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View Full Version : Trump, Carson threaten Republican debate boycott

10-16-2015, 11:31 AM
Washington (AFP) - Republican US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump and the candidate who is hot on his heels threatened to boycott their party's next televised debate over its "ridiculous" format.

Trump and Ben Carson wrote to cable broadcaster CNBC, host of the October 28 showdown, to say they were displeased with an agenda recently sent to their campaign teams that explained the debate would last two hours plus four commercial breaks that would add 16 minutes to the format.

In another major change, candidates' opening and closing statements will not be included in the show.

Trump took to Twitter to blast the "ridiculous" format as a way for CNBC to sell more ads.

"Why is the GOP being asked to do a debate that is so much longer than the just-aired and very boring #DemDebate?"

In their letter published by NBC News -- NBC Universal owns CNBC -- Trump and Carson wrote that neither of the changes were acceptable.

"Neither Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will participate in your debate if it is longer than 120 minutes including commercials and does not include opening and closing statements."

Trump has dominated the broad Republican field. He leads with 23.4 percent, according to a RealClearPolitics poll average. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is second at 19.1 percent.

A boycott by Trump, the brash billionaire largely responsible for drawing record viewership to the Republican Party's first two debates, would spell trouble for CNBC -- and for the Republicans -- because it could risk driving away viewers.


Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 03:53 PM
They will probably change the format. They will not have this opportunity missed.

Black Diamond
10-16-2015, 03:57 PM
If MSLSD doesn't budge and the two candidates boycott, . what does it do their campaigns and/or polls?

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 03:58 PM
If MSLSD doesn't budge and the two candidates boycott, . what does it do their campaigns and/or polls?
I don't think the debate would go ahead if the two main men were not there. The ratings would be very low but I would not be surprised if they still pushed ahead for it and hoped for the best.

10-16-2015, 04:12 PM
CNBC wants the advertising dollars. It always comes down to money on TV. Well, mostly always.

Christie Brinkley
10-16-2015, 04:14 PM
CNBC wants the advertising dollars. It always comes down to money on TV. Well, mostly always.
They have gone too far and they are going to pay the price. Greedy s****.

10-16-2015, 04:18 PM
They will probably change the format. They will not have this opportunity missed.

I have little doubt that they will all find common ground. While I think the RNC would like to see Trump disappear, he also brings HUGE ratings to these debates, which is great for all of the candidates. The Dem debate was the largest in years the other night, and still fell 9 million short of the Republican debate.

Abbey Marie
10-16-2015, 04:36 PM
I just read that CNBC agreed to limit the debate to two total hours.

(reported by Allen West at allenbwest.com)

10-16-2015, 04:38 PM
I just read that CNBC agreed to limit the debate to two total hours.

We see what leaders Mr. Trump and Mr. Carson are!

Carson comes across as all mild and gentlemanly, but I bet he would get seriously fired up and serious when necessary.

Black Diamond
10-16-2015, 04:41 PM
We see what leaders Mr. Trump and Mr. Carson are!

Carson comes across as all mild and gentlemanly, but I bet he would get seriously fired up and serious when necessary.
I still want Carly.

10-16-2015, 04:47 PM
I just read that CNBC agreed to limit the debate to two total hours.

(reported by Allen West at allenbwest.com)

Whoa: CNBC issues INSTANT response to Trump and Carson’s debate demands

We reported yesterday of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Ben Carson’s demands that CNBC shorten the upcoming GOP debate. We cheered the active, powerful stance these two GOP candidates took with the liberal media — and suggested the rules may be changing, where liberal media doesn’t get to control our GOP debates.

Well, it appears CNBC got that memo — and quickly responded to Trump and Carson’s demands.

As The Hill reports:

Donald Trump said Friday that CNBC had agreed to his demands to limit its upcoming Republican debate to two hours.

.@CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!


10-16-2015, 07:24 PM
the funny thing about this whole thing is that MSNBC, the home of promoting socialist ideas as news and truth, is trying to use the Republican debate to capitalize very nicely. Even to cutting corners on the public interest info given on public policy... all just TO MAKE MO' CASH MONEY!

https://s15-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sodahead.com%2Ffun %2Fwho-pays-on-a-date%2Fquestion-2121101%2F%3Fpage%3D6&ua=TW96aWxsYS80LjAgKFdpbmRvd3M7IE1TSUUgNi4wOyBXaW5 kb3dzIE5UIDUuMCk&uadata=e36a1cac41b943dde126f7ee258d1e79&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi9.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa78 %2Fnursetpd%2FGeorgia%2FRicht_Make_It_Rain.gif&sp=bb33a6f0835e5836c35bf4dbd917a903&f=3a1f1780aac2be1ef762a4d75b3cda25.jpg

10-16-2015, 09:34 PM
the funny thing about this whole thing is that MSNBC, the home of promoting socialist ideas as news and truth, is trying to use the Republican debate to capitalize very nicely. Even to cutting corners on the public interest info given on public policy... all just TO MAKE MO' CASH MONEY!

https://s15-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sodahead.com%2Ffun %2Fwho-pays-on-a-date%2Fquestion-2121101%2F%3Fpage%3D6&ua=TW96aWxsYS80LjAgKFdpbmRvd3M7IE1TSUUgNi4wOyBXaW5 kb3dzIE5UIDUuMCk&uadata=e36a1cac41b943dde126f7ee258d1e79&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi9.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa78 %2Fnursetpd%2FGeorgia%2FRicht_Make_It_Rain.gif&sp=bb33a6f0835e5836c35bf4dbd917a903&f=3a1f1780aac2be1ef762a4d75b3cda25.jpg

Irony at its best!

Black Diamond
10-16-2015, 09:55 PM
If Carson and Trump don't go, what does that do for Carly?

10-17-2015, 01:47 AM
Washington (AFP) - Republican US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump and the candidate who is hot on his heels threatened to boycott their party's next televised debate over its "ridiculous" format.

Trump and Ben Carson wrote to cable broadcaster CNBC, host of the October 28 showdown, to say they were displeased with an agenda recently sent to their campaign teams that explained the debate would last two hours plus four commercial breaks that would add 16 minutes to the format.

In another major change, candidates' opening and closing statements will not be included in the show.

Trump took to Twitter to blast the "ridiculous" format as a way for CNBC to sell more ads.

"Why is the GOP being asked to do a debate that is so much longer than the just-aired and very boring #DemDebate?"

In their letter published by NBC News -- NBC Universal owns CNBC -- Trump and Carson wrote that neither of the changes were acceptable.

"Neither Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will participate in your debate if it is longer than 120 minutes including commercials and does not include opening and closing statements."

Trump has dominated the broad Republican field. He leads with 23.4 percent, according to a RealClearPolitics poll average. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is second at 19.1 percent.

A boycott by Trump, the brash billionaire largely responsible for drawing record viewership to the Republican Party's first two debates, would spell trouble for CNBC -- and for the Republicans -- because it could risk driving away viewers.


I wouldn't participate if I was Trump, period. He can afford his own airtime. Carson NEEDS the airtime. But I sure as Hell would look for something besides anything with "NBC" in the title.

I think the dems proved what I've been preaching the other night. Oh, let's let Billary off the hook for her using an unclassified server. How about NO? Crap, they went after Trump like he was Putin. Then let all these lefties play pattycakes and never address an actual issue except their same old stupid favorite .. gun control? They don't address issues. They address what's the latest crap the media has sensationalized. While giving a criminal a pass.

You want to talk about sheep? Hillary hasn't had to answer for a damned thing all the way back to Whitewater and nobody on the left has done sh*t. They just lemming up and vote "D". They don't even know what they're voting for.

Black Diamond
10-17-2015, 02:36 AM
I wouldn't participate if I was Trump, period. He can afford his own airtime. Carson NEEDS the airtime. But I sure as Hell would look for something besides anything with "NBC" in the title.

I think the dems proved what I've been preaching the other night. Oh, let's let Billary off the hook for her using an unclassified server. How about NO? Crap, they went after Trump like he was Putin. Then let all these lefties play pattycakes and never address an actual issue except their same old stupid favorite .. gun control? They don't address issues. They address what's the latest crap the media has sensationalized. While giving a criminal a pass.

You want to talk about sheep? Hillary hasn't had to answer for a damned thing all the way back to Whitewater and nobody on the left has done sh*t. They just lemming up and vote "D". They don't even know what they're voting for.

What are they voting for that they are unaware of?

10-17-2015, 06:10 AM
What are they voting for that they are unaware of?

You're thinking like YOU and giving people too much credit. I'm not a Republican fan by any means, but do you think these people that vote "D" are aware of anything? Look where we are NOW. Kicking Israel to the curb and making buddies with Iran and Cuba and backing off to Putin. Not sure which US YOU grew up n, but that ain't us.

Hillary Clinton is a damned criminal and they cheer her ass.

Sorry, but you CAN'T possibly be aware of jack when you're still willing to vote for THAT. But you can tell ME what they've actually done. They're harping on George Bush as I type. They just run on rhetoric and the sheeple lefties drone right along. Bush hasn't been in office since 08. Thwy pulled this same crap when he got elected. Nothing was Clinton's fault it was all Bush's.

And I'm like Jim on this one ... I can't stand stupid. How many times can you do the same wrong thing expecting a different result? The Dems don't have anything new. They're promising the same old crap they won't deliver on like they never have, and if you listen their actual message? They're running on nothing.