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View Full Version : Comic Book Villains Now Conservative Constitutionalists

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 09:57 AM
Marvel comics just launched its new Captain America series where the villains are people who are trying to prevent illegals from entering the United States.

Never seen such ridiculous propaganda.


The 'villian' was shown to be in a sinister mask saying "by invading this sovereign land, you defy the laws of god, nature, and the united states constitution"

10-16-2015, 10:02 AM
After WW2 Comics have always leaned pretty left, like the rest of media has.
sometimes more than others.

10-16-2015, 10:07 AM
Marvel comics just launched its new Captain America series where the villains are people who are trying to prevent illegals from entering the United States.

Never seen such ridiculous propaganda.


The 'villian' was shown to be in a sinister mask saying "by invading this sovereign land, you defy the laws of god, nature, and the united states constitution"

Not a fan of comics?
This 'ridiculous propaganda' has been imbedded in comics for generations.
Probably the best known (and most powerful) example is that of the Superman vs the KKK.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 10:08 AM
Not a fan of comics?
This 'ridiculous propaganda' has been imbedded in comics for generations.
Probably the best known (and most powerful) example is that of the Superman vs the KKK.
They used to be against Nazis and the KKK now they are against normal people with normal political opinions. Outrageous.

10-16-2015, 10:11 AM
They used to be against Nazis and the KKK now they are against normal people with normal political opinions. Outrageous.

Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 10:12 AM
Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.
People wanting border controls don't lynch people?:rolleyes::lol:

10-16-2015, 10:16 AM
People wanting border controls don't lynch people?:rolleyes::lol:

Is lynching the only identifiable factor differentiating a 'normal' idea from an 'abnormal' one?

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 10:17 AM
Is lynching the only identifiable factor differentiating a 'normal' idea from an 'abnormal' one?
So you believe stopping illegal immigrants entering your country is as bad as being a KKK member or a nazi?

10-16-2015, 10:19 AM
Also I have to say, ---putting on my marvel comic nerd hat and adjusting my pocket protector---

"the Sons of the Serpent" Cap is pitted against here is not a new group.
By it's costumes they clearly are part of the long time villains organization called the "Serpent Society" lead by a cult leader type guy with a dark mystically powered "Serpent Crown".
and not only that but...
I suspect it's a plan by the Serpent Society to weaken Capt' America's rep and isolate him from support, recruit new members and so further the Serpent Society's goals of world domination.... not "protecting the boarder" or "U.S sovereignty".

soo uh yep.

10-16-2015, 10:43 AM
So you believe stopping illegal immigrants entering your country is as bad as being a KKK member or a nazi?

But I set my standards higher than 'at least these ideas aren't as bad as Nazi ones'.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 10:44 AM
But I set my standards higher than 'at least these ideas aren't as bad as Nazi ones'.
Having border controls is not nazism.

10-16-2015, 10:45 AM
Having border controls is not nazism.


Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 10:47 AM
So you just discredited yourself by admitting having border controls is not nazism?

10-16-2015, 11:29 AM
I'll start buying these comics once one comes out showing them deporting all of the criminals and their offspring, and treating them like they would treat other criminals. And whichever character achieves this, I will refer to as "my hero".

10-16-2015, 11:35 AM
So you just discredited yourself by admitting having border controls is not nazism?

At no point in this (or any) thread have i said border controls is nazism.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 11:37 AM
At no point in this (or any) thread have i said border controls is nazism.
You compared constitutionalists to the KKK or the nazis?

Ah looking back you edited that post. Either you meant what you said then made yourself look like an idiot and changed it or you was just saying how superman used to fight the KKK.

10-16-2015, 11:51 AM
You compared constitutionalists to the KKK or the nazis?

Ah looking back you edited that post. Either you meant what you said then made yourself look like an idiot and changed it or you was just saying how superman used to fight the KKK.

I often edit posts to correct spelling errors when i see them etc - in the above instance i think I added brackets so the sentence flowed better, nothing more.

By referencing the most well known case of ''ridiculous propaganda" (Superman vs KKK) I am not as saying that Capt America vs Sons of the Serpent is a like-for-like comparison, but may be viewed as an analogous extension of the social issues being presented in comic media.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 12:06 PM
I often edit posts to correct spelling errors when i see them etc - in the above instance i think I added brackets so the sentence flowed better, nothing more.

By referencing the most well known case of ''ridiculous propaganda" (Superman vs KKK) I am not as saying that Capt America vs Sons of the Serpent is a like-for-like comparison, but may be viewed as an analogous extension of the social issues being presented in comic media.
Got yourself out of that one;)

10-16-2015, 12:27 PM
I'll start buying these comics once one comes out showing them deporting all of the criminals and their offspring, and treating them like they would treat other criminals. And whichever character achieves this, I will refer to as "my hero".

During the civil war comic series that happened.
I always thought you'd end up on Ironman's side Jim.

Basically there was a very bad super villain terrorist event take changed the Superhero laws in the U.S.

Ironman got out in front with the gov't and suggested a law that was passed which made it mandatory for all persons with superpowers of any kind to register with the gov't., be tracked and required they get training.
All known supervillians in prison or at large were captured and shipped to a new super prison built by the fantastic four. The prison was built in another dimension.

Anyone refusing registration was considered an OUTLAW.
Captain America thought the laws were unconstitutional and draconian -as did many others- and thus "civil war".

10-16-2015, 12:41 PM
During the civil war comic series that happened.
I always thought you'd end up on Ironman's side Jim.

Basically there was a very bad super villain terrorist event take changed the Superhero laws in the U.S.

Ironman got out in front with the gov't and suggested a law that was passed which made it mandatory for all persons with superpowers of any kind to register with the gov't., be tracked and required they get training.
All known supervillians in prison or at large were captured and shipped to a new super prison built by the fantastic four. The prison was built in another dimension.

Anyone refusing registration was considered an OUTLAW.
Captain America thought the laws were unconstitutional and draconian -as did many others- and thus "civil war".

Were the superhero's or villains illegals? If so, toss them out on their butts. If not, they can stay. No amnesty for superhero's either. I'm imagining the "villains" are not US citizens. Boot them if not, and if they commit crimes in our country put them in the special prison so that they can't escape. :)

10-16-2015, 03:56 PM
Were the superhero's or villains illegals? If so, toss them out on their butts. If not, they can stay. No amnesty for superhero's either. I'm imagining the "villains" are not US citizens. Boot them if not, and if they commit crimes in our country put them in the special prison so that they can't escape. :)

Well the vast majority of villains were all US citizens. And they got shipped off to the "negative zone" Gulag for their terms or life.

But so did U.S. citizen superheroes who refused to "register". They were considered outlaws and potential terrorist threat no matter what their past history of good deeds. Just having a super power 'Unregistered' by the gov't was just "to dangerous", "don't you remember 9-11" (in the comic A big public school was blown up because of reckless heroes. that was the 9-11 type event that set the story off.)

And a few villains got pardons if they turned themselves in, registered and helped track down other villains and heroes for the gov't.. Because not registering is "against the law".

10-16-2015, 04:09 PM
Not a fan of comics?
This 'ridiculous propaganda' has been imbedded in comics for generations.
Probably the best known (and most powerful) example is that of the Superman vs the KKK.

Yes, Superman would never have fought the KKK.

10-16-2015, 04:13 PM
Well the vast majority of villains were all US citizens. And they got shipped off to the "negative zone" Gulag for their terms or life.

I honestly don't follow this stuff, so my questions and answers are sincere! They were "villains". Does this mean that they broke laws? I watch TV and movies, and the villains are almost always criminals of sorts. So if these villains are committing crimes, they deserve prison.

But so did U.S. citizen superheroes who refused to "register". They were considered outlaws and potential terrorist threat no matter what their past history of good deeds. Just having a super power 'Unregistered' by the gov't was just "to dangerous", "don't you remember 9-11" (in the comic A big public school was blown up because of reckless heroes. that was the 9-11 type event that set the story off.)

Again, were/are they criminals? Criminals would/should/could be monitored. Kinda like sex offenders having to register. I do admit though, it all depends on the level of the crime. If they are SUPER villains, they likely need to be registered as I would imagine their crimes are bad. You can clarify their criminal history.

And a few villains got pardons if they turned themselves in, registered and helped track down other villains and heroes for the gov't.. Because not registering is "against the law".

Sounds fair to me! If a criminal today, a BAD criminal, helps track down another criminal - they likely aren't getting a pardon.

10-16-2015, 04:19 PM
Yes, Superman would never have fought the KKK.

The creators and writers of Superman disagree.

10-16-2015, 04:34 PM
The creators and writers of Superman disagree.

I meant the real Superman would never have fought the KKK, not the fiction one.

10-16-2015, 05:00 PM
I meant the real Superman would never have fought the KKK, not the fiction one.

Mark this up as weirdest sentence of the week.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 05:01 PM
Mark this up as weirdest sentence of the week.
Putting aside all of your posts of course?;)

10-16-2015, 06:19 PM
I honestly don't follow this stuff, so my questions and answers are sincere! They were "villains". Does this mean that they broke laws? I watch TV and movies, and the villains are almost always criminals of sorts. So if these villains are committing crimes, they deserve prison.

yep, Villains means they broke laws of various kinds. Most at the vary least are escaped convicts.
their Crimes range from things as bad as murder (some are assassins), terrorism, attempted gov't overthrow , kidnapping, attempted murder, extortion, to MAJOR property damage. To things as small as petty theft, minor assault and battery, pick pocketing, drunk and disorderly with property damage, and trespassing.

Again, were/are they criminals? Criminals would/should/could be monitored. Kinda like sex offenders having to register. I do admit though, it all depends on the level of the crime. If they are SUPER villains, they likely need to be registered as I would imagine their crimes are bad. You can clarify their criminal history.
See that's the thing, the registration part wasn't because of any type of crimes but the simple fact anyone had some kind of superpower. Every person with any "superpower", criminal or not, had to register. and be tracked and be trained and drafted into a gov't paramilitary police force.

Just having superpowers of any kind meant they were too dangerous to just walk around free.
like walking AR15s or something.

if you refused you were tracked down and forced to register and join.
Criminals were captured registered and sent to the gulag if they had unpunished crimes of any kind.

Sounds fair to me! If a criminal today, a BAD criminal, helps track down another criminal - they likely aren't getting a pardon.

They got limited pardons as long as they worked for the gov't.. And because some Heroes like Spiderman didn't register or broke registration they got to hunt them down. They were told not to kill but ... hey they're assassins and psychopaths given a gov't license to track and capture people that usually put them in jail, so what do you expect.

10-16-2015, 06:23 PM
Oh hell, I'm just gonna concede this one to you, Rev! I suck on comic book land. My favorites were Richie Rich, Mad magazine (spy vs. spy). The marvel comics and others like them just never worked for me. I know, I was lame. :(

10-16-2015, 06:23 PM
Oh hell, I'm just gonna concede this one to you, Rev! I suck on comic book land. My favorites were Richie Rich, Mad magazine (spy vs. spy). The marvel comics and others like them just never worked for me. I know, I was lame. :(

Oh, and Archie too!!

10-16-2015, 06:55 PM
Well the choice was to bow to the new law or not.
Ironman encouraged everyone to Register, Capt America and others decided it was worth resisting.

here's what he told spiderman.

https://s3-eu5.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fmoviepilot.com%2Fposts %2F2014%2F09%2F12%2Fmarvel-is-building-up-to-civil-war-in-the-mcu-there-i-said-it-2243729&ua=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3M7IFU7IFdpbmRvd3MgTlQ gNi4xOyBlbi1VUykgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTMzLjIwIChLSFRNT CwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgVmVyc2lvbi81LjAuNCBTYWZhcmkvNTM zLjIw&uadata=69e455a33278d7021d04f9e023f44499&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages-cdn.moviepilot.com%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fc_limit%2Ch_ 1041%2Cw_640%2Ft_mp_quality%2Fpage2captainamerica-marvel-is-building-up-to-civil-war-in-the-mcu-there-i-said-it-jpeg-132627.jpg&sp=611610a64937f8268d084edb395c686f&f=48f02917db45f97c564874a8f84dcedb.jpg

Amen Capt sir :salute:

10-16-2015, 08:04 PM
Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.

So do Lefties !! :eek::eek:

10-16-2015, 08:08 PM
Putting aside all of your posts of course?;):clap::clap::clap:

10-17-2015, 07:12 AM
At no point in this (or any) thread have i said border controls is nazism.

You did seem to be kind of arguing it for a bit there, Noir. When you made the one comment about how you moral code isn't defined by whether or not it's nazism, it came across like you were saying CB's was.

10-17-2015, 07:35 AM
You did seem to be kind of arguing it for a bit there, Noir. When you made the one comment about how you moral code isn't defined by whether or not it's nazism, it came across like you were saying CB's was.

Not how I read it, or how it was intended to be read, but if multiple other people are seeing it that way then fair enough - the statement wasn't as clear as it should have been.

Christie Brinkley
10-17-2015, 07:38 AM
Not how I read it, or how it was intended to be read, but if multiple other people are seeing it that way then fair enough - the statement wasn't as clear as it should have been.
You did edit your post after you realized how ridiculous it was.

10-17-2015, 07:46 AM
You did edit your post after you realized how ridiculous it was.

Stan Lee always played on the paradox. We all have strengths and weaknesses. He emphasized the weaknesses of his heroes to offset their power. DC comics had to play catchup. Their heroes were originally invincible. Marvel was a goofy comic until the late 50s. OnceStan Lee took over the characters actually had personalities instead of of just being "heroes".

10-17-2015, 08:35 AM
You did edit your post after you realized how ridiculous it was.

As I've already said to you, I only edit posts to correct spelling errors etc, if I recall correctly I edited that post to insert brackets.

10-17-2015, 08:58 AM
You did edit your post after you realized how ridiculous it was.

As I've already said to you, I only edit posts to correct spelling errors etc, if I recall correctly I edited that post to insert brackets.

I'll vouch for noir. While his opinions on politics are generally a little too liberal for my liking - he doesn't lie. I doubt he edited his post to get over on something.

Christie Brinkley
10-17-2015, 09:01 AM
I'll vouch for noir. While his opinions on politics are generally a little too liberal for my liking - he doesn't lie. I doubt he edited his post to get over on something.
He changed more than he said he did. He re-worded what he said.

10-17-2015, 09:12 AM
He changed more than he said he did. He re-worded what he said.

I wasn't here to see the before or after - can you tell us what he originally stated, and what it was changed to?

10-17-2015, 09:22 AM
He changed more than he said he did. He re-worded what he said.

I don't know what you think i said, but since you won't let it go, I'll go through this in detail.

In post 3 of this thread, which as you can see i posted at *Yesterday, 04:07 PM*

Not a fan of comics?
This 'ridiculous propaganda' has been imbedded in comics for generations.
Probably the best known (and most powerful) example is that of the Superman vs the KKK.
The post originally read as this

Not a fan of comics?
This 'ridiculous propaganda' has been imbedded in comics for generations.
Probably the best known, and most powerful, example is that of the Superman vs the KKK.
The only edit i made was adding brackets.

As you can see from your following post, post Number 4, posted at *04:08 PM* the quote of my post already contains the edit. If i had edited my post after your post timestamped *4:08PM* it would not alter the quoted text in your post.

Therefore, in order for your claim to be correct, i apparently re-worded my post, in under a minute, and you failed to notice this while typing your reply which included this change, only to then somehow realise the change was made an hour and a half later...
Plus, you know, i'd have to lie about it all etc.
Seems legit.

10-17-2015, 09:25 AM
I don't know what you think i said, but since you won't let it go, I'll go through this in detail.

In post 3 of this thread, which as you can see i posted at *Yesterday, 04:07 PM*

The post originally read as this

The only edit i made was adding brackets.

As you can see from your following post, post Number 4, posted at *04:08 PM* the quote of my post already contains the edit. If i had edited my post after your post timestamped *4:08PM* it would not alter the quoted text in your post.

Therefore, in order for your claim to be correct, i apparently re-worded my post, in under a minute, and you failed to notice this while typing your reply which included this change, only to then somehow realise the change was made an hour and a half later...
Plus, you know, i'd have to lie about it all etc.
Seems legit.

All that and you spelled "embedded" wrong. :poke: :beer:

10-17-2015, 09:30 AM
All that and you spelled "embedded" wrong. :poke: :beer:

That was my carefully placed triple bluff,
cover blown:bop:

10-17-2015, 09:49 AM
Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.

No, they didn't. That's why they hid their identities under hoods.

10-17-2015, 09:59 AM
Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.

Some of their ideas were okay.

10-17-2015, 10:20 AM
No, they didn't. That's why they hid their identities under hoods.

An interesting point, but i don't think it carries over - Understanding that your views are toxic, and understanding that others think your views are toxic is not the same.

10-17-2015, 05:20 PM
*sweats nervously, awaiting Brinkers slam-dunk put-down of my 'let's go through this in detail' post*

10-19-2015, 10:42 AM
No, they didn't. That's why they hid their identities under hoods.

IIRC the KKK was very open in their ideology during many daytime rallies that they held without the hoods.

Some of their ideas were okay.

Such as?

10-19-2015, 11:31 AM
Is lynching the only identifiable factor differentiating a 'normal' idea from an 'abnormal' one?

Is being unable to think an identifiable differentiating fact from being able to? We have borders and laws. End of story. Want in? Fill out the legal paperwork and wait your turn. You damned sure hold all us white Christian males to the letter of the law.

10-19-2015, 11:50 AM
Some of their ideas were okay.

Such as?

The ones I agree with.

10-19-2015, 01:34 PM
The ones I agree with.

The racist ones?

10-20-2015, 03:01 AM
Heck I thought this was about conservatives. I thought WE the villain constitutionalists.

10-20-2015, 04:59 AM
All this argument about borders, and honestly, both sides are ignoring the simplest truths:

1. Border control is a given in every civilized country in the world except ours: I'm sorry, but this idea of a country having no control over its border is absolutely ludicrous. England has control of its borders. France, Germany, Italy, control of their borders (Such as when they shut out the refugees making their way west, so for Germany, who CHOSE to let refugees in, which is still keeping their borders under control). Israel has border control, China and Japan have border control. I mean, seriously, this isn't a hell of a lot to ask for understanding on.

2. Porous borders can bring in diseases: Simple point of fact, people carry diseases. For some of these, they don't show as symptomatic, because they're a carrier. It's a matter of time before someone rolls through the Mexican border with something damaging and contagious.

3. Economic Impact: 12,000,000+ people is basically the population of cities like NY, LA, and Chicago. 12,000,000 people have an effect on the economy, saying otherwise is a denial of reality. And don't give me the "Job Americans won't do" crap, either. I'm American, I'd do the jobs, it's been disproven.

4. It's actually hurtful FOR the illegals: Funny thing about black markets involving human being- They generally end up with the desperate getting horribly screwed. Human trafficking of all kinds flourishes under the current setup of our border security, and needs to be fixed.

5. Criminals are getting through the line- This is not to say all were criminals before they violated the border, or intend to commit violent crimes when they get here. It does not remove, however, the fact of people who are, and who do intend to wreak havoc here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2015, 08:51 AM
Dont worry, the KKK thought they were normal people with normal ideas too.

Leftists, communists, marxists, today's liberals , socialists of allstripes are all turds infesting the same drainage ditch.
As history shows when they spread out into the fields they destroy!
Over 120 million peoples murdered by them--a conservative estimate.
You can set there and ever so smugly ignore or deny that reality all that you want but it just shows the liberal insanity infesting your brain.
Communism has almost caught up with Islam in number of millions it has murdered and Islam has been at 1400+ years!
Both are cancers upon humanity and both need to be eradicated in my opinion.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2015, 08:57 AM
Is being unable to think an identifiable differentiating fact from being able to? We have borders and laws. End of story. Want in? Fill out the legal paperwork and wait your turn. You damned sure hold all us white Christian males to the letter of the law.

You damned sure hold all us white Christian males to the letter of the law.

^^^^^^ That highlights their massive hypocrisy and pure deceit in what they claim to represent!

They truly represent dictatorships, cruel oppression and murder!
They being modern leftists/ liberals(especially dems) and their allies. -Tyr