucer
Henry David Thoreau
Thomas Hardy
Robert William Service
Stephen Crane
Ben Johnson
John Dryden
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thomas Gray
Frank L. Stanton
Sylvia Plath
Pablo Neruda
Conrad Aiken

10-28-2015, 10:27 PM
If not a teacher, at least you should be a guest lecturer. Have you ever attended a Poetry Slam?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-29-2015, 08:00 AM
If not a teacher, at least you should be a guest lecturer. Have you ever attended a Poetry Slam?

They didn't do poetry slams back in my day. Even if they had, I'd never participated being that I was then too solitary a creature. Always had a few close friends but never liked the crowds or leading a group. Sure , a great many gathered around me at clubs/bars but that was because they wanted to stay on my "good side', be it whatever little I had at the moment.
Centuries ago(it now seems) I walked a path darkly, cutting my way as I wandered onward.
Always just waiting to explode, because that release felt so damn infinitely sweet.
Not knowing that my wild life and its hiding desperate soul was truly walking backward
To find the me that my much wizened Fate demanded I was next to meet.-Tyr